View Full Version : Pet Holiday Horror Stories!!!

11-22-2004, 03:53 PM
How's about telling your best Pet Holiday Horror Story???

MY all-time favorite is the Xmas my sister's dog ate the ham off the table.

The dog then goes behind the Xmas tree, that sits in a corner,
and throws up the dang thing.


No Xmas ham and the tree had to be pulled away from the wall and cleaned up.:eek: :rolleyes: :confused: :( :D

11-22-2004, 03:55 PM
Rb Jesse ate an entire bowl of chocolates On Christmas in 2001:eek: Luckily she didn't get sick at all and she was back to normal in about 10 minutes:)

11-22-2004, 04:12 PM
I don't really have one except a couple of years ago when I was on the phone, Speckles stole a partially eaten pork chop off my plate and was hiding behind the Christmas tree chomping on it. Other than that, not much happens around here.

11-22-2004, 04:25 PM
It's not really awful, but all I can think of off the top of my head.

Years ago, my parents had a beautiful Golden Retriever named MacDuff. Beautiful, yes, intelligent----not so much.
Anyway, we always do Thanksgiving dinner the Saturday after at my Grandmother's house. My stepmom makes incredible pies, so that's what she always brings. There were 5 or 6 pies lying around the kitchen (on counters and tables), and we were getting ready to go soon. MacDuff climbed up to the table and started licking the pecan pie:eek: :eek:
She had only made on pecan pie, and we all swore not to say anything, so off went the licked pie, to grandma's!!!!!

Wouldn't you know though, that as everyone was enjoying their desserts my brother or sister (can't remember who), very young at the time, yells out, "is this the pie that MacDuff licked?"
:D :D :D :D

One of my cousins about threw up, but everyone else just enjoyed their pie.

11-22-2004, 05:32 PM
Our first Christmas married and our R B Kipper - a very tiny new kitten decided she wanted a turkey leg!!!
So she climbed up the dinner trolley - pinched a HUGE turkey leg and sat in the hall eating this thing - to be discovered about 25 minutes later - still gnawing determindly on this ruddy turkey leg - it must have seemed like an ostrich leg to such a tiny fur baby!!
Don and I fell about laughing - my Mum and Dad panicked in case she got bone stuck in her throat - good grief, it would have taken 4 months for her to reach the blessed bone!! That tiny little furbaby slept for about 18 hours - with a HUGE tum!!
Ahhh memories!!


Killearn Kitties
11-22-2004, 05:38 PM
My in-laws have always had labradors (greedy devils - the dogs, not the in-laws). One year one of them found her way into the bedroom where the freshly iced Christmas cake was and licked half the icing off!

No pet has ever wrecked as much havoc as my brother in law, who one year popped a champagne cork at the table instead of easing it off. It flew up to the ceiling, broke the light fitting, and glass rained down in everyone's dinner!

11-22-2004, 05:44 PM
Well, a few years ago, I spent Boxing day at the vet after our cat ate a bunch of tinsel. Mystic needed major surgery to remove the ball of tinsel from his intestines. He survived and is 16 years old now. He lives with my sister and her family--she took him when she moved out.

Three years ago, I spent New Year's Eve helping my vet unblock Pete the cat. Pete picked that night to block for the first time. So while my husband was at home hosting our annual party, I was at the clinic with Pete! The vet couldn't find a tech to come in, so I stayed and helped out!

The dogs are usually pretty well behaved, it's the cats that cause holiday chaos!

11-22-2004, 06:04 PM
K'Cee's the worst about the tree! Need I remind anyone of this caper? lol
Operation Christmas Tree (2002) (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?threadid=18407&highlight=ornament)

My RB cat Tom left the tree alone but would UNWRAP all the presents! :eek: :D

Not a pet but...
My mom "lost" my (then 2 yr old) sister one time, only to find her hiding *IN* our tree. (Mom walked by and happened to catch a face peeking out at her... couldn't see her body - just her face! lol)

11-22-2004, 06:34 PM
My old dog, Jet jumped on the christmas tree and it fell down. All of the decorations broke!

11-22-2004, 06:40 PM
Josie ate like all our xmas decorations off our tree one year :rolleyes: There were mostly 'stuffed' things that my mom made.

11-23-2004, 12:49 AM
I'm blanking on Thanksgiving/Christmas disasters, but ages ago my uncle was home from Viet Nam in time to celebrate his birthday. I proudly made him a seven layer cake -- not the prettiest cake ever, but a creditable one, and a tasty one. At least my parent's German Shepherd though so. We found him atop the picnic table happily chowing down on at least three of the layers!

Cinder & Smoke
11-23-2004, 03:20 AM

Yearz Ago;
The Ranch was festooned each Christmas with a LIVE Evergreen tree -
balled trees that lived (SOME of em "lived") in the living room in
a huge rubber tub, then on the coldest day of January each year;
moved outside to a pre-dug permanent home in the yard...

Then Young KittyKat Fred was utterly *fascinated* with
them - and spent MANY Hours exploring every branch,
AND the burlap-wrapped root balls...

Took about 2 1/2 years to figure out WHAT the "strange odor"
was that began to permeate the howze at Xmas Tyme ... :confused:
HINT: It Wasn't that "fresh evergreen scent"!!

Dear Freddie Kat was caught "watering" the Tree one evening! :eek:
An elaborate, Kat-PROOF covering for the root ball was quickly created!

And just as a certain Grey & White New Messican Kitty discovered;
Fred enjoyed Orna Mentball Hockey...
every year a dozen or more Orna Mentballs went "missing"...
Only to be "found" at 3 AM weeks and MONTHS later ~
the source of the "strange, *clatter*, *klunk*, *clink* sounds
in the kitchen as said Kitten played hockey at Oh:dark:Thirty with
her stolen Orna Mentz! :mad:

And then there was Casey - my beloved (RB :( ) Shepherd.
She helped Fred Kat collect Orna Mentball Hockey PUCKS with her
over-active TAIL - between the Dog's Tail and the Kat's PAWz;
the Mentball population of the tree's lower branches became
thinner & thinner as the Chrissmiss Season progressed.

But Dear Casey had another Christmas "Talent"...
From PuppyHood she'd been trained to Un-Wrap her own presents ~
Dawggie Bisquits were placed in ALL her wrapped gifts and her stocking -
and she caught on at her First Christmas ~
Even if she didn't appreciate the "gift" - there was always a
tastie TREAT under that pretty paper & ribbon!
Four Pawz & a mouthfull of toofies could strip a package in seconds!
When Arrow, da *Watch Dawg* (also now RB :( ) arrived at da Ranch -
Casey "taught" him the UN-Wrap drill - and he was a FAST Learner!
Da Kat was also a participant -
her gifts had "Pounce" Treats and Kat-NIP under the Wraps.

About their third Christmas; we were having Family over...
Extra prezints were plentiful under the Tree on Christmas Eve in
anticipation of the Family Krowd on Christmas Day.

Included were MANY Packages for Casy & Arrow Dawgs and Fred, da Kat.
As was the Custom - THEIR Prezintz were "salted" wiff Dog and Kat Treats
under the wraps or in the boxes.

Santa & the Elf finished arranging da Loot under the Tree ...
Off to the BigBed - Hoomins, Two Dawgs, anna Kat.
Zzzzzzzzzz till Xmas Morn...

We missed the first *hint* of what was to soon be disovered ~
Da KAT was *stoned* beyond belief on the BigBed come morning!
And da Dawgz weren't too eager to get up -
I though I heard someone *BuRRp*!

"C'mone Guyz ~ Let's go see what SandiePawz brung ya!"
Out to the Living Room we go...

The room was a major **DISASTER**!!
There wasn't a SINGLE present that wasn't either completely UN-Wrapped
or hadn't at least been *inspected* by a Dawg or da Kat! :rolleyes:

They even pulled the STOCKINGS down off the mantle!
SHREDS of paper & ribbon covered the living & dining rooms!
ALL Dawg & Kat and Two-Legger /Hoomin prezzies were
De-Wrapped and De-Boxed and THOROUGHLY *inspected* for the
sought-after hidden *treats*...


Most of Christmas Day was spent cleaning, salvaging, and RE-Wrapping...

Kumpany Kame ...
Gifts were exchanged ...
*Puzzled Looks* were given ... ??

Seemed that more than a few gifts had received a bit of
"personalization" by da Santa'z Helpurz Kritterz...
a Toofie Mark here,
a Klaw Skratch there...

It was a Memorable :D Christmas ~
Family Members were bursting into laughter HOURS later!

RIP, Casey, Arrow, and Fred!
May all Three of you FurKids have another Wonderful Christmas
at the Rainbow Bridge! Dad *misses* :( Y'all!

/s/ Phred

11-23-2004, 08:09 AM
Ah, that would be the year I decided to make my dad a gingerbread house for Christmas. He had mentioned how much he loved gingerbread and wold love to have an old-fashioned gingerbread house.

I had off (by some stroke of luck) that year on Christmas Eve. Dad was working at Walmart to make some extra money, so I had all day to bake and create the bestest gift ever! I iced and iced and built an AWESOME gingerbread house. I had Necco Wafers as the shingled foor, Smarties as the cobblestone walk, fruitstripe gum as hutters... oh it was sooo pretty! I worked HARD on it. I put it on a nice sturdy piece of carboard so we could carry it around, and placed it on the diningroom table for him to see later.

Well, he never got to see it because Nicki decided to help herself to my house! Yup, she ate the whole back side of the house! Doggies like Gingerbread too! We ended up putting it in a deep bookcase, so you could see it from the front, but not the damage to the rear... and everyone would oooh and ahhh at my creation, then I would show them Nicki's helping paw.

Gotta love that girl - even back then she was a poor starving creature! :D

I am sitting here nearly in tears from laughing so hard!

11-23-2004, 09:27 AM
I have a vague childhood memory of my kitten running up the tree with airplane ears, ornaments flying all over the place. We had a glass star and she ran straight up to that and whacked it off and it broke. I found it quite entertaining though, it wasn't a disaster to me!

Not a pet, but Jaden was involved in a Christmas disaster once. He was about two years old, just beginning to walk around. It was my first year with a nice house, so I went all out on the Christmas Tree. It was tall with all sorts of beautiful ornaments. Well, I heard a crash and a muffled cry. I went out into the living room, and all I could see is his hands. He'd pulled the tree down on top of him. The tree water stained the carpets and the poor little guy was scared.

11-23-2004, 09:29 AM
Oh, one more! Not pet related, but funny. My mom isn't much of a cook, so she always made the bread rolls that come in a cardboard box. I think you put the box and all into the oven to warm them. (Or maybe that's just the stupid way my mom did it.) Well, one year, my mom forgot about them and we had a kitchen fire. :rolleyes:

smokey the elder
11-23-2004, 12:10 PM
This is a story one of my co-workers told me a few years ago.

She had two nawtee cats, Mouse and Rat. They were actually being very quiet on Thanksgiving evening, not pestering the guests as usual for "quality control" turkey samples. She went into the kitchen to fix up some tea, and there, sticking out the back of the turkey, was a striped tail!! Rat-cat, the culprit, took off with his brother, Mouse close behind.:D

11-23-2004, 05:20 PM
hmmmm... on christmas when I was walking up the stairs at my grandma's house, I tripped (like always:rolleyes:) but this time I just so happened to catch myself. Anyways, any other time this would have saved some crashing down steps but this time, there was more pain. Something (I have no clue what) was on the step that my hand was on, and cut my hand really deep. I bawled like a baby! :rolleyes: It was all bloody and disgusting!

11-24-2004, 12:44 AM
Oh Phred ....... I cannot write for laughing ..... :D

11-24-2004, 01:03 AM
Years ago at my Aunts house we lost (RB) Tonee. All of us were looking every where for her, under everything. But we were looking to low........... she was 'on' the dining room table eating the butter !!

Another year, same Aunts house, Tonee ate a nut cover cheese ball. Pulled it off a buffet and had her way with it.

One Thanksgiving at my house. We cleared the table and sat the turkey to cool on the counter. May parents and I are in the living room when we hear a big 'thud'. We all run to the kitchen to see Leroy (RB kitty) had pulled the turkey off the counter and he and Tonee were eating it.

Kelcee is much more polite than these two were. She just sits and waits for us to bring the food to her. !!!

Cinder & Smoke
12-12-2004, 01:51 PM
Originally posted by tomkatzid

Another year, same Aunts house,
Tonee ate a nut cover cheese ball.
Pulled it off a buffet and had her way with it.


What is it with KATs and Cheese Balls??? :confused:

Years Ago, My old Rainbow Gang ~
Fred, da Furst Kat, and Casey & Arrow, da Dawgs,
often worked as a Tag Team in the kitchen... :rolleyes:

Fred Kat had "observed" that the 2-Leggers were headed out for
a Holiday Gathurin - *WITH* goodies to share...
I'd just un-wrapped a large Hickory Farms CHEESE BALL, placed it
on a platter surrounded by crackers, and covered with
NON-Kat-proof plastic wrap - all sitting on the kitchen counter.

EXIT Dad to powder his nose and grab a coat...
ENTER da KAT with a leap to the counter;
*ZIPP* went the wrap with a deft Klaw-Slash...
<munch> <munch> <munch>...

The <munching> and odor of Cheese drew a Krowd -
Casey & Arrow offered to "help" da Kat!

All I heard was the :eek: *CRASH* as the platter hit the floor...
The "GANG" split da loot in seconds and scattered -
Da KAT flew past me (headed for the sanctuary of under the bigbed) with
a HUGE gob of Cheese Ball hanging from her mouth;
Casey was devouring HER hunk under the dining room table;
Arrow was finishin off HIS piece near the fireplace.

I was surveying the "ruins" of crackers littering the kitchen and
wondering "Where's the Cheese Ball" when both Dogs had the nerve to
return and begin "helping" to clean up the Cracker Mess!

By the time I fished da Kat out from under the bigbed,
she was "washing up" and removing cheese bits from her wiskers!


If memory serves, I stopped and bought some "mixed nuts" to take to the Gathurin.
But everyone enjoyed the Tail of the Missing Cheese Ball.

/s/ :rolleyes: Phred

12-12-2004, 02:01 PM
The first Christmas I had my cat Sassy she did pull a few lights out of the sockets. Everyday when I got home from work I had to pick up at least half of the ornaments she had took off of the tree. At first I put them back nice but by Christmas I was just throwing them back on the tree!
My pups have torn up a few ornaments each year, we'll see what happens this year! :D

12-13-2004, 04:57 PM
I have a "horror" story from Sunday night.

I went to a friends' Kids Christmas function, and got home at around 9:15, and as I walked in the door, got the words "don't greet Ruby" called out to me by my husband.
WHY, what did she do ..........

Apparently, Hubbie was sitting comfortably on the couch, watching TV, and heard some rustling noises. IGNORED THEM ..... then heard some more rustlng noises, and CRUNCHING ....
Got up to investigate and there was Madam Ruby, she opened a pressie under the tree that I received from a friend.
It was an extra large coffee mug that contained jelly beans ..... we have had such humidity here, and the jelly beans must have "melted" abit, creating a tempting smell for the Monster ...

Needless to say, he rescued the package and when I got home I had to remove half of the jelly beans because they were covered in doggy slobber ............. Ewwwwwwwwwwww :p

No more pressies under the tree ....... :D

12-13-2004, 07:54 PM
Great stories everyone!! Other than our 1/2 naked Christmas tree because of Oreo, the ornament thief, I really don't have any...

10-28-2009, 04:36 PM
Time to revisit holiday threads?:)

10-28-2009, 10:52 PM
OMGoodness - I forgot about this ............... hahahahahaha

I have a "horror" story from Sunday night.

I went to a friends' Kids Christmas function, and got home at around 9:15, and as I walked in the door, got the words "don't greet Ruby" called out to me by my husband.
WHY, what did she do ..........

Apparently, Hubbie was sitting comfortably on the couch, watching TV, and heard some rustling noises. IGNORED THEM ..... then heard some more rustlng noises, and CRUNCHING ....
Got up to investigate and there was Madam Ruby, she opened a pressie under the tree that I received from a friend.
It was an extra large coffee mug that contained jelly beans ..... we have had such humidity here, and the jelly beans must have "melted" abit, creating a tempting smell for the Monster ...

Needless to say, he rescued the package and when I got home I had to remove half of the jelly beans because they were covered in doggy slobber ............. Ewwwwwwwwwwww :p

No more pressies under the tree ....... :D

10-28-2009, 10:56 PM
Hahahaha these are great! We dont do presents under the tree either because Heidi tends to like to open them, even if they are in boxes and are just clothes. :rolleyes: One time at Christmas it was our job to bring the pies to the family function, well Heidi decided she wanted some of the pumpkin pie and ate a huge chunk out of it. Needless to say we ended up taking half a pumpkin pie to Christmas that year.:o

10-29-2009, 02:29 PM
It's not really awful, but all I can think of off the top of my head.

Years ago, my parents had a beautiful Golden Retriever named MacDuff. Beautiful, yes, intelligent----not so much.
Anyway, we always do Thanksgiving dinner the Saturday after at my Grandmother's house. My stepmom makes incredible pies, so that's what she always brings. There were 5 or 6 pies lying around the kitchen (on counters and tables), and we were getting ready to go soon. MacDuff climbed up to the table and started licking the pecan pie:eek: :eek:
She had only made on pecan pie, and we all swore not to say anything, so off went the licked pie, to grandma's!!!!!

Wouldn't you know though, that as everyone was enjoying their desserts my brother or sister (can't remember who), very young at the time, yells out, "is this the pie that MacDuff licked?"
:D :D :D :D

One of my cousins about threw up, but everyone else just enjoyed their pie.

I love that story!

10-30-2009, 12:51 PM
A classical Christmas cake in Germany is called "Stollen" and it is made from yeast dough with lots of butter, raisins and other dry fruit. So my granny was baking one and put it in the spare room to get cold. As we found out later the door must not have been closed properly because our first dachshund, Amsel (that means blackbird ;)) went in and ate all that warm yeast cake, about 2 lb of it!!! Her belly dragged on the floor and for an evening we thought she would explode- but she didn't.
When she was younger she even figured out how to get on a table- if a chair was close by ;)

10-30-2009, 04:39 PM
Years ago when I had my first Lhasa, she was just a 6 month old pup at Christmas time. Of course what pup doesn't like to get into things and chew them up. Her fur was mostly white at that tender age too.

I had a basket that was a holiday decoration on the fireplace hearth, and it was filled with artificial greens, pine cones, and fake apples. I guess the apples sparked her interest, since she decided to chew one up. They were styrofoam with a shiny red coating. White dog meets and chews red coated apple - I now have a pink dog! :( She was pink all around her mouth, all down her chest and both front legs. :eek: No harm came to her - she didn't actually eat it - just chewed on it some. No way I could get mad at her tho, since we all got a good laugh at her expense. :D

10-30-2009, 05:35 PM
One Christmas my parents and I were at my aunt's place for the holidays. We had 2 dogs, and they had one. We all went out for lunch one afternoon and when we got home we walked in the house to see wrapping paper strewn all over the living room! Somehow, these three dogs had worked together to move all the non-edible gifts and dig out 3 or 4 packages (that were purposely stashed really deep under the tree and taped up really well so that they wouldn't be able to sniff them out) of Turtles! There were 2 boxes and one bucket of individually wrapped ones, and the three of them ate every last one! Luckily, Turtles are mostly caramel and pecans with a thin coating of milk chocolate. We called the vet who recommended we just watch them. None of them even threw up - but they did poop Turtles wrappers for a couple days!!!! :D

10-30-2009, 09:02 PM
OMD, these are hilarious. Thanks for bumping this up Richard.

The only one I can think of is back in 1985 I was living with then-BF and renting his sister's house. That year we had adopted two kitties (Casper & OJ) who were siblings - I think come Christmas they were both about 8 months old. That was year I discovered (as most of you have) not to put tinsel on a tree.

Needless to say a couple of days after decorating the tree, I had to pull a piece of tinsel out of Casper's arse.:eek::D

10-31-2009, 10:38 AM
Oops - how could I have forgotten about "Loopy Kitty"???:confused:

I had 3 Meezers, and RB Ming was the goof, trouble maker, smarty, etc of the trio.

One Christmas, we had a get together here at the house with family and friends. I had made eggnog from scratch, complete with probably double the alcohol that I should have put in it. Anyway - party is underway - people sitting on the furniture and on floor pillows - and having a good time and not paying attention to what good old Ming was up to. I was sitting on the floor, and I had put my cup of eggnog on the floor beside me. A few minutes later I pick it up to have a sip - and it's nearly empty - and I know I put a full cup down. Took me a minute to realize what happened, but it hit me when I saw Ming staggering across the room in search of a place to flop and sleep it off! It was comical to watch him, yet I was worried at the same time that it would harm him. All ended well - he slept for a good long time and had no ill effects. He was a tough cookie, that one was! He's the one that would slurp tinsel off the tree like it was spaghetti and pass it without a problem. I first became aware that he was doing this when I saw it dragging from his back end! :eek: That was the last year I ever used tinsel. :p The old guy lived on to the ripe old age of 20 - that little Loopy Lush!!!:D