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11-22-2004, 03:18 PM
Ok. He isn't totally huge yet but I had him at the vet on Friday because of a throwing up jag he had. I wanted to make sure that he hasn't eaten something he shouldn't have eaten. He didn't and 55 dollars later all is fine.

However, I didn't realize what a short time I have had him. I asked our vet when I first brought him in and it was the end of August. We estimated his birthdate to be around July 1st due to his size. Now with his permanent teeth developement we can tell we were right on the money.

So Trouble my little bratty monster cat is only a little over 4.5 months old. Doesn't sound so bad yet right????? Well he weighed in on Friday at just OVER 6.5 pounds!!!!! He isn't even halfway out of kittenhood and he is OVER 6.5 pounds!!! I noticed he was taller than my Katiebug....and almost as tall as Deirdre...but I was thinking in my head that he was over 6 months.,.....not only 4.5 months! Now I feel bad for having him neutered already....*L* I thought he was older and my vet was comfortable neutering him at 5 pounds....*LOL* So my little baby was neutered at only 4 months of age. Of course he isn't leaping on the girls backs and grabbing the scruffs of their necks so much either...so perhaps he was just developing early.

I will have to post some pics of him in comparison to the other cats. He just doesn't stand still for long.

But 4.5 months and over 6.5 pounds. :eek: :eek: :eek:

11-22-2004, 03:22 PM
Originally posted by Denyce

But 4.5 months and over 6.5 pounds. :eek: :eek: :eek:

He'd weight a few tenths more if had been given the chance to blossom into the man I knew he'd be.....:eek: :( ;)

11-22-2004, 04:44 PM
How about a 7 month old kitten at almost 15 pounds ????? That's what I have LOL ... I am working hard trying to get her weight under control - she was fine until about 5 months and then she GREW and GREW and GREW overnight! We got another kitten for her to play with 2 weeks ago and they do run all over, so hopefully in a month's time plus her reduced feedings will help. Food for thought ..

11-22-2004, 04:50 PM
Harry can do one pound better! We estimate his birthdate around July 10, and I weighed him last night... a heafty 7.5 pounds! :eek: Looks like I'll have another 20 pounder like Allen :cool:

I must have missed the whole thread where you had gotten a kitten.

11-22-2004, 08:02 PM
Oh Trouble isn't fat. He is about as skinny as can be. He hardly slows down to eat! And yes Catnapper you have him beat there! *L*

We found him on the side of 322 at the end of August. He was just lying there in meatloaf position while traffic whizzed by at 70 miles per hour. I waited until traffic was clear and then called to him. He ran across the highway towards me just yelling his little heart out. We took him to the vet and had him checked over and tested and he didn't even have a flea. Not a worm, ear mite or any other parasite. He was around 8 weeks old at the time.

The circumstances have me very suspicious that he wasn't an accidental breeding kitten. Someone bred this cat in their home with a well taken care of momma kitty and then dumped him off for whatever reasons. Could be because of his biting. Or perhaps he is just a cast off from some breeder. I just don't know. I just have never seen a stray or barn cat kitten that didn't have SOME type of parasite before. I think he looks a tad like a Bengal/tabby cross. My vet thinks an Ocicat/tabby cross. I really don't think he is a purebred anything. I will have to get a newer pic of him posted but right now our memory card is full and we want to get the pics on a DVD if we can. But here is one of his earlier pics....but it doesn't show his incredibly spotting down his sides.



Actually you can see a little of his spotting....it is just getting more pronounced and he is looking more regal as he gets older. This is him with Deirdre who is about 10 pounds...at the time this was taken he was only about 3 pounds or so.


11-22-2004, 08:04 PM
Richard you are just too funny....:D :D :D

To be honest....*L* I had a hard time having him neutered..and I am a HUGE proponant of spaying/neutering. This is really the first male pet I have owned...and I was finding I had all these weird feelings about having his "maleness" taken away. But then I watched him tormenting the girls and it got sooo much easier....*LOL*


11-22-2004, 08:36 PM
He is soooo handsome! I love his spots!

11-23-2004, 09:00 AM
I dont think,thta there ia a problem,as your Friend,might be a Big Breed,of Cat,or have had Large Parents,Moose is 23 Pounds,and JJJ3,is about 18,and they are fine!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-23-2004, 10:11 AM
Yep, sounds like he's really going to be a big one! Gotta love those big guys, especially when they look like Trouble! :D

Edwina's Secretary
11-23-2004, 11:13 AM
Just that much more to love!

11-23-2004, 11:18 AM
ooooh, fun! I love big kitties!! There's something so beautiful about a larger cat. They walk more like a lion...

Don't worry, 4 months isn't too young to be neutered. Most vets recommend doing it between 4 and 6 months. :)