View Full Version : The Salvage Yard

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-22-2004, 01:00 PM
We were looking for an old jalopy, so we went to the salvage yard to see what we could find.

Came across this old model.

Checked him out close up.

And checked him out from all sides.


Decided that even though he needed a little work, he had a good frame and was basically healthy, so we took him. Had to wake up the secretary to pay for him,

Took him home to what we call “the sick bay.”
(This is our foyer. Good thing we don’t have too much company!)

Every morning we put him in one of the “repair bays” and work on him a bit.

(attached this since it shows a needle in Tubby and some people might be “sensitive”)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-22-2004, 01:02 PM
So here is our work in progress. He’s looking better and better everyday.

Still needs some work, but he’s coming along just fine.

Turns out the secretary wanted to come home with us too, so we turned her into a nurse instead.

She worked so hard that she decided to take another nap. I think we got a good jalopy in the black one, but this secretary/nurse I’m not so sure about with all these naps she takes.

11-22-2004, 01:04 PM
What a fabulous old model! Thats no jalopy... they just don't make 'em like that anymore!

Kisses to you sweet Tubby. Glad to hear that you're feeling better already.

11-22-2004, 01:04 PM
Kind of like "Overhaulin" or "Pimp My Ride" for kitties???;)

11-22-2004, 01:07 PM
Aww Tubby, you look like you feel SOSOSO much better!!! *smiling from ear to ear* And your secretary/nurse is looking oh so cute as well. I am sure with all of the attention you are getting from your meowmie/daddy and Peanut, you will be as good as new SOON! I will keep praying for you, and have your meowmie give you a tiny kiss from me;) WE LOVE YOU TUBBY!!! GET WELL SOON!!!:D

11-22-2004, 01:10 PM
Boy I would take an old jalopy like that any day.:D

Tubby, looking good there fella. Prayers still on the way that you continue to do so.

What great pictures and captions.:D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-22-2004, 01:12 PM
Oh drat, for some reason the attached picture of the old jalopy being worked on didn't attach. So here it is. It's not that bad, but open at your own risk if your "sensitive."

11-22-2004, 01:20 PM
Oh Debbie...I can relate. I just love the older models and the "fixer-uppers". When the work is all done and they are happy and running fine, it's so satisfying.:D

Kisses to you Tubby and scritches to you Peanut.

11-22-2004, 01:27 PM
Aww Tubby, I know it hurts when your meowmie has to work on you, but I am sure you are on your best behavior, knowing that meowmie loves you enough to do that for you. Kisses to your boo boo spot. Get better soon TuBBY!;)

11-22-2004, 01:32 PM
I think it's not a jalopy, it's a vintage model in a quality you seldom see.

So happy you found a good mechanic;)

Seriously: he looks great and his nurse is adorable:)

11-22-2004, 01:52 PM
It’s pretty obvious, that Tubby is feeling better & I know why!

With the assistance of such a nurse, bearing those eyes is hard for him not to feel any better:D

Hehe! Good one Debbie. Thanks!

11-22-2004, 01:59 PM
Oh Debbie, boy those old jalopies just hte best!!!!! ;)

Tubby looks like you have a wonderful nurse in Peanut and are you ever lucky to have a meowmie and paw-paw who love you sooo much.

Debbie please give Tubby a nice chin rub for me.

Edwina's Secretary
11-22-2004, 02:01 PM
I can't believe how good he looks! Not a day over 10! A cute nurse always helps...:D

11-22-2004, 02:15 PM
That's not an old jalopy, that's a "Classic" model in mint condition!:)
Those are worth a lot these days! Priceless even!;)
I wonder where I can find one like that.
Oh yeah, that's right, I already have one of my own.
She's a different make and model with less miles on her but a Classic for sure.:)

I'm glad that you still have your sense of humor after all you and Tubby have been through lately.:)

11-22-2004, 02:22 PM
Ok Debbie I wanna know which salvage yard you're shopping at because I want to grab me an old jelopy myself.

Cinder & Smoke
11-22-2004, 03:21 PM

The Vintage Classic sez:

"Careful, Hoomin ~
Yur *pushin* my gud nature wiff dat "clicker box"!!

Next you'll be wantin ta *buff* my paint!
An I culd sure do wiffout dat "hose" toppin off my "fluidz"! :p

Keep *SMILIN*, Tubby!!


11-22-2004, 05:22 PM
Tubby you dear guy you, you look MAHVELOUS! You don't even seem to mind being juiced up with that big old needle. :eek: What a doting staff you have at your beck and call...keep up the good work Tubster! :D

11-22-2004, 05:26 PM
AW, look how nice he lays their for his fill-up! You know, you can't beat those older models for reliability! :D

11-22-2004, 05:58 PM

Whatever can you be thinking of Madam Debbie???

If you mean that wonderful Classic Tubster - I'll garage him any day!!! ROFLMAO!!

So pleased to see these photos Debbie - and I'll bet your so pleased to get all available help from Nurse Peanut.

{{{Hugs}}}}} - - - scritchies and nose kissies xxxxxx across the miles. Tubby gets the hugs, and you get the nose scritchies...........No...............If Peanut gets the scritchies.............life's too short. I'll leave you to sort 'em out good Debbie!!!! :D :D :D


11-22-2004, 06:04 PM
You got THAT at a salvage yard!!!???? What a DEAL!!!!
That is a CLASSIC, a ONE-OF-A-KIND .... Man, some people have all the luck!!!:eek: :D

11-22-2004, 09:54 PM
Tubby is a BIG boy for 18 years old! How much does he weigh now? He reminds me so much of my dear Blackie. Tubby looks very good though.:)

11-23-2004, 12:52 AM
Tubby you are a good lookin boy!!!! Our kelcee is undergoing alot of the same work as you.....hang in there big guy

tom and katz

Maya & Inka's mommy
11-23-2004, 02:13 AM
LOL!!! These are both great cats, not oldies at all ;) :)

11-23-2004, 08:51 AM
That is an American Classic,and after he has had a overhaul,his engine,will be purring,like a Kitten! Bless you,for giving him a Gotcha Day!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-23-2004, 09:56 AM
Originally posted by lisalee
How much does he weigh now?

Last Saturday he was 13.5 lbs, but I think with all these fluids I'm pumping into him, he's gotta be up to 14 lbs by now! ;)

Work continues on the old jalopy. Got a few rumbles last night and thought the engine would start purring away, but not quite yet I guess. Oh, and the front bumper is still on back order too. ;) :D

Thanks everybody. He does look good, and I'm sure that's part of the reason the vet thought he was salvagable. Hopefully he'll continue looking good for a long long time. And once I buff up that paint job, he'll look better than new! :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-26-2004, 10:03 AM
Well, we finally got the ol' jalopy's engine running this morning! Little bit of a rough start, but once it got going it just purred like a cat. ;) I think we may have gotten the exhaust unplugged, which prompted the engine to run. Makes sense because everyone knows an engine can't run if the exhaust is plugged. So all we're waiting for now is for the front bumper to come in. ;) Oh, and it appears the tires are rolling better now too since the exhaust was unplugged in the basement. So, things are moving along nicely. :D

(Interpretation for those who don't understand "car talk." Tubby purred for me this morning. I think he pooped yesterday which means things are finally starting to work the way they should - in & out. I think he's feeling even better now because it's starting to come out the other end instead of just going in. And the only thing I'm waiting for now is the head bumpies. And the tires rolling better means he's getting around better because he pooped in the downstairs litterbox instead of the one we have in the foyer. And yes, Phred, we're starting to think he's milking it because why did all the progress happen when we weren't home?)

:D :D :D

11-26-2004, 10:24 AM
:D :D :D
Oh, Debbie I am so happy to hear such good news about your gorgeous Tubby man!! Sending lots of kisses and scritches for the dear boy and lots to share with beautiful Princess Peanut too.

11-26-2004, 10:28 AM
This is VERY GOOD NEWS!!! :D

I'm so glad he's on the mend. I have to commend this little man...he just lies there for his fluids?? What a good boy!!

Yay, Tubby! You keep on getting better, sweet boy. :)

11-26-2004, 10:36 AM
I'm glad you checked in Debbie and so happy to hear the news. Yes, Mr. Tubs could just be "milking it", smart guy. Why get up and move when Meowmie will pick me up and carry me. :rolleyes:
So glad the back end is working now. Nothing worse than plugged exhaust.

Smooches to you Tubby and kisses to you Peanut.

much love
Auntie Slick

11-26-2004, 10:53 AM
I like the news and I like the way you write it! It gave me a good laugh and you wouldn't have written that style if he wasn't really feeling better:D

Scritchies to our black vintage Porsche;)

Edwina's Secretary
11-26-2004, 12:37 PM
I knew you'd get that jalopy in purrfect shape before long! Don't forget to lube the chassis!

11-26-2004, 12:53 PM
Debbie, this is wonderful news!!!!:D

11-26-2004, 04:53 PM
Debbie, I am so happy to hear of Tubby's improvement! Purring is GRRRRRREAT!!!! :D :D :D We love you Tubster!!!! Now, you give your most wonderful nurse / meowmmy some HEAD BUMPIES!!!;)

11-26-2004, 05:05 PM
Just the news we've been waiting for Tubster!! Great going furboy. Makes a world of difference when the exhaust is unplugged eh? ROFL!!!

Great big smoochies to a special furry who's stolen my heart xxxxxxxx

Wonderful news Debbie {{{Hugs}}}}


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-26-2004, 07:30 PM
Thanks so much everybody. Happy to report the front bumper came in today too, and has been successfully installed, and the wheels are rolling even better than before. AND the gas guzzling has started again now that the engine is running right again!

(translation, got head bumpies today and Tubby even got up and came to greet me when we got home today and was up and about all over the place, even wanted to go out in the garage, but we thought it was too cold out for him. AND he came into the kitchen to beg when I was reheating some turkey.)

11-26-2004, 07:39 PM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
and the wheels are rolling even better than before.


The transmission is working!!!!!:)

11-26-2004, 07:41 PM
That's wonderful to hear that Tubby is feeling so much better!! You must be so happy. :D

Cinder & Smoke
11-26-2004, 10:44 PM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom

...And yes, Phred, we're starting to think he's milking it
because why did all the progress happen
when we weren't home?)

It takes a lot of work to "mope" effectively!
Why waste the effort when there's no audience!?

I understand that the Tubster DOES have a true medical problem,
and do NOT wish to minimize the seriousness of it nor
your parental concerns...

But *enjoy* this RE-peat of Shadow's (RB :( Shepherd/Husky) old
Toe Tail and her determination to milk it to the MAX ...

Be "sympathetic" - but don't "overdo it" like I did (with
a LOT of help from my friends)...

Years ago my (RB :( ) Shepherd/Husky - Shadow - managed to
BREAK the outside toe on her back foot - and was "wrapped" from her
toes up to her knee for about a month.
Doc said it would "hurt" for a while, and she'd "favor it" -
which would hasten the healing...

"FAVOR it"!!?? :rolleyes:
You'd have thought they cut the whole LEG OFF!

I swear the ONLY time that paw touched the ground was when she
had been outfitted with a protective "baggie" to go outside for a walk
or potty trip... SOMEHOW it didn't "hurt" so much when there
was no one around to exclaim "Oh you POOR Baby!"

She VERY Quickly learned that the more she *hobbled* & *limped* -
the More Attention and Sympathy she got...
"WE" created a *monster*!

Suddenly she couldn't *jump* into the car ~
"Dad, I need a *boost up*, please."

After a week of *practicing the hobble & limp* ~
she decided she just couldn't manage to *hop* up the stairs from
the basement and garage to the first floor ~
"Dad, kuld you *carry* me up??"

I did that ONCE - but she *blew it* a hour later after I "bagged her up"
for an outie - and watched her TROTT AROUND on ALL Fours for an
hour when she thought I wasn't watching...
Called her in and she suddenly couldn't manage the three front steps!

I smelled a rat!
It was dinner time - called her again to come in...
*WHINE* ... *WHIMPER* ... :(

(Dinner was "served" on the front porch -
with me "peeking" out the window...)
I'd hardly closed the front door before she had her head burried
in the moments before "unreachable bowl"!

Hmmmmm... I bagan to taper off on the "POOR Baby" routine.

But alas;
my "Friends" continued to lavish gobs of *sympathy* on "Poor Shadow" -
and no amount of my telling them that she REALLY wasn't "hurting"
had any effect towards reducing the *sympathetic
support* she enjoyed.

LONG after (MONTHS after) the "wrapper" came off,
and the Doc pronounced her FULLY Healed...
she finally "gave up" on trying to use the *hobble* & *limp*
routine with ME ~ but
EVERY Time we'd visit the Fire Station or a customer would come into
the Shop ~
Poor ol' Shadow would suffer a sudden "relapse" of
"WOE iz me - my paw'z jest KILLIN me!" and
begin the *hobble* & *limp* routine, basking in the outpouring
of fresh *sympathy*! :rolleyes:

The only "flaw" in her routine was her downfall -
she began to forget WHICH paw was the SORE Paw! :D
Friends would *notice* and began asking me:
"Which paw did she hurt??"
The correct answer was RIGHT - REAR...

"Uhhhh... she just "LIMPED" over to me holding up her LEFT Rear leg!"

It got SOOOO Bad she was often observed to try a few "limps" with
EACH of all FOUR legs being "tried out" to see if ANY of them
would generate a "POOR Baby" response. :p

Moral of the Story -
Be *sympathetic* - but don't *overdo it* -
you don't want to create another "Monster"!

Rest In Peace, Dear Shadow -
Dad really *misses* :( you!!

And Tubby ~
YOU get Better QUICK!!

/s/ Phred

Cinder & Smoke
11-26-2004, 10:53 PM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom

Happy to report the front bumper came in today too,
and has been successfully installed, ...
AND the gas guzzling has started
now that the engine is running right again!

Well, :rolleyes: ,
so much for the "milk" routine!

Glad the rebuild has been such a success!!