View Full Version : Lizzie & Robbie - size difference

11-22-2004, 11:18 AM
I have been trying to get the babies together in a good picture to show their size differences and I think these are pretty good!
Here they are doing their regular suckling before a nap. Lizzie is fine boned and delicate. Her head is very tiny. Robbie is like a moose! His head and chest is broad and he feels very sturdy and strong when you pick him up.
I will try to get one of them looking at the camera because the head size is also amazingly different:eek: Lizzie is so girly-girl in her actions, too. Robbie is more like a bull in a china shop:D

I wish you could hear the purring choir that is now in session with these two as they suckle themselves into a stupor!!!

11-22-2004, 11:38 AM
Wow they've grown up soooo fast Deb. They just keep getting cutier everytime we see them.

11-22-2004, 11:38 AM
Awww, look at them!!!:D I can see the size difference. I still think Robbie is going to be a fairly big boy.

There differences are very much like R&R's differences. Rocky has a huge head and face with big ears but his body is very long and lean almost to the point of being lanky. Rumor's head is small with a tiny little face and her body is short and round (very round). They features are so different that most people who see them now a days don't think they are siblings.

Do Lizzie and Robbie have very different playing styles??? R&R do. He's a 'bring it here to me' kind of player and she's a go and get it kind of player. One thing they both do is carry things around in their mouths, especially Rumor.

Killearn Kitties
11-22-2004, 11:40 AM
I wish I could hear the purring choir too! They are gorgeous, but I think I would need to hold them in purrson, to fully appreciate the difference in physique! ;)

11-22-2004, 11:48 AM
Originally posted by jazzcat

Do Lizzie and Robbie have very different playing styles???
Well, their personalities are VERY different. Robbie is much more polite and sweet. Lizzie has a hard head and is not a very quick study. Very stubborn and keeps getting into the same trouble over and over. Robbie is much more affectionate. Robbie plays rough and tough and Lizzie squeals like someone is killing her if she does not get her way:rolleyes: She is also the instigator of trouble but Robbie is an eager follower.

11-22-2004, 12:15 PM
Awww... they are just too sweet. I wonder if they'll always suckle.

My two are like that too... I weighed Harry last night -7.5 pounds! :eek: She is a good 2 or 3 pounds lighter. Its funny to watch them together with her delicate ways and his hulking ways. Gotta love having a brother and sister!

11-22-2004, 12:18 PM
Ahhhh!!! Lizzie is tiny in comparison! I have a calico that stays with my parents . . . she was always really tiny . . . reminded me of her!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-22-2004, 12:43 PM
Awww...what sweet pics. :D

I'm so glad you got a little girl, Debbie. I think it's just fascinating to observe the differences between male and female. It's the same with T & P. Peanut is delicate and dainty, whereas Tubby is like Robbie, a bull in a china shop. However, Peanut is my little polite one and Tubby's the hard headed one who insists on doing wrong even though he's knows it's wrong (or at least, he used to be this way ;) ).

The difference in the sexes never ceases to amaze me, and it's so fun to observe. :D

11-22-2004, 12:45 PM
Well precious little Lizzie is a Princess and Robbie is her masculine Knight in shiny armor.

Wow they grow up fast, don't they.

Such adorable pictures of them suckling and purring together.
Cuteness overload.

11-22-2004, 08:26 PM
"Nursing party of two, your carpet condom is ready"...(as heard over the loudspeaker) LOL! Too funny Deb! What a pair of cuties you got...and I can't get over how fast they're growing! Ahhh, I wish that kittens stayed little for longer than a few weeks. :)

11-23-2004, 06:34 AM
They are both just too cute! It must be so fun to have 2 kittens in the house:)

11-23-2004, 08:41 AM
It is so pleasing,to be able,to see Lizzie,and Robbie grow up,befoere our eyes.Maybe Lizzie,will be like Precious,and Diane,both petite,weighing 7 pounds,and they are both over 8 years old! Eternal Kittens!

11-23-2004, 10:25 AM

They sound like my Phoebe and Samson. Total body and personality opposites. :)

I love, love, love Lizzie. If you ever need someone to steal her from you, keep me in mind? ;)

Please give those lovely babies kisses from me.

11-23-2004, 12:04 PM
how adorable!! :)

11-23-2004, 06:18 PM
Jim and Kim are sibings as well, and he is about 11 pounds and she is 7.

Those babies are so precious. :D:D