View Full Version : I'm not sure what to do?? Can someone help me?

11-22-2004, 10:59 AM
There is a certain person that is mad at me. Now they are making up a bunch of vicous lies about me. She won't stop! I have told her to stop it but she just won't listen. I'm so sick of it. She was even emailing me and kept bothering me. I finally blocked her email address.

She is saying that I said stuff that I never said. It is really starting to bother me. I almost feel like crying.:( Maybe it should not bother me. But I'm such a big baby sometimes. She is really making me look bad. Now she has two little buddies calling me names too.

I really feel sick to my stomach right now over this.:mad:

Does anyone know what I can do?

11-22-2004, 11:03 AM
The only thing you can to with people like that is to live your life in such a way that other people would never believe the untruths she's spreading around.

I'm sorry she's harrassing you like that. Some people are just really mean and very unhappy with their own lives. People like that tend to do anything to get the stress of their own lives away for a moment.

Take care. We're here if you want to vent. :)

11-22-2004, 11:19 AM
I sent you a PM, check there! ;)

11-22-2004, 11:34 AM
Oh Tina hunny....~big hugs~ I'm sooo sorry people are being mean to a sweetie like you. All I can tell is just to ignore them. As long as they see it bothers you they'll just keep doing it. Those who truely know will see through her vicious lies, and if they don't then they weren't true friends to begin with.

11-22-2004, 12:06 PM
Thanks! I will just try to ignore her best that I can for now. I did tell her I am sorry for making her mad. I'm not sure if she will stop or not.

11-22-2004, 12:09 PM
I think you’ve already done all you can do, Tina. I’m sorry she’s lashing out like she is. :(

11-22-2004, 12:28 PM
I cannot understand:confused:

In your second posting you said that you excused yourself with her, so ok you admitted a mistake that you've done (hope it’s not one of those mistakes that is irreparable!) But anyway, you made you apologies and that's it.

Now if she’s doing her best to get at you the only thing to do is ignore her and her actions. If you ask her to stop again she knows that what she’s doing to you is actually working (since you want it finished).

So please do not let people put you down. I can understand better now the need of the other thread. Just be yourself and cut her out. Might seem difficult but it works because they will stop the moment they feel ignored.

Good luck and take care!


11-22-2004, 12:35 PM
I did nothing wrong at all.:( I did not do anything that she said I did. I just told her I was sorry for making her mad is all. I was just trying to be nice. :)

11-22-2004, 12:50 PM
Oh so sorry dear. I misunderstood!

You know, unfortunately sometimes a sorry can mean weakness and you should never (or nearly) say sorry when you have done nothing wrong. People take advantage of you just because you’re too nice and believe me I can say that from experience it hurts. Be careful to whom you show your true self or else you have to be tough. Just don’t show all your aces if you know what I mean! Life is hard honey so be careful and never show your sensitive side if you can, cause people walk all over you I guarantee. This is a ‘defect’ I have and have to live with it. One day or another even your best friend will take advantage and that hurts badly.

I hope I wasn’t too negative. I apologise again for assuming.

Take care!


11-22-2004, 01:08 PM
Tina, I don't have a CLUE as to what is going on.... but I just wanted to give you this....


11-22-2004, 01:13 PM
Thanks for the hug!:)

And thankyou everyone for your replies.:)

I really do not want to say anything else right now.:(