View Full Version : A Magoo story

11-20-2004, 08:57 PM
I forgot to tell you guys about last night with Magoo and my niece and nephew. I told you all how he has become the social butterfly and wants in on every family occasion. Well I had the kids (ages 4 and 6) last night. They are really good kids and are fascinated by Magoo. My brother (their father) calls Magoo our cave kitty since he has no eyes (yes, my brother is nuts!) Anyway the kids call Magoo the "Cave Kitty" and just love to play with him. Of course I am a nervous wreck but things seem to be going very well with Magoo and visitors. I give the kids strict instructions on how to play with him because he does play bite. They love him and he seems to love them too. He follows them every where!
Anyway, when their parents came to pick them up I noticed Rachel playing with Magoo. I caught this picture of her touching where his eye should be. It's one of those things that you just have to do!
Isn't this cute!

He didn't mind at all and actually followed her to the door and I think he missed them when they left. Who would have ever thought Magoo would have been a good kids pet?

11-20-2004, 09:06 PM
Magoo's whole life is one big "who would-a thought"!!!! :D :D

11-20-2004, 09:08 PM
Originally posted by kimlovescats
Magoo's whole life is one big "who would-a thought"!!!! :D :D

Ain't that the truth!!! Who would have thought it huh?;) :D :D

He's full of surprises!

11-20-2004, 09:49 PM
I bet you're just bursting with pride over that boy! Would she have been able to do that to him a few months ago? nope! Amazing what love of a good person can do!

11-20-2004, 09:53 PM
You have given this sweet boy a chance when no one else would have! I love Magoo and I love hearing how far along he has come!!!

Yay Magoo and yay for you for being such a kind person. Heaven has a special place for people like you :D

11-20-2004, 10:07 PM
I wonder how Magoo would do if he visited schools. Wouldn't that be a wonderful lesson for kids to learn about disabilities. I'm not sure if he could take that much in an unfamiliar place but then again I didn't think he could do a lot of things that he seems to be able to do!

11-20-2004, 10:11 PM
Originally posted by catcrazylady
I wonder how Magoo would do if he visited schools. Wouldn't that be a wonderful lesson for kids to learn about disabilities. I'm not sure if he could take that much in an unfamiliar place but then again I didn't think he could do a lot of things that he seems to be able to do!

I think thats a great idea! Id definitly start out slow in training him for it though. But he would teach kids an awful lot about disabilities!

11-20-2004, 10:22 PM
Awww Magoo!! Who would have thought you'd be so tolerant only a few months ago! It is amazing! Your niece looks completely at ease with him which shows he has not been play biting TOO hard! Right? I am sending you a pm re: magoo!

Prairie Purrs
11-20-2004, 10:31 PM
Magoo would make a great hero for a children's book, wouldn't he? "Magoo the Miracle Cat." :D

11-21-2004, 07:02 AM
Debbie you are so right about not having time to do such a thing. I think I was just thinking out loud or possibly not thinking at all!!:p I don't know that something like that would be good for Magoo and he certainly comes first.

Cats in Denver,
That book idea has been suggested before. I might have to look into something like that after we settle down from the holidays.

Magoo play bites pretty hard! He doesn't break my skin anymore but it would be too hard for a child.

11-21-2004, 07:30 AM
What a wonderful picture! :) I'm sure Magoo can sense your niece is a little child. It's great that he has come this far - thanks to you! :) Like everyone else says; who would have thought this possible just a few months ago.

Magoo, how about a calender of you for the whole year!! :D

Kisses, purrs and headbumpies from us.

K & L
11-21-2004, 08:04 AM
This is precious! It never ceases to amaze me how these cats will conform. I'm so happy to hear and see how well the precious guy is doing.

11-21-2004, 09:12 AM
Quoted from above: I wonder how Magoo would do if he visited schools. Wouldn't that be a wonderful lesson for kids to learn about disabilities. I'm not sure if he could take that much in an unfamiliar place but then again I didn't think he could do a lot of things that he seems to be able to do!

Quoted from above....
That is something to think about for sure Lisa - but again - it would take time you probably do not have. Still, it would be great..I can envision you bringing him into classrooms and giving the kids a talk about strays, shelters, special needs and what is possible with any animal if given the time, patience and love they all need. It would be an EXCELLENT lesson for our kids!! Eventually, you could allow some handling and petting of Magoo as that would of course be a highlight of the experience for the school age kids


I think the above posts are both fabulous ideas! Teachers are always looking for things to show kids, and what better way to teach kids about strays, etc. - everything she said... That's a lesson worth teaching. I vote yes.

If we had a 2004 Cat of the Year Contest, I bet Magoo would win hands down. He is definitely the Pet Talk favorite! :) Scritches and headbumpies for Magoo!!!!! :D :D :D

11-21-2004, 10:33 AM
Awww Magoo, you're too much. Just an endless supply of surprises.:D

Lisa - I think the book idea sounds great - go for it!

Maya & Inka's mommy
11-21-2004, 10:34 AM
What a sweet picture!!

11-21-2004, 11:38 AM
Magoo you are an inspiration for so many people out there that never heard of disabled (I mean ABLED) animals. I love the idea of a childrens book...I'd like to reserve an autographed copy ahead of time. :D :D :D Precious picture of your neice checking him out LOL!

11-21-2004, 11:49 AM
That is such a special picture.Worth saving.Magoo is such a good good boy.He is so loved and he knows it.Thank goodness you took him in and gave him the chance of a great life.He knows how good he has it.He has love surrounding him. :D

11-21-2004, 12:14 PM
Yeah, who'dathunk? :D (as my bf says)

11-21-2004, 12:19 PM
Scrappy Magoo,ia one Amazing Cat,as he seems,to be able,to sense the love,that is around him,des[ite his lack,of sight.And I hope.that my Princess,does hearly,as well,when her time comes! That is a great photo,of That young Lady,andScrappy Magoo!

11-21-2004, 01:06 PM
Oh Lisa, Lisa, Lisa. Now you have done it. Here I thought I was finally under control when it came to Magoo, but, no, here come the tears again.

That picture of your niece, Rachel, ever so gently touching Magoo's eye is so PRICELESS. Then to follow her to the door. What can I say. I am at a loss for words on how much that picture touched me.

I agree with the others in regards to a book being made of our precious Magoo.:)

11-21-2004, 03:41 PM
I don't know, for some reason this picture brought tears to my eyes, it's so touching and special...

CCL, I cannot thank you enough for not giving him up when times got rough, and for giving him such a wonderful, loving home! I'm so happy for him!!!


Don Juan's mom
11-22-2004, 03:03 AM
Gosh, what a lovely story.

Do you ever watch "Cold Case"? The detective on that story, Lily, has two special-needs cats (one with one eye, and one "tripod"). I think the school-visit idea is wonderful; maybe you could start with a few kids at first (a Sunday School, perhaps?).

Now to inform Don Juan that it's TOO COLD to have the door open so he can go outside... :rolleyes:


11-22-2004, 03:13 AM
That picture is just precious, I'm not sure what it is about it, but I love it :)

Magoo has definatly came a long way!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-22-2004, 09:32 AM
Oh Lisa, that picture is so precious! After his initial ferociousness (is that a word?) who would ever have thought that Magoo would be such a social butterfly - especially with children? He is just too much. :D

11-22-2004, 09:37 AM
It is wonderful that he gets along with the kids soo well. It makes you wonder just how much enhanced his other senses are.

11-22-2004, 10:39 AM
Awwwww, I'm so sorry I took so long to reply to this thread.

The Gooster never ceases to amaze me. What a long way he's come and it proves again what time, love and patience can do.

11-22-2004, 12:34 PM
I kinda miss the rowdy Magoo......;)