View Full Version : Does anyone want a *cartoon* done of a picture?

11-20-2004, 08:14 PM
I know that last time i advertised something like this it got out of hand, so I'm going to limit it to 2 requests for now. If you give me a picture of your pet, or you and your pet (I'm not really good @ human faces though) :p , etc, I'll draw a cartoon of it. My scanner camera thingy isnt working right now, so if i get requests I'll work on them tonight and try to get them to you guys tomorrow. :) I'll post an example once my camera is working again. :)WARNING: These drawings WILL look like sketches. I'm not that good yet, so consider this kind of like a practice for me :p NOTE: I only do black and white- i dont color. NOTE: this is done by hand, not on the computer. RECCOMENDATION: for the picture, I would prefer that you might be able to see the pet's eyes. :)

Right now i already have my 2 requests, so I'll let you know when im open for more. :)

11-20-2004, 08:18 PM
I would really like one of little bit

edit: I just relized how small that pic was so here is another

11-20-2004, 08:22 PM
Okay, but do you think you might have a picture of him a little closer, just to make it a little easier to see him? ;) thanks! ~dev :)

11-20-2004, 08:26 PM
okay, I'll do my best! :)

11-20-2004, 08:27 PM

11-20-2004, 08:55 PM
You could do Zeke if you get the time :) Thanks :)

11-20-2004, 09:05 PM
I'm finished, so i'll see how soon i can get it to you. :) ~dev

I'll start yours right now. :)

11-20-2004, 10:10 PM
some time a go I sent you a photo of my cat and you was going to do a drowing of her I have asked you 2 times and sent a photo 2 times and stell have not got this drowing and it has been over 5 weeks. let me know whats up on this thanks

11-20-2004, 10:16 PM
i'm sorry, what happened was that my computer was deleting everything and I kept losing the pictures, so i couldn't do them for a while- if you want i can do one for you, just post a pic. :)
~devon :)

11-20-2004, 10:27 PM
Originally posted by flamepony12
I'm finished, so i'll see how soon i can get it to you. :) ~dev

YAY!! thanks so much can't wait !:)

11-20-2004, 10:44 PM

This is my fav pic of her..I would love to have one to add to her baby book..thanks

11-20-2004, 10:45 PM
I'll try to get to it, if im not busy, im only taking 2 requests for now... :)

11-20-2004, 10:55 PM
here's yours, countrycowgirl... :) it kind of just looks like a sketch, not a cartoon.. :p

11-20-2004, 10:56 PM
heres yours Audrey... Ugh, i'm kind of tired, i dont think it turned out very well -scrunches up nose- if you want, if i have time, i can redo it...

11-20-2004, 11:28 PM
OMG!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH I LOVE IT!! is there any way that you could possibly mail it to me?

11-20-2004, 11:41 PM
like, email or snailmail? if you mean snailmail then maybe i could fix it up 4 you a little. (glad u like it BTW) :)

11-21-2004, 12:44 AM
snail mail if you can...I would greatly appreciate it ....I can pm you my address

11-21-2004, 05:50 AM
Originally posted by flamepony12
heres yours Audrey... Ugh, i'm kind of tired, i dont think it turned out very well -scrunches up nose- if you want, if i have time, i can redo it...

No, it's awesome :D Thanks a lot. You did a great job :)

11-21-2004, 08:37 AM
Originally posted by countrycowgirl
snail mail if you can...I would greatly appreciate it ....I can pm you my address

okay, maybe I can find a way to put it on better quality paper or something. :) you can PM me your adress, and I'll see if it's possible. :)
~Devon :)

11-27-2004, 08:44 PM
Originally posted by todd
some time a go I sent you a photo of my cat and you was going to do a drowing of her I have asked you 2 times and sent a photo 2 times and stell have not got this drowing and it has been over 5 weeks. let me know whats up on this thanks
this is the link agien

angel cat photo (http://community.webshots.com/scripts/editPhotos.fcgi?action=showMyPhoto&albumID=184162738&photoID=184707955&security=ZeCOVj)

11-27-2004, 08:47 PM
it wont let me view the photo. :(

11-28-2004, 09:24 PM
sorry all triy posting later on this site