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View Full Version : Tips on taking night photos

11-20-2004, 07:59 PM
I'd like to learn more about taking decent photos at night. I don't know a lot about aperture,ISO and all that stuff. I guess a tripod is a must :rolleyes: I was like dangit, the lights are all liney..Anyway, I'll post some I took (BTW, this is outdoor stuff, not indoor)

Also, I have a Canon Rebel. I think somepeople have cameras similar?? If you could give any advice it would be very welcome.

I set the ISO to 100..cause appearintly that is a good setting for night..I have no clue about shutter speed and all that though

11-20-2004, 08:01 PM
Your camera should have a nightime setting. At least Iwould assume it does. My camera does, and I've taken nightime photos using a tripod, and they came out fantastic! I had no idea I could take a picture with no light or flash and get a good image from it! Check your maual, they shold have the features spelled out for the camera.

11-21-2004, 12:22 AM
It's been a long time since I took photography in school, but I believe you want a slow shutter speed. That means the shutter stays open longer and lets in as much light as possible? But yes a tripod would be a must if you're using a slow shutter speed since any slight movement of the camera will make for a blurry pic.

I guess the best thing to would be to just take lots of pics to practice. Good thing it's a digital. :)

I am so jealous by the way, I looked at Canon Rebels with my mom when she was looking for a camera. I so want a new digi cam... :)