View Full Version : Where's Pam?

11-20-2004, 09:59 AM
Does anyone know? I haven't seen her on in a long time. :( Did she go on vacation?

Pam!!! Where are you?!?!?

I just checked and her last post was on 11-5! :eek:

Aspen and Misty
11-20-2004, 10:05 AM
I've been wondering this too!


Here girl, come on Pam :p

No really, please come Post, we are worried bout you!


11-20-2004, 10:17 AM
I wonder if she's the one that left because of the dog house? Someone(Logan?) said someone had left because of the dog house but wouldn't say whom it was. Pam, don't let that place scare you away. Just stay away from it. You're missing too many good things!

11-20-2004, 10:22 AM
I have been wondering about Pam also. I was thinking about starting a thread too.

Pam, where are you? I really wish you would come back. I miss you and the furkids. I would love to see some pics of Bella and Ripley. Please let us know you are ok, Pam.

Robin :)

11-20-2004, 10:39 AM
Come back Pam! I miss you!!

11-20-2004, 10:47 AM
Yes, Pam has decided not to post on Pet Talk anymore:(

I got in touch with her through her email through PT and she said she won't be posting anymore.

I miss Bella and Ripley too.:(

11-20-2004, 10:52 AM
Originally posted by lovemyshiba
Yes, Pam has decided not to post on Pet Talk anymore:(

I got in touch with her through her email through PT and she said she won't be posting anymore.

I miss Bella and Ripley too.:(
OMG, I hate to hear that. Pam's one of the nicest people here and one of the few who ever asked about my Disney. I will really miss her and seeing pictures of Bella, Ripley, Trevor and Andy. This is just too sad, I hope she will reconsider and come back.

11-20-2004, 11:31 AM
Originally posted by jazzcat
OMG, I hate to hear that. Pam's one of the nicest people here and one of the few who ever asked about my Disney. I will really miss her and seeing pictures of Bella, Ripley, Trevor and Andy. This is just too sad, I hope she will reconsider and come back.

I agree, Pam is one of the first people who reached out to me here on PT. She is so nice! Why would she not want to post anymore? I miss her too! Marius misses his twin! :(

11-20-2004, 12:34 PM
Originally posted by lovemyshiba
Yes, Pam has decided not to post on Pet Talk anymore:(

I got in touch with her through her email through PT and she said she won't be posting anymore.

I miss Bella and Ripley too.:(

NO!!! :( :( She was one of my favorite PTers. Do you have any idea why she would not want to post anymore? :( I miss you Pam, come back! :(

11-20-2004, 01:39 PM
Pam told me she was leaving too. :(

Pam, please come back. We miss you. :(

11-20-2004, 02:04 PM
Pam, if you see this, I truly hope and pray with all my heart that you reconsider coming back after awhile. It truly broke my heart when I found out you had decided to leave. I realize some hurtful and upsetting things were said in DH... It is a big reason that I often stay clear of the stickier topics. Some would say it's always best to state how you feel, but for me I take things too personally and let things upset me, and often, as I'm sure you know, debates on message boards can get especially heated. But I'd rather there be no DH at all if the end result is losses like this to our community here.

I hope with all my heart this is temporary. I loved seeing your beautiful furkids and family, and your warm and compassionate posts made Pet Talk a brighter place. I sure miss you Pam :(

11-20-2004, 02:12 PM
My heart is so heavy reading this thread. I feel very guilty for not noticing sooner that Pam wasn't posting anymore. Pam was definitely one of the sweetest people on this board, and a huge hole has been created by her leaving.


Pam, if you are reading this, please know we miss you, and I do hope you will re-consider and start posting again. I really need a Bella & Ripley "fix"!!! But on the other hand, I know that you must have good reasons to want to stay away, and that's OK, too.

11-20-2004, 02:45 PM
Pam :confused: I hang out in the DH sometimes and I know I'm quite "frank" about some things but I hope it's never taken as anything personal by ANYONE. Especially someone I've met and laughed with and share some very special memories with. I have a quote on my wall at work I try to close my eyes and repeat every day.. "those that anger you control you". Don't let that ever happen to you dear friend Pam. Please.

11-20-2004, 02:50 PM
Pam, you were one of the first members I noticed on PT and I have enjoyed your posts ever since. Trevor is also one of my favourites, so I hope you'll reconsider and come back here where you belong! :)

11-20-2004, 03:02 PM
Oh no! Pam you have to come back! You are one of the sweetest and most understanding of all pters here. Please, please come back!


11-20-2004, 03:06 PM
Please come back, Pam! :(

We all miss you.

11-20-2004, 03:09 PM
I, too, miss you and your posts, Pam. :( I hope you reconsider leaving, and hope this is just an "extended break"..

Lily and Brutus miss you, too!!


You can't resist those faces, can you?

Come back, Pam! :(

11-20-2004, 03:17 PM
Come back Pam:( I hardly know you but I love reading yur posts/threads, you are such a nice and caring person, please come back to PT Pam. We all miss you:(:(

11-20-2004, 03:50 PM
Pam, please come back!!:(

I miss you also!:( :(

11-20-2004, 05:14 PM
I'm just in tears. We've been out all day and I could hardly wait to get back and see where Pam was and when she'd be back. Now I read that she won't. I'm so upset. :(

Pam, whatever happened, please don't make this permanant. I completely understand needing a break, I took a good long one, but I hope and pray that you'll reconsider and come back to PT. I will dearly miss you and your crew. http://pages.prodigy.net/rogerlori1/emoticons/cry001.gif http://pages.prodigy.net/rogerlori1/emoticons/cry001.gif http://pages.prodigy.net/rogerlori1/emoticons/cry001.gif

What in the world will we do without you? :(

11-20-2004, 05:48 PM
Gee whiz! :o :o You are all so sweet. I have gotten several PMs today and KYS mentioned that there was a thread about me so here I am. :o First let me say that I am not angry at anyone. Honest! I have been thinking for some time now that it was time to leave. I have become too involved and spent way too much time on the computer and yet joined a poodle board this past summer! :rolleyes: I know I can't manage two boards (I could hardly manage this one) so I have to give one up. I know my daughter will occasionally point me to threads here and Logan also PMed me about her visit with Anna and so I will still have ties here and might even drop in now and then. For now I am just relaxing with the furry ones but did want to say thanks for all of the nice remarks. You are a great bunch. Of course Lily and Brutus plastered a HUGE smile on my face and no one could resist those precious faces! (((Hugs))) to you all.

11-20-2004, 05:58 PM
I am not pleased with your decision at all, Pam.

I like so many people on this board, but you have always been one of my favorites and you will be missed that is for sure.

I hope that you will just give yourself a break and then return.

Won't you miss us too?:(

11-20-2004, 06:01 PM
WHAT????:( :( :( I've been wondering about her too .... AnnaBelle has been hoping she would see the post about Missy ... and make sure that Ripley came online to make her feel better about it all!!!:eek: :(
PAM whatever it is ... PLEASE reconsider and come back!!!

11-20-2004, 06:49 PM
Most of you know that Pam is my mom, and i too, wanted to say how nice you all are to say such nice things about her. I was just talking to her on the phone and she mentioned to me this thread...she thinks you all are very kind. I know it won't be the same as her posting about them, but i will gladly post pics of Bella and the Ripster, when i get the chance. I am doing Thanksgiving this year, and she might bring over the dogs, so i will be snapping pics...and as she said, she may stop in now and then...but, as many of you may agree, once you start posting on here, you get sucked in, and before you know it, you have lost track of time, and the day has gone...getting so wrapped up in threads...so she is taking it easy for now...i am sure, she will have moments of withdrawl to check back and visit the friendly faces here...i will direct her to threads here and there too! Anyway, thanks for the nice comments about my mom, they made me smile...i am proud to have her as a mom! ( Sorry, mom, i know you are blushing) hehe ;)


11-20-2004, 07:34 PM
Oh Pam, I would love to see you reconsider. You have been one of the biggest helps to me in my battle with Max's allergy fight. Your thoughts and opinions are very valuable to not only me, but many PT'ers. And your warmth and compassion are welcomed by all.

I will definitely miss you. :(

11-20-2004, 07:55 PM
I knew Pam had decided to leave, and had wondered about emailing her but didn't want to make her uncomfortable. I am glad I saw this thread after Pam and Robyn had posted.
Pam is also one of my favorite members and friends. Robyn I would be delighted if you filled us in with pics of the pups and the kitties. :) Kylie misses one of her boyfriends. :)
Thanks for having such a special mom Robyn! {{{hugs}}}

11-20-2004, 09:18 PM
Logan told me Pam was considering leaving us, and it just broke my heart into a million pieces. :( Pam, you can't leave us. There are several long-time members here that everyone looks up to, and you are definitely one of them. If you leave us at PT, you will leave a big hole here that nothing could fill except your return. I hope and pray your decision is not permanent, and that you will return to PT after a short break. You mean a lot to all of us, and we all hate to see you go. Please reconsider. Don't leave us.


11-20-2004, 09:22 PM
We'll miss you Pam! And the furry ones too! :(