View Full Version : Happy hurt her leg

11-19-2004, 11:04 PM
any ideas at what could possable have caused it? basily what happend is she went to bed one saterday night perfectly fine, and sunday morning she woke up crawled onto my bed, to wake me up, and I noticed something on her inside right leg, so I put on my glasses, and her skin was ripped open in an almost perfect circle, and about 1 1/2 cm deep and about an inch in diameter. its healed up now, the she was cleaned and bandaged evry day for like 2 weeks or so now, the bandage just came off yesterday. the firt responce everyone had was "misty" exept that A) Misty NEVER attacks Happy and B) it was not like a bite or anything, I mean itwas smooth :confused: any ideas as to what could possably have caused this?

11-19-2004, 11:07 PM
coud she have hurt it playing outside or something? Maybe she cut herself on a circle shaped object.

11-19-2004, 11:17 PM
yes, but see the funny thing is that it happend overnight, she sleeps shut in my bedroom, she has no access to the rest of the house, and I cant think of anything she could have cut it on in my room, seeing as my room is bunny proofed for kari, the only thing I can think on is that mesh of karis pen, but then I dont see how she could have gotten the upper part of er inside leg on the mesh that is inside the pen lol

11-20-2004, 01:36 AM
Sounds like a hot spot probably.

11-20-2004, 10:24 AM
They are generally circular patches that lose hair, can be swollen, may exude a smelly pus, and can be painfully itchy, causing the dog to scratch, lick, or bite to the point of self-mutilation

nope definatly not a hotspot lol how can I describe it better, it looked like her skin have been cleany cut into a circle, by smooth I meanth the inside of it was smooth, as if nothing happend but her skin was perfectly slit open, if did not loose hair or anything, we had to cut on her hair away from around it cuz her hair kept getting in it, to banage it we had to close it like it almost needed stiches to close it in order to heal together, but we were able to keep it closed without stiches, thankfully, we are a little low on money this month because my dad cant pay child support till the end of the month(strike pay, and then his car was broken into) I hope that describes it better, it hard without a picture to show.

11-20-2004, 12:10 PM
Sounds exactly like what my boyfriend's cat just had (which the vet did diagnose as a hot spot). He had a circular slit with no blood too. It was weird.

Its hard to give advice not knowing what it is. Of course, my only advice is go to to the vet, but if you can't manage that, I'd spend a long time searching on vetinfo.com or something to see if you can find anything similar.

11-20-2004, 12:45 PM
really? huh, I have never heard of a hot spot that was like a circular slit :confused: but I will check out that website, thanks!