View Full Version : SQUIRT!! *Pic*

11-19-2004, 05:06 PM
Look what my mom found today by the side of the house.. (BTW- We're by no water, well it's across the street) I went and bought an aquarium for him... Right now he's only a little baby, he's a red eared slider.....

I named him squirt! :D


(Wasnt sure where to put this...)

Advice would be appreciated!

11-19-2004, 05:09 PM
What a delightful little turtle you have there!

11-19-2004, 05:12 PM
Oh he's so precious!

11-19-2004, 05:14 PM
WHAT A CUTIE! :D Sweet little Squirt!

11-19-2004, 05:15 PM
Aww he's so cute!

11-19-2004, 07:37 PM
Very cute!! Make sure theres a lid on that tank... If it is one of those little turtle tanks they can get out I know it seems impossible but TRUST me it happens. You can buy commercial turtle food they eat meat as well... Mine loved gold fish (when he gets bigger) they do get pretty big we had to get a 100 gallon tank for my 2.... Word of warning keep the tank clean they get to smell really bad!! I actually love turtles were thinking of getting a new one... My oldies passed away :( Ummmmm he looks like he might have algae on his back not sure what to do about that you might wanna ask someone.. Make sure the water he;s in is NOT water right out of the tap it has to be declorinated.... Ummmmm anything else don't be scared to ask!! :D

11-19-2004, 08:10 PM
Please check your state laws as most red eared sliders are now prohibited to be kept as pets. You also need to check with your local Fish and Wildlife. Most turtles CANNOT be taken from the wild and made into pets as it's illegal. Plus, California has limits on the size of the turtle when allowed as a pet. I think anything under 4 inches you need a special permit.

He is a cutie though! :D

11-19-2004, 08:43 PM
Soooooo CUTE!!!!!!

11-20-2004, 02:07 PM
Sorry im so late! :p Thanks everyone.

Originally posted by luckies4me
Please check your state laws as most red eared sliders are now prohibited to be kept as pets. You also need to check with your local Fish and Wildlife. Most turtles CANNOT be taken from the wild and made into pets as it's illegal. Plus, California has limits on the size of the turtle when allowed as a pet. I think anything under 4 inches you need a special permit.

Yes, i already have checked. They aren't illegal here. I asked the pet store yesterday i went to, because they had the same ones for sale. :p

Jods- Yes he did have algae on his back, it's been cleaned off since though. Also, with the tap water, i have something for fish that declorinates the water, will that work okay with turtles too? :o

11-20-2004, 06:18 PM
Oh how cool!! :D My horseback riding teacher's Boyfriend was cleaning out a pool once and found a little turtle in there. (still alive, dont worry) ;) and they also named him Squirt! lol! :D