View Full Version : Eating disorder?

11-18-2004, 10:08 PM
Look at this picture of Christina Ricci! She looks disgusting. It's such a shame how Hollywood's beauty has become so fake. What do our young women have to look up to?


11-18-2004, 10:20 PM
Eewwww... >.< She looks so sickly.. That's so sad.. :(

11-18-2004, 10:48 PM
She used to be really pretty, too. :(

11-18-2004, 10:53 PM
I saw that earlier. She reminds me of Olive Oyl now. :(

11-18-2004, 11:02 PM
>x< iww. looks like shes sucking it in... < . <

guster girl
11-18-2004, 11:11 PM
I wonder what's wrong. She's not got the body to be that skinny. Wow. :(

11-18-2004, 11:29 PM
Her head looks so huge and heavy on that body. She used to be pretty.

11-18-2004, 11:54 PM
I have NO idea how people that look like that can look in the mirror and actually think that is attractive ... attractive enough that they continue to starve themselves. SUCH a bizarre mental illness.

11-19-2004, 05:30 AM
Oh no :(, she looked so well in Monster (The movie).

11-19-2004, 09:23 AM
It's so sad the pressure that the media and magazines
put on the average woman to look a certain way.
I was watching America's top model a few episodes ago
and one photographer had told the model she was a bit
big on the bottom. This girl was skinny.
(I think this is the same girl that admitted to purging and
she was eventually voted to go home)

I bet if you ask the average man would he
rather sleep next to skin and bones or a woman
with some meat on her,he would pick the 2nd.

11-19-2004, 09:31 AM
I read one time that there are actually quite a bit of Hollywood stars with eating disorders. The article said that it is the norm to make yourself puke if you eat the wrong things there. I think the article was talking about Paris Hilton puking after having a bunch of pizza and then it went on to tattle on some other hollywood stars. It was a gossip magazine and normally I don't believe their stories. But it's hard not to when you look at all the skeletons in Hollywood.

11-19-2004, 09:34 AM
Originally posted by Tonya
Her head looks so huge and heavy on that body.

Just what I was thinking. And look how big her hands and feet look, since she's so thin. :(

11-19-2004, 11:17 AM

Another star that doesn't own a mirror.....

An eating disorder is when the server brings my salad
with Thousand Island dressing instead of Ranch....:confused:

11-19-2004, 11:21 AM
She looks gross in that picture. She used to look great before, she wasn't anywhere near fat before. She used to look healthy, she was still thin with a little bit of meat on her bones and she looked beautiful. Now she just looks gross. I know before the press had commented on how she was overweight, even though she wasn't. I guess the media got to her, it's sad :(

PJ's Mom
11-19-2004, 11:53 AM
Originally posted by RICHARD
An eating disorder is when the server brings my salad
with Thousand Island dressing instead of Ranch....:confused:

LOL Poor Richard. :( :D

11-19-2004, 11:58 AM
Originally posted by Tonya
I read one time that there are actually quite a bit of Hollywood stars with eating disorders...

This doesn't surprise me one bit. I've always thought that a majority of the women in Hollywood had eating disorders because they are ALL impossibly thin. This is a perfect example. She looks absolutely HORRIBLE! :( Yuk! It's no wonder that us "normal people" have problems with self-image when all we see in the media is eating deprived women plastered all over the place: TV, magazines...etc...
It annoys me that clothing magazines (sears, victoria's secret...etc) use impossibly thin and impossibly tall people to model their clothing...because what's the point? Sure, anything will look good on a human hangar! How can I possibly decide to buy something, because they don't have an example of short, fat pear-shaped people...so I can never order from magazines:rolleyes: I would probably do so more often if they used "normal" body types in magazines such as these...

It's really sad when someone that looks just fine, gets comments that they're too fat (like Christina here...and remember that girl from growing pains? She was never fat...she just had a round-shaped face...but she developed an eating disorder because the media said she was too fat too...:rolleyes: Ugh!). Please! All of these people look plain gross to me. :rolleyes: There's a difference between healthy thin and unhealthy/disgusting skeletal thin. :rolleyes:

11-19-2004, 12:35 PM

From a male's point of view....

Has anyone watched DR. 90210???

Is his name Rey??? What a BS artist...

"I'm going to make you beautiful...."

"You are my favorite!"

"Let's take a look......perfect!!"

It's funny and pathetic to listen to him talk about wanting to
give these women "what they want"......But even sadder are the women who think they will be perfect once they have a procedure done.

I did catch the show where the Playboy model wanted 'fuller lips'
because she thought they made her look sexy.....She was over 40 and had a great body.....but, in about 10 years, she's going to regret it. BIG TIME!

One on the most 'unsexy' things is to see a woman who looks like she taped a sausage link to her lip....

Most men are boorish, visually motivated satyrs....
Any man can take your clothes off, a real man will strip you down to your heart.....


PJ's Mom
11-19-2004, 12:38 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD
Most men are boorish, visually motivated satyrs....
Any man can take your clothes off, a real man will strip you down to your heart.....;)

Awwww. :D

11-19-2004, 12:42 PM
She looks really bad, I saw her in Monster and she looked fine there, I cannot believe the difference since that movie, an eating disorder for sure, starving herself to look like all the other stick thin stars.

I really admire our Rachel Hunter, she has maintained her curves in the modeling industry despite the trends.

11-19-2004, 12:48 PM
A lot of people that have eating disorders are perfectionists, and they want to be PERFECT, and then they become obsessed with becoming and looking perfect. :( Or they start out dieting and then it gets out of control. I knew a girl who I believe had an eating disorder (she had ALL the signs) and she looked nasty. You could see her tendons in her hands and everything. Eww! Her head does look big on her!

I almost started on a road to an eating disorder once, but I stopped myself before it became serious. Every thing that went into my mouth I would think "How many calories is that?" and then I would try and limit my food so that I wouldn't have tons of calories going into my body, and I wanted to eat only like 500! :eek: And then when I would eat something I would be like, "Oh I have to exercise to lose those calaries." :( I am lucky though that I stopped that. It lasted only for a couple days but it REALLY became an obsession. I love food too much to give it up. :p I am also lucky that I have parents that if I stop eating or I refuse to eat, they take it seriously, and they make me eat a balanced meal (well sometimes :o) Eating disorders are very sad. :(

11-19-2004, 03:44 PM
They believe it is something to do with a chemical problem in the Brain, well where aneroxia is concerned.

However there is a fine line, I have come very close to becoming bulemic myself, I have just stopped myself as you did Miranda Rae, because once I crossed that line, I know there would be no going back.

It is an incredibly sad disorder, i wonder for people who diet crazily, like some of the stars, if then it changes the chemical balance in the Brain somehow, and that is why they end up starving themselves to death., Just my thoughts.

11-19-2004, 04:05 PM
My sister has had an eating disorder for years and I can tell you that the damage done to her body from malnutrition is not worth it in the least. She is only 30, and has more problems than a 70 year old! :eek:
The funny thing is, she just got her phd in psychology and she wants to treat people with eating disorders. Funny, how she can't treat herself first! :confused: :eek:

11-19-2004, 04:21 PM
My stepsister had an eating disorder a year or two ago. She got pretty bad and had to be hospitalized. Luckily, it was just a phase. She's back to her old self again.

I can imagine eating disorders affecting your brain. I know when I don't eat right I have trouble concentrating. I'm sure if your malnourished enough, you'd start going a little crazy.

It's so wierd how they can look in the mirror and see something totally different then we see. Christina probably thinks she looks fat in that dress or something stupid like that. They don't even realize how sickly they look.

11-19-2004, 04:28 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD

Most men are boorish, visually motivated satyrs....
Any man can take your clothes off, a real man will strip you down to your heart.....;)
Richard, you will be a good catch for someone. That was really nice. Too bad more men don't think like you.

11-19-2004, 04:33 PM
Originally posted by dukedogsmom
Richard, you will be a good catch for someone. That was really nice. Too bad more men don't think like you.


I was talking about a cardiologist....

Mom taught me that people "see faces, but don't read hearts"-

Blame her.....;)

11-19-2004, 04:46 PM
I really like that quote, Richard. That's a good one for my single lady friends.

11-19-2004, 04:52 PM
Originally posted by Tonya
I really like that quote, Richard. That's a good one for my single lady friends.


I was going start a greeting card company and copyright my sayings.... but you can use it.


Remind your friends that Victoria's Secret undies don't hurt for starters.......:eek: :cool: :D :o

11-19-2004, 06:11 PM
Originally posted by carole
However there is a fine line, I have come very close to becoming bulemic myself, I have just stopped myself as you did Miranda Rae, because once I crossed that line, I know there would be no going back.

I never could become bulemic because I hate to throw up, and I would worry about my throat as you can ruin it or something like that, but with Anorexia its not as noticeable, I mean the damage you are doing to yourself, well not right away anyway. Yep, once you cross that line there really isn't any going back because you have to keep trying to reach your "goal" and when you do, you make another goal, unless you get SERIOUS help, and even then you have to be careful that you don't go back to it. Its an addiction just like alcohol or drugs. :(

11-20-2004, 01:53 PM
Miranda Rae, believe me none of the two eating disorders appeal, but I could never be anorexic(sp) because I love my food too much, now over-eating that I can do, and do well at times lol, so of the two most un-appealing disorders I guess that is the one I would most likely to have become fallen too.

I am just glad my sensible side kicked in and stopped me from crossing that line, I will NEVER EVER become either, as long as I have it within me to stop myself.

It's comparable to me like an alcohol addiction, its a disease for sure, but I also believe one can become an alcoholic, some are genetically disposed that way, and some people just cross the line and some have a disease, just MO, to me both eating disorders are similar, some are caused by chemical problems in the brain, and then there is people like me who could easily cross that line, but can stop themselves, for which the other cannot, anyway just what I think, I could well be wrong and way off base.

11-20-2004, 01:59 PM
Originally posted by carole
Miranda Rae, believe me none of the two eating disorder appeal, but I could never be anorexic(sp) because I love my food too much, now over-eating that I can do, and do well at times lol, so of the two most un-appealing disorders I guess that is the one I would most likely to have become fallen too.

I like my food too, but I think I could do it because the whole perfectionist part of me would over ride that part, and the whole thing would over ride my love for food. I mean I love my food, but I barely eat anything (not because I am trying to lose weight) but because I don't feel like it, or I am not hungry, or I am hungry but nothing appeals to me or I don't feel like eating. I don't know, my parents have to force me to eat a lot of times, lol. Not literally shoving it down my throat but ya know, "eat that or else..." sort of thing. Thats pretty confusing isn't it? :rolleyes: So yeah I could do it if I wanted to (which is a scary thought) but I won't because i know it would ruin my life.

11-20-2004, 02:08 PM
Good on you for having the maturity and courage to be this way.:)

Just totally off topic here, but did you know Miranda Rae , we

have a lovely spot in NZ called Miranda hot springs.;)

11-20-2004, 03:13 PM
Originally posted by carole
Just totally off topic here, but did you know Miranda Rae , we

have a lovely spot in NZ called Miranda hot springs.;)

Lol...how exciting! I am a celebrity now! :p There is also a one of the moons for another planet (I can't exactly remember which one, but I am thinking Jupitar-not sure though) that is named Miranda. :)

11-20-2004, 07:41 PM
OMG! She looks terrible! I read before that she has an eating disorder. I think about 90%(or higher) of Hollywood) has an eating disrder. They are all size 1 & 2!!! The average American woman is somewhere betweena 10 and 14. Something is wrong here.

I remember looking at the Friends characters when the show began... then compare them at the end. The girls looked healthy and beautiful in the beginning, and they looked sickly by the end of the show's run. Thats just one of many examples I could give.