View Full Version : Sasha acting weird after spaying - is this normal?

11-18-2004, 06:17 PM
Sasha freaked when I brought her home, after being so good at work in the carrier today. We tried to confine her to the bathroom, with a new bed, her carrier, water, food and litter, and she freaked out and clawed my husband and we had to chase her down to get her back. We confined her to another room that I think she likes better, and she has hidden herself behind a filing cabinet. I feel so bad for her! :( Is there anything I can do for her besides just leave her alone? :confused: :confused:

I don't see any stiches on her tummy - just red splotches. Do they use some kind of synthetic liquid stitch these days? And they tatooed an S on her belly.

Any advice would be so appreciated.

11-18-2004, 06:25 PM
Poor baby is probably still spooked and freaked out over what happened to her. I would leave her alone and let her settle down on her own. Remember when Catmandu brought his little girl home after she had her teeth pulled? She didn't want anything to do with him either but within a few days she was her old self again.
I would just give her some time and let her relax after her trauma. She should be fine within a day or two.
Don't worry too much meowmie, I'm sure you will have your baby back real soon. She's just scared and upset right now and probably in pain too.

11-18-2004, 06:29 PM
My Stash boy acted very freaked out after his 2nd leg surgery and neuter. I would think that it is normal, as long as she drinks water and does not act lethargic. She might just be hurting and that could make her more timid and lash out until it stops hurting.
I would just keep her warm and a little water for tonight. Keep checking her periodically throughout the night, just to be on the safe side. If it gets worse, contact your vet. *should have after hours/emergency number* listed on his card or in the phone book. Good luck with Sasha!!


PS- Yes they do/can use a glue [works like stitches] so you dont have to have them removed or take the chance on them tugging at the wound. Just keep a close eye on the area, because when they used that on my RB Lily, it got infected and she had to have clavomex for 2 weeks:rolleyes: Hope this helps:D

11-18-2004, 06:46 PM
She is just scared, and probably still a little "affected" from the anesthesia! It can hang on a bit longer in some kitties. Just leave her alone and quiet, with a bit of food and water ... I'm sure in a day or two, the sweet Sasha will be back!;)

11-19-2004, 10:45 AM
She,I think,will calm down,as most cats,are a little spooked,after being,at the white Coats!