View Full Version : Just when things get better with Gabriel....things go down hill

11-18-2004, 05:47 PM
I know I should probally post this in the behavior section or even health but most people look on General. I would be so very greatful for any help anyone can offer.

Gabriel has had diarrhea for just over a week and now it finally getting to where Gabriel has a good texture poop's he now decides that he wants to do his business all over the house.

When he had the diarrhea all he wanted to do was poop outside the boxes in the basement...now he wants to poop outside the boxes upstairs in the main house.

I have 2 Feliway plug-ins throughout the house. I also have 7 litter boxes in the basement....3 are with clumpable litter and 4 are with regular clay litter. They are all cleaned on a daily basis, first thing before I leave for work in the AM and when I come home from work in the PM. They do have Arm & Hammer baking soda sprinkled into the boxes to help keep any smells in check but the baking soda is not scented.

There aer no other cats that follow him down stairs...so I don't think it is an intimidation thing AND he will pee and poop the diarrhea in the box now....just not the hard poops now.

Any of this make sense to anyone:confused: :confused:

It's been quite some time since I have had kittens in the house but I don't remember ever going through any of this.

I don't know if I should keep him back in his crate during the time that we are not home adn just keep are really watchful eye on him when we are home and when we see him start to squat take him over to one of the boxes and go through the motion of training him to "dig and bury" again.

Please someone HELP!!!!

11-18-2004, 06:11 PM
No idea what suggestion to offer, but {{{HUGS}}}} this has to be frustrating because you don't know what to do to help him.

11-18-2004, 06:18 PM
maybe he doesn't like going downstairs to go to the washroom try moving a box upstairs maybe this will help if not sorry I hope it all works out.

11-18-2004, 06:21 PM
I'm sorry you are still having problems Meg. I wonder what the little "monkey's" problem is. I know we have a problem with Rosco that I can't figure out either. He will not pee in the litter box! He will only pee on the floor right beside it. He poo's in there just fine. I can't figure out why he is doing that either. For the first few weeks he was fine but not anymore!

I was going to say that since his tummy has been bothering him that maybe he is associating the litter box and poo with pain but if he is going in the box with loose stools then that wouldn't make any sense either. The only thing I have seen work on PT is the retraining by confining them in a small space with the litter box. I know you would hate to do that but I honestly don't have any other suggestions. Maybe someone else will be able to offer better advice. Sorry I wasn't any help.

11-18-2004, 06:44 PM
Meg, I would do the crate enclosure for a while, until he is very used to going IN his own box! I know it may seem cruel, but it is for the best! I think in time he will figure it out! Hang in there!


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-18-2004, 07:58 PM
Sorry, I have no suggestions, just wanted to say I'm sorry you're still having problems with him. :(

Come on Gabester, you're a big boy now and big boys go poopy in the box! You're new meowmy loves you so much, so just please be a good boy and use the box....k?

11-18-2004, 08:19 PM
Yes I would agree to put him in a big cage to train again.
I'm so sorry your going through this.I'm sure this will pass.Poopy problems usually do go away.
CCL..I think your Rosco has UTI.You should try to bring a pee sample in or just put him on Clavamox 2 times a day for 2 weeks.I did that with Tucker and his peeing outside the litterbox stopped completetly.That's just what I think but It may be behaver problems..but with peeing It usually is a start of infection and would get worse.I may be wrong.
Good Luck to you guys.
Meg this should get better with retraining..I'm sure..I hope.:confused:

11-18-2004, 09:15 PM
Meg, I'd crate him & Gracie for a week or so, unless you have a small room somewhere without carpeting. Being that he only sees shadows, maybe he's losing track of where the litterpans are. When they were here, I kept them crated while at work, and let them out for the rest of the day. They'd always follow me downstairs where there's lots of litterboxes, and I'd often see them using the big potties. You can't let it become a habit with Gabe at this stage, so I'd definately lock them up for a week at least until this behaviour stops. If there's specific spots he's pooping in, use straight vinegar on those areas, and leave a shallow bowl with more in it to discourage him from that area. I hope this helps. :(

11-18-2004, 11:01 PM
Meg - I'm so sorry to hear about this. I think everyone is right when they say to retrain him. Good luck and I'm sending all my good vibes your way.

11-18-2004, 11:49 PM
My first instinct before reading the posts was YES he needs to be kenneled! Sorry but it's not a bad thing! It's just helping him to sort of re-orient himself. Like jan said, in her cellar, there are several litter boxes, and where he lived in his kennel on the first floor, he knew exactly where his box was. That was his only world. Maybe the change in location of things has just thrown off his world! It's only temporary! How are Gracie's eyes!?

11-19-2004, 07:19 AM
Thanks everyone. He was crated last night and boy was he mad. :mad: He took his water bowl and knocked it into his litter pan and then took his bowl of dry cat food and knocked that over as well and then some how managed to put all the dry kibble outside his crate. :confused: :rolleyes:

There is no ryhme or reason to his pooping. While I was down stairs cleaning all of the boxes last night he went into a corner of the basement and pooped right in front of me and then when I went upstairs to go the bathroom myself he peed on the rug right in front of me. :rolleyes:

Oh well, I am going to try everything I can. Thanks for all the help.

P.S. Leslie Gracie's eyes are doing really well. When she was sick her eye was really bad looking but as she has started to feel better the eye has cleared up quite a bit and looks really good.

11-19-2004, 09:50 AM
Out of curiousity - are there any litter boxes upstairs? From what you said I can't imagine it making a difference but it could be worth a try - maybe in your bathroom next to the toilet since he peeed in front of you. ??? Just an idea - I don't know much and am still trying to figure my cat out.... Did the last owners use the same type of litter you use? Debbie

11-19-2004, 10:06 AM
Debbie, we finally got his litter box into the basement. I really could not take it being upstairs (stinky poops). I am going to bring up one of his boxes and put it back upstairs again but he is so funny....just this morning my husband said he came out of his crate and immediately when down in the basement and did a # 2 in one of the litter boxes. I'm just really having a hard time figuring my little guy out. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

11-19-2004, 10:14 AM
Moose was starting,not to go,and I got a large flat storage box,as I trealized,he was too big,for the box! I would get a low flat Rubbermaid,and see,if Gabriel prefers,the open box.

11-20-2004, 12:13 AM
oh for heaven's sake! you must be beside youself! It does seem that you should have a box upstairs even though I know- peeeou smell cuz everyone will use it. but put it right by the cellar stairs (with hood) a small one, maybe? Then at foot of the stairs? to gradually get him acclimated? Even though he knows there are boxes down there, doesn't mean it might upset him to find his way when in a hurry or angry, frustrated. I dunno, I suppose next step is animal psychic! Thanks for update on Gracie! Good for her! No litter box problems with her?

11-20-2004, 06:53 AM
It sounds like a behavioral thing doesn't it? Maybe he is having more trouble adjusting to his new home than it first appeared. I'm sure he is having a wonderful time because kittens can't help but make fun out of everything but maybe deep down he is missing Jan, his dog buddies, and his old home. Hopefully he will settle in and start doing better. I know this has to frustrating for you. I really don't know what else you could possibly do. He hasn't been nuetered yet has he? Maybe he is starting to feel those nasty little boy hormones and he starting to be a little territorial and is marking off his turf.
Sorry I don't have any other ideas but I sure hope it gets better!