View Full Version : Here we go again.... RINGWORM!!! Arrrg!

11-18-2004, 03:56 PM
It's always something!!! All the babies and Pepper have RINGWORM now!!! :( Thankfully ringworm will go away on its own in a month or so ... but this will hurt their adoption chances!:rolleyes: So far only Rebecca doesn't show much signs of it ... but she has already been exposed, so she most likely does have it. Maybe her immune system is better and will not get as severe of a case? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Well, looks like we are going to be FULL for the holidays! I had already decided not to take in any new cats for a good while ... maybe even "forever" ... guess this pretty well confirms that decision!:rolleyes:

Oh, and yes, I have a spot on my inner arm too ..... so I have no doubt what it is. Well, at least this is something I can empathize with along with the kitties! Joy, joy!:eek:

11-18-2004, 04:05 PM
{{{HUGS}}}} Sorry to hear about this. Please don't say that you won't be taking more cats in... you know you won't keep that promise! ;) Cats4keeps just started!

11-18-2004, 04:07 PM
Originally posted by catnapper
{{{HUGS}}}} Sorry to hear about this. Please don't say that you won't be taking more cats in... you know you won't keep that promise! ;) Cats4keeps just started!

I appreciate that, Kim ... but losing Tucker was a big SLAM .... I don't think I can continue. I currently have 21 cats here, total of rescues and my own cats .... I simply don't have any more room in "the inn"!!! The kittens (six of them) would have been adoptable, but by the time they clear this ringworm, they will be bigger ... and we know how that hurts their chances!:rolleyes: :(

11-18-2004, 04:34 PM
No!! Oh how frustrating for you, Kim!

:mad: :( :mad:

I'll be saying healing prayers over here for a quick recovery! :)

11-18-2004, 05:01 PM

Ringworm, as you know, is highly contagious. Keep the babies isolated together in one room. If Rebecca is older, chances are she won't get it. Older cats immune systems have a way of fighting it off.

Go to the drugstore (ask the pharmacist which one is best) and get athelete's foot cream and apply it to them three times a day. Wear rubber gloves at all times and wash your hands (I'm sure you know this).

My RB baby Marina Mar (1999) had it on her ears. It took almost 3 months to finally clear up. My daughter and I took turns sleeping in the room with her so she wouldn't get lonely.

Please don't get down on yourself. Things like this happen. I know it seems hopeless at times, especially when you have so many cats. But you guys will be in my thoughts and prayers.

11-18-2004, 05:10 PM
Donna.... I have had the ringworm here before .... about this time last year .... I don't know why I was so shocked... those darn spores can live a year or more!:rolleyes: Only thing "good" about it, is that once a kitty has it ... if it has another flare up, it's not as bad. I guess that is some consolation?:rolleyes: I wonder what the heck they do at all the high kill shelters? SURELY to goodness they don't freak out and pts!!???:confused:

11-18-2004, 05:11 PM
Oh Kim, I am so sorry this is all happening to you:( I just hate ringworm and I know how sad it is to watch them itch, and you itch as well. Hopefully the kitties will have NO PROBLEM getting adopted out, Christmas time is the perfect time for parents to get a kitty. Again I am so sorry about this, if it is not one thing, its another:rolleyes:
Hopefully in time you will be able to save many more kitties/cats lives , and this all will be in the past. Dont look back, we ALL admire you very much for all that you do. I know you probably dont get enough credit for all of the hard work, time and money that you put out daily for homeless animals. I wish their were more people just like you. *HUGS* Katie ;)

11-18-2004, 05:15 PM
Thank you, Katie. I just feel like some people probably judge me and think why in the world I don't have better separation? Well, I don't have the room! What I would like for people to realize, is that I don't stand on the street corner, dragging home every cat that wanders by. I get pitiful phone calls, always I am their "last hope" before going to the pound. I have recently turned down several calls, even for bottle babies ... and that nearly killed me to do! :( I have to figure that life here, in a less than perfectly germ-free environment sure beats the streets or the filthy death tank of a pound! I hope I am right. :confused:

11-18-2004, 05:24 PM
I wonder what the heck they do at all the high kill shelters? SURELY to goodness they don't freak out and pts!!???

I hate to remind you of the "Needle Queen" at the Dearborn Animal Shelter.


11-18-2004, 05:28 PM
I completely understand. You do all that you can possibly do for them all , but sometimes, it is just IMPOSSIBLE to help them all. I know how hard it is to just say I cant do it right now, BUT dont ever feel bad for the work that you have and do continue to do. Think about it this way, Look around your house, see all of those cats? I am pretty sure none of them would be as happy anywhere else as they are with you. You spend time with them, provide food/shelter/medical care for all that you can. Who could expect any more than that? I would never look down on ANYONE who does all that they can, you do more than most! I dont/am not able to take anymore in at this time, and I feel bad, BUT I know that I have made the ones I have lives better, and I feel good for that. And you are right, it is DEF. better than a trip to the pound. And I am sure you know by now, that some people will say anything they can to make you feel bad/guilty to get animals off their hands, ya know? Dont always believe what people say, because who knows what they are trying to pull.
And for the seperation of animals, you cant help that. I understand and I am sure everyone else knows that when you rescue, sometimes serperation ISNT an option. It is better than being outside or locked in a bathroom with cages stacked onto each other. You do your best, and I hope that you know that. I do. ;)

11-18-2004, 05:35 PM
Kim you are right! I know there are a lot of people here who volunteer or have been to some really nice shelters where the cats roam free and are very well cared for. The sad fact is that is not the norm. My shelter is a very good place with great vet care and lots of food and bedding but they still live in tiny cages and some of them will be there for years if not their whole life. I have the 7 to 9 ferals that come here and eat and I know people think I should trap them and get them to the shelter. I will get them fixed but I won't leave them there. The ferals will never be adopted because no one has the time to spend working with them. People only want the cuddly cats and that is not what they will get with these. I sometimes wonder if I'm wrong by not doing more for them but I wouldn't wish that cage life on any of them. I do my best to provide them with shelter, lots of straw for warmth, all the food they can eat, and fresh water. I pray that I am doing the right thing because I know their lives may be shortened because of this. It's so hard to know if a few short years of freedom is better than many years going stir crazy in a small cage. It comes down the famous question of Quality versus Quantity.
I'm so sorry you are going through this but thankfully it will pass. You will know when the time is right if you should take in any more or not. Just give yourself time because your grief for Tucker is still very fresh. Besides, you can't take anymore now anyway with ringworm. That should give you a breather and help you figure out what is right for you and your family.
Maybe this is a good thing because you need a break. Miracles come in all forms you know!:)

11-18-2004, 05:36 PM
Thank you, Katie! ;)

11-18-2004, 07:24 PM
Originally posted by catcrazylady
Kim you are right! I know there are a lot of people here who volunteer or have been to some really nice shelters where the cats roam free and are very well cared for. The sad fact is that is not the norm. My shelter is a very good place with great vet care and lots of food and bedding but they still live in tiny cages and some of them will be there for years if not their whole life. I have the 7 to 9 ferals that come here and eat and I know people think I should trap them and get them to the shelter. I will get them fixed but I won't leave them there. The ferals will never be adopted because no one has the time to spend working with them. People only want the cuddly cats and that is not what they will get with these. I sometimes wonder if I'm wrong by not doing more for them but I wouldn't wish that cage life on any of them. I do my best to provide them with shelter, lots of straw for warmth, all the food they can eat, and fresh water. I pray that I am doing the right thing because I know their lives may be shortened because of this. It's so hard to know if a few short years of freedom is better than many years going stir crazy in a small cage. It comes down the famous question of Quality versus Quantity.
I'm so sorry you are going through this but thankfully it will pass. You will know when the time is right if you should take in any more or not. Just give yourself time because your grief for Tucker is still very fresh. Besides, you can't take anymore now anyway with ringworm. That should give you a breather and help you figure out what is right for you and your family.
Maybe this is a good thing because you need a break. Miracles come in all forms you know!:)

Oh, Lisa ... thank you so much for understanding. It IS a question of quality over quantity ... at least that is what I believe! I have to also rely on my Faith in God, to show me what is right and to give me the nudge to help me to know when and how to stop.

I know alot of people hear ringworm and freak out. Unless there is something I don't know about .... it's not that bad. I mean, yes it is itchy and yucky ... but it goes away and it is not life threatening. Trust me, after seeing what Feline Leukemia and FIP can do ... ringworm is nothing in comparison. Yes, people can and do get it as well ... I have a spot right now ... but unless you have a really compromised immune system .... then it really isn't too bad either. If I am wrong somehow...someone please enlighten me!!!;)

I think I am seriously getting to the point of not even posting anymore about my rescue work, Lisa. I just can't take the stress of worrying so much what everyone is thinking! No one has said anything ugly or judgemental .... so don't think that ... but I just have always hated feeling like I need to be justified by others! You know?

Well, enough blabbing!

Love ya!

11-18-2004, 07:36 PM
We only feel admiration, Kim.

And I, for one, love to hear about your rescue work.

Hope that ringworm heals fast!

11-18-2004, 07:46 PM
Kim, It isn't your fault in any way that the kitties have ringworm. It happens, and it isn't life threatening, but a nuisance many of us have dealt with. I have used a Lym-Sulpher dip(http://www1.revivalanimal.com/index.cfm?Detail=1&Product_ID=46) with great success when ringworm hit here a few years ago. It makes the kitties smell like rotton eggs, but works very well. The 16 ounce bottle goes a long way, and it usually takes 2-3 dips to erradicate ringworm. I use cotton balls around faces, and ears etc, but it really gets in between toes etc. I'd dip the kittens and then put them in a warm towel to dry off slightly, and then set them in front of a space heater in a carrier until they were all dry. I've also done the fulvicin route as well, but it's not the safest way to erradicate it on kittens, as it can affect organs. Is there a place you can isolate them to prevent it from spreading anymore? Not to alarm you, but be very careful of the baby being near the infested kitties. It can really hit infants, and children hard. Stock up on those silly round Bandaids which are excellent for covering lesions on humans. A dab of conafite, other cream that kills it, will keep it from spreading on you as well. Hang in there...things will get better. ;)

11-18-2004, 07:54 PM
Thank you AbbyMom and QS....

Yes, I do have to be very concerned about little Jenna. That is another reason why I have to really re-think my rescue at this point. The ideal would be for her mom to marry her dad and move out ... but I don't see them being able to afford their own place for a loooooooooong time. Trust me, if hubby and I could afford it, we would gladly pay their rent! :eek: Unfortunately, we have our own bills and are blessed to make our own house payment each month.

I'm just feeling really discouraged about these remaining kittens ... as they are growing, and I was hoping that the holiday season would get them adopted before they got out of their kittenish stages. Now this ringworm epidemic is going to most likely ruin that. :( I wish there were more educated people out there who would adopt a kitty in less than perfect condition .... but unfortunately that isn't the way it goes in our "perfect" society!:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :(

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-18-2004, 08:12 PM
I'm so sorry, Kim, I know this is the last thing you need right now with baby Jenna around, but please, you can't beat yourself up over it, and you don't have to worry about anyone judging you or the rescue work that you do. You do the best that you can and give so many cats a chance they would never have had before. If anyone was to judge you, just let them walk in your shoes for one single day and they would think twice about judging anyone again! You do such good work, and when you have that many cats, there are bound to be health issues that spread from one to the other. You can't keep them all separated all the time - what fun would that be for the kitties?

Just work on getting yourself and your babies healthy again, and don't worry in the least about others judging you. :)

11-18-2004, 08:47 PM
Thank you, Debbie. I have taken the babies off to themselves, and have put some anti-fungal on their itchy patches. I hope this will help them heal faster. They are as playful and happy as ever, but I'm sure they have to be itching!:( Just when I think everyone has been tested and is safe to mingle, this happens!


11-18-2004, 10:57 PM
I'm so sorry Kim but don't get down about yourself or your rescue, PLEASE! If it weren't for you I wouldn't have two of the sweetest kitties that ever lived!

Poor Jazz had ringworm along with several other things when we adopted her and it certainly didn't stop me from keeping her and loving her. I had to keep her in isolation for over a month to get her healthy and luckily Ripley didn't catch her ringworm but unfortunately he did get the URI. :( Anyway, I didn't see the ringworm as a big deal at all and hopefully there are others out there that will feel the same way and see these babies as perfect holiday additions.:) Maybe it will have run it's course by Christmas time. Prayers on the way.

11-19-2004, 02:23 AM
I'm so sorry for you troubles with Ringworm.I don't know much about it.It does seem like a pain in the butt.Isolation and all.But like others said it isn't life threatening and hopefully it will be out of your house by the Holidays.(Not the cats...the round worms.LOL)Good Luck Kim.

11-19-2004, 07:38 AM

You're a wonderful person and I don't know what we would do without you. You have a beautiful heart and that is what is important. You're doing everything you can for these wonderful pets, and that makes you even more special.

I also am going to pm you about Rebecca.:D

K & L
11-19-2004, 07:48 AM
Oh poor Kim! Hopefully you just take a break for a while and then get back into full swing with rescue. You're doing such an excellent job!!

11-19-2004, 08:42 AM
I haven't read the other posts yet so this may have been mentioned but I got ringworm from a friend's new kitten she bought from Animal Control. (Matter of fact found out everyone at Animal Control got it from the kitten too- glad she was adopted to my friend before they found out or they would have killed her.) She wasn't showing any signs and nobody knew till we all got it from playing with her - my friend and her family were covered! I had two spots. I did the Lotriman thing - over the counter for a month and then finally switched and tried BlueStar Ointment. Then just gave up and it seemed to go away - but it has been two and a half months and it seems to linger - another spot came up a month ago and I tried the BlueStar Ointment right away and it worked!! :) Try the BlueStar ointment - it is for ringworm - even says it on the conister and I used a Qtip to really rub it in and the spot was gone in a week! Hope this helps! My friend took her cat and her other one that got it to the vet for weekly dunkings in something. She says they are free and clear now but it was $15 a cat a week for the dunkings..... Immune system has a lot to do with it.... Mine is down. But my ringworm was really really itchy so I had to put something on it and the BlueStar worked the fastest and the best... It is over the counter... I asked the pharmacist and he said to just use over the counter Lotriman because the persription stuff doesn't work as well. I vote for BlueStar! :) Debbie

11-19-2004, 08:50 AM
I agree with Debbie on this one Kim, I have psoriasis on my right knee, and I used BlueStar to clear it up, and just keep using it everytime it flares up.

11-19-2004, 08:55 AM
OK - only read posts on page two so far - BUT - EVERYONE said that I was going to spread it to my hubby and everyone else. My firend is a paramedic that got it from her cat - and she said that wasn't true. Well suffice it to say that didn't happen and he rubbed on the spot a lot - don't ask! :) :) :) Anyway it seems to be transfered from the animal to the human - not the human to the human so Baby Jenna should be fine if you keep the kitties away from her. She shouldn't get it from you. I would wash clothes more that touch it because as a fungus it likes to go on clothes but this didn't seem to be a problem with us. My doctor said to make sure I wash my sheets and my hubby's sheets separately! hahaha We sleep in the same bed!!!! :) :) My hubby got a kick out of that one! :) I didn't wash anything separately but I did use a lot of bleach on the whites and wash as much as I could. Baby should be fine. Again at least it is only a fungus. When I got it I was camping for a week on vacation and knew what it was as my friend told me she got it before I left but she didn't tell me it was a fungus and I really thought it was a worm and thought it might move to another spot!!! hahaha - ignorance isn't always bliss@!!!

By the way things happen as they are meant too so maybe the kittens need to stay with you a while and not get adopted until the right people come for them so maybe that is why they got it so the wrong people won't adopt them... My kitty - nobody wanted her except one lady that wanted to make her a barn cat. The Animal Control people fell in love and begged the owner and got 4 weeks for her to raise her kittens she had the second day she was there and then she would be killed. They adopted her kittens and she was next up to be killed. Perfect timing for me to get her!!!! She was kept for me - meant to be!! :) Debbie

11-19-2004, 09:01 AM

By the way - yes the Animal Control (kill shelter) will kill the kitten if they find it has ringworm. :( :(

My friend got a kitten from them and she was going to adopt an older cat and I felt real sorry for the older cat as I thought it got killed. BUT the older cat got sent to a cat adoption shelter and got adopted and my frined's kitten had ringworm so it all worked out - the kitten would have been killed quick! The vet even assumed my friend was going to have it put down - she couldn't believe it! It seems that not only the shelters but the people here think that ringworm is a cause to kill....... Sad :( :(

So glad they are with you and not at a shelter. Debbie

11-19-2004, 09:24 AM
The doctor, a paramedic and someone at my friend's school all admitted it would take someone rubbing real hard on the spot you had for a long time to catch it from another human - hubby didnt' get it from me and if this was the case he should have - :) ;)

Also my friend is a paramedic and had one she covered so no questions would be asked but that one took a long time to heal - it is moist under a bandaid and it is a fungus so it is best to leave it uncovered by a bandage.

I read page one of the posts finally and have to say I ADMIRE YOU BUNCHES AND BUNCHES AND BUNCHES!!! These cats need people like you. I will not rescue a lot of cats - I'm happy I did the one even though she is on my nerves but I talked hubby around - he was just stressed and we both love her. But that is enough for us - maybe a playmate one day - but I can not and will not (selfish) save a bunch more. I am so glad you do all you do and really do admire you. Please don't feel anyone here judges you because as far as I can see after 2 months on the board here - everyone is so very nice and EVERYONE here has bunches of cats!!! :) :) :) One lady posted about having enough with two but wanted to rescue the one behind the dumpster and what everyone thought about having three cats - and you all seemed to laugh and say this wasn't the right board to ask as you all have at least 6! :) :) I think this is awesome and the cats are so lucky!!! Keep faith and listen to what He tells you - and love all He has given you. By the way someone else mentioned that perhaps this was a way to give you a break because you just simply can't take anymore with the ringworm in your house - maybe that is true. It sounds like you need a break to look around and see how happy the cats are remember they do pick up on our stress a lot so stay happy!!! :) :) Debbie

11-19-2004, 09:33 AM
You all are too kind! Thank you so much for the support ... I surely need it right now! I've got all the kittens isolated again, and put some antifugal medicine on them last night. However, I will take the great advice and go buy some BlueStar ointment today!!! I sure hope it works, and fast!!! :eek:

I was having a really "down" morning ... really feeling discouraged, and down right fed up! I was ready to throw in the towel and pull my hair out all at the same time. :eek: Then I came here and got my dose of love and kindness from all of you!

(((BIG HUGS))))


11-19-2004, 09:41 AM
That's because we LOVE YOU KIM:D :D :D

11-19-2004, 09:42 AM
Can you post some more pictures of gorgous Rebecca?

11-19-2004, 09:57 AM
Kitten pictures too!!!! :) :) Bluestar is great - you'll see and remember a Qtip and really rub it in. I used my fingers the first time and washed my hands real good afterwards but it works better to really rub it in with a qtip... Everything will work out!!! :) :) Debbie

11-19-2004, 10:09 AM
Poor Kittens,The Found Cats hope,that the White Coats,can make the wormsgo away,and that all the Cats,will ge well again.

11-19-2004, 10:46 AM
Originally posted by catmandu
Poor Kittens,The Found Cats hope,that the White Coats,can make the wormsgo away,and that all the Cats,will ge well again.

Gary, luckily ringworm isn't actually "worms" .. it is just a fungus .. very much like athlete's foot! :rolleyes: ;)

11-19-2004, 10:46 AM
Almost every time I've rescued a kitten, its had ringworm. Its insane to think that this is reason to kill:mad: . Also, every time a kitten has ringworm, I get it, almost always on my leg. Having been through this I speak from experience....Lamisil is the best OTC ringworm med (at least for people, check with your vet before using on a kitten). By the fourth or fifth day, I have to use a Sharpie on my leg, so I'll know where to keep putting the medicine because the pink and the itch disappear so quickly....Hope you and the kitties get better...

11-20-2004, 01:17 PM
Thanks for the info and the tip! ;)

11-20-2004, 03:33 PM
Kim, I am so sorry, reading through all the posts, I thought I had responded and realized I hadn't. (Must be the age thing again.)

You have gotten such wonderful advice and great incouragement from everyone, that i'm so glad to read that it had made you feel better.

Hang in there dear friend and take one day at a time.

We all love you and are here for you.:)