View Full Version : Fundraising ideas

11-18-2004, 08:13 AM
I'm so excited--we're getting a dog park!!!!!!

I found out about it a week or so ago at the Pet Extravaganza, and signed up to be on the committee. The first meeting was last night, and I couldn't go, but my husband went.
The land is already there, 3 acres given by the trustees of the park, so the first order of business is fencing. They had some people there to do estimates, and the lowest one was $10,000.

My husband is going to call the owner of the landscape company who did our fencing and speak with him about this project, since he is a dog lover, and see what they can do on it.

Anyway, regardless of how much the fencing is going to cost, we still need to raise money. We need to put in trash cans, water, enclose a gated entrance way, and then further down the road they want to put in a pavilion, benches, agility courses and all kinds of fun stuff.

Besides just going out and asking people for money, do any of you have any creative ideas for fundrasing? We want to break ground as soon as the weather permits in the spring, so I'd like to start raising money ASAP.

Any and all ideas are welcome.

Thanks in advance:)

11-18-2004, 08:33 AM
How about getting your local pet shops involved
and the local businesses.
They might donate money, equipment, etc.
for the cause, and prizes for a raffel.
You could also have a bakery sale too.

11-18-2004, 09:13 AM
If you have any crafty type people in the group now would be the time to make some doggy Christmas ornaments and presents to sell (or even kitty toys)

11-18-2004, 10:58 AM
Have a bake sale including homemade doggy bisquits and sell them in cute packaging.

I was going to say have a car wash...but then I remembered you are in a cold place. Burr!

My stepmom's sorority had a dinner. They got permission to use the local school cafeteria and they did spaghetti, bread and salad. It was very successful.

Have a dog walk, dog fashion show, a mutt show or some sort of animal event. Not only will it draw in money, but it'll draw in a crowd of animal lovers that may be interested in donating even more.

11-18-2004, 12:00 PM
Perhaps some of the local businesses could supply items or services that you could silent auction off?

Congrats on the upcoming dog park! What fun. :)

11-18-2004, 12:03 PM
Maybe a garage sale?

Our Humane Society makes bandanas and asks for a $1 donation for each bandana.
Material at Wal-Mart costs $1 a yard on clearance, and you can make about 8 or so bandanas per yard.

11-18-2004, 07:58 PM
I know Kimmy is a little distractednow, with Andy's health, but when things are going better there, you may want to talk to her. She has been involed with Greater Lansing Dog Parks and they are trying to raise money for a park...she may have some ideas!

11-18-2004, 09:35 PM
Do a dog walk and get people to pledge you... That way the dogs are involved also !:)

11-19-2004, 12:01 AM
This isn't really dog related but what about contacting a Home Interiors representative about selling Candles?
Or if anyone knows anyone who has a candle making business contact them... the local Curves Chapter I belong to, an employee has a friend who has a small candle business and we are doing a fundraiser right now and a small candle is $6 and we are getting $3 profit! :eek: which is really good. There are 375 members and if every member just bought one candle we would have a profit of $1,125!!!