View Full Version : Just dropping in to say "hi".

11-18-2004, 06:43 AM
Hi everybody! I just thought I'd pop in and say "hello" and see how everybody was doing. Life here on the farm has been so unbelievably busy, I hardly ever get on the computer anymore!

Max is still doing great. Poor guy is upset, though, because I'm making him wear a hunter orange sweatshirt until hunting season is over. I'm not letting him run free, but I'm afraid he might get loose and be mistaken for a deer. We live next to hundreds of acres of federal forest. Usually that's good - but during deer season it's crawling with hunters.

Max has chickens now. I got them Oct. 4 when they were just a day old. They came in the mail - 25 little baby chickies in a tiny little box! I brought him with me to pick them up at the post office and he sniffed the cheeping box all the way home. He slept next to the brooder while they were inside, and now they're HIS chickens. His run is between the garage and the coop, and he can even go in the coop when he's on is line. He protects the chickens - he takes that job so seriously!

Anyways - here are some pictures. Sorry about the eyes - I need to reload my photo editing program.

Oh - I almost forgot to tell you! We got 4-wheelers!!! Max is in absolute hog heaven. I can't even tell you how much he loves them. He runs beside us (don't worry - he stays far enough away). Boy can that dog run. We went about 5 miles at 25 mph, and he kept up. On the way back, though, we had to slow down to 12 mph because he was exhausted. They're such an awesome way to get him his exercise!


"Good grief, mother - do you HAVE to humiliate me in front of all my friends?"

Here he's checking out one of his little friends. I'll try to get a better picture some day.

I'm going to go read some posts and get updated on how everybody is doing now. Talk to you later!

11-18-2004, 06:46 AM
Great to hear from you :). Wow Max sure looks handsome in his orange jumper ;), and what a good boy for looking after his Chickens.

Once again it is realy good to hear from you, i hope you can drop in more often.

11-18-2004, 08:19 AM
I love Max's outfit and the way he protects his
chicken family.
I am so glad you checked in, and where you live
sounds like a dream come true.
I would love to have a National forest as my back yard. :)

11-18-2004, 09:00 AM
It's great to hear from you!!

So glad to hear Max is enjoying life on the farm, and has new friends too!!
I think the sweatshirt looks PERFECT on him!
Pleeeeease give him a smooch on that ever so cute nose of his for me!!!!

Is your hubby still gone? Any news on when he may be coming home?

Samantha Puppy
11-18-2004, 09:23 AM
Great pics! I love Max's sweatshirt. :) And how cute that he is the chicken's caretaker. That must be absolutely adorable to see.

Don't be a stranger!

11-18-2004, 10:14 AM
Hi Stacey!! It's great to hear from you! :D

Max looks so adorable in orange and that is so sweet that he's "mothering" the baby chicks. :D

11-18-2004, 10:26 AM
Great pictures, Stacey! Max looks so cute in his orange jacket, and even cuter with his little chick buddy!

Don't be such a stranger, drop in more often!


11-18-2004, 11:05 AM
Max! You're wearing my favorite color! You look handsome in orange. You're a sweet doggy for taking care of the chickens. Tell mom to post more pictures. We miss you all!

Cinder & Smoke
11-18-2004, 11:32 AM
Originally posted by stacwase

..We got 4-wheelers!!!
Max is in absolute hog heaven.
He runs beside us...

Max ~ You *GOOF* ~

Jump up on the back seat and *RIDE*!

A good friend has two 4-Wheelers and his dog Amos
just LOVES to *RIDE* with him!

Open the 4-Wheeler garage and Amos leaps on the seat and
refuses to get off! His Kids have to fight for a place to ride!

11-18-2004, 11:37 AM
Great to hear from you! Max is adorable in his orange jacket!

Great pictures!

11-18-2004, 11:39 AM
So good to hear from you! Max looks as cute as ever in his orange sweatshirt. I think it's cute that Max protects the chickens. Duke is sort of doing that with Doogie but right now it's sort of "herding" him around. He's so curious and maybe just a little jealous of him. He's been a great big brother, though. Will look forward to seeing more pics. I'll bet you have a great time on that 4 wheeler!

11-18-2004, 11:46 AM
Hey,,, no need to be embarrassed there big guy,, I think ya look great!!! :D Nice to see you post again BTW!

11-18-2004, 01:44 PM
Thanks, everybody!

Yeah - the hubby's still in Iraq and I'm having a rough time of it. Oh well - nothing I can do about it!

Max keeps me safe and entertains me.

11-18-2004, 04:05 PM
Great to hear from you and to see Max! He's cute in the orange! :)

11-18-2004, 04:59 PM
Cute photos! :D I am curious though, how they ship chicks through the mail? Isn't that mean? :( :confused:

11-18-2004, 06:37 PM
Originally posted by luckies4me
Cute photos! :D I am curious though, how they ship chicks through the mail? Isn't that mean? :( :confused:

As soon as the little chicks hatch, they put them in small boxes, with holes on the tops, and they ride in the trucks with the mail guys to the post office, where they're picked up.

The reason they send them in a small box is so that they can keep eachother warm.

I was surprised, too! The postal people know what's in the boxes, because they can hear them cheeping, so they get treated gently (no shaking or tipping) and kept in nice warm areas.

They didn't seem any the worse for wear when they got here. They were so tiny & cute! I took them out and dipped each beak in a water/vitamin solution and they were just as happy as could be.

So - it didn't seem mean. They weren't exposed to shaking or temperature extremes, and although the box was small they had room to stretch out and walk around a bit.

We built them a nice, roomy, heated coop. There's a rooster (I named him Kramer) and 24 hens.

11-18-2004, 06:45 PM
Haha, I thought they were sent through the mail. I just had a totally different thought! LOL! Thanks for letting me know.

Do you have any more pictures of the chickens?

11-18-2004, 07:01 PM
Great pics of Max ... now I would love to see Jake ... as I am a new Sheltie owner too!:D

11-19-2004, 07:36 AM
Kim, I haven't had the heart to remove Jake's picture from my signature yet - but he passed away in July from cancer.

I know I need to change the signature to avoid confusion, but it's hard for me to do. I tried to make a pretty "rainbow bridge" type picture of him but it didn't work.

If anybody's willing to help out with that I'd sure appreciate it!

4 Dog Mother
11-19-2004, 08:10 AM
So sorry to hear that you lost Jake. How incredibly sad - how old was he?

Max looks adorable in his orange sweatshirt. How funny that he takes care of the chickens.

I'm sorry that your husband is still in Iraq. How hard that must be - worrying about his safety and just having to get along without him. I will be keeping you and him in prayer!

11-19-2004, 10:36 AM
Thanks for your kind words, 6dogmom. Jake was 7 1/2. We got him as a pup. I really do need to change my siggy - it's been almost 6 months already..

11-19-2004, 11:09 AM
Don't hurry - there is no time limit on loss.

I love the fact that Jake watches the chicks. It's so cute.

11-22-2004, 12:36 AM
Thanks so much for popping in ................. so sorry to hear about Jake ...... :(

Keep in touch .......... Love seeing pics of your furkids ....