View Full Version : Do you cuddle with your dogs? Lets see those pics!

11-18-2004, 02:41 AM
OK, I wanted to make a poll to see how many of us cuddle with our pooches. :) All of my friends know I am completely obsessed with my dog. In fact some make fun of me because of it, but hey, I love her so I don't care what they say. :p I for one constantly cuddle with Freckles. She is allowed on the bed with me pretty much whenever she wants. If you do not let your dog snuggle with you please explain why, and share your cuddle stories with me.

I want to see your cuddle pictures! :D I'll post ours as soon as I get them uploaded. I wrap my arm around her like she's a little baby, hehe. :o :p

11-18-2004, 02:44 AM
Mine are in my bed more than they are anywhere else :)

I don't have pictures (with me in them anyway... have PLENTY without me though :p ), but I'll work on getting some.

11-18-2004, 02:47 AM
Originally posted by aly
Mine are in my bed more than they are anywhere else :)

I don't have pictures, but I'll work on getting some.

Haha, sounds like Freckles! :D She is such a spoiled little girl LOL. I love sleeping next to her, except when she has gas. :eek: :p :o

I would love to see pics when you get some. :)

11-18-2004, 03:47 AM
Me and the girls sleeping in front of the fire !!

11-18-2004, 04:13 AM
Oh how cute!!! Thanks for posting the picture. :D

11-18-2004, 06:36 AM
Charlie and Buster love to be cuddled. They can't get on the bed without help, but they are on the couch all the time. We do put them in the bed sometimes, but we usually cuddle on the couch.

Bitsy and Nacey are not cuddly girls. We try, but they don't like it as much as the boys. They are only in a cuddly mood when they are really really sleepy. :(

here is a picture of charlie with Justin

11-18-2004, 08:27 AM
It wouldn't be a good day without at least one cuddle per dog. :D

Sorry I don't have any pictures but I'm the only one with fingers to press the button. Paws are too clumsy. ;)


Samantha Puppy
11-18-2004, 09:29 AM
This is the latest one...




Me, holding Sam (before I lost weight)

11-18-2004, 10:37 AM
Most definatly :D.


11-18-2004, 11:03 AM
The big dogs aren't allowed on my bed because that's the kitty's safe haven. They aren't allowed on the couch because my husband is a big meany. But, we have OUR couch in the garage I go out there and lay with them or I cuddle on the floor on their beds with them. Everyonce in a while when Mike is gone or in a really really good mood, they'll sleep in our bed with us. He thinks it's to cramped with 3 dogs and 2 cats but I love it!

11-18-2004, 11:10 AM
I cuddle with my mutts all the time.
I don't have many pictures as i'm always the one behind the camera.

My favorite places to cuddle:

With Nala, I love to cuddle on the couch. She is the best cuddle bug ever. She lays at one end of the couch, while I lay my head on her. We've slept like that for hours before.

With Simba, I love cuddling at the beach on the bench while the sun sets.
I do have a few pictures of that. It's VERY relaxing.

With Kiara, I love cuddling in bed with her. She's small enought to lay right up on my pillow. She always has to get closer and closer to me. :)

11-18-2004, 11:37 AM
you betcha,, every chance I get,,, heres me with Lucy the otherday,, I gave her a big ol smooch... Will have to find a pic of Merlin and I tho.

11-18-2004, 12:09 PM
No, Daphne likes to be petted, but doesn't like to cuddle. She's more independent. She does a low growling thing (as a warning - never mean!) if I try.

11-18-2004, 02:02 PM
I LOVE cuddling with Lefty. He's finally gotten to where he'll let me "spoon" him without trying to flip his head around to see what I'm doing. We've relaxed on the bed rule somewhat; he's allowed up on the bed when invited, but does not sleep there. That's our favorite spot to cuddle.

He tries to make himself look really cute when we're cuddling. He'll pull his legs up and cover his snout with his paws. We tease him and say, "Oh, yes, you're such a tiny puppy!" whenever he does it. :)

11-18-2004, 04:06 PM
Originally posted by Smilla
I LOVE cuddling with Lefty. He's finally gotten to where he'll let me "spoon" him without trying to flip his head around to see what I'm doing.

I spoon with Freckles all the time. She loves to flip around and start lick attacking me though. She LOVES to give kisses. Then she will get real hyper and start flopping around like a fish out of water. She has way too much energy LOL!


Thanks for the photos everyone! Keep them coming. ;)

11-18-2004, 04:18 PM
My parents' Corgis are like that--it's like trying to spoon a wiggly sausage!

11-18-2004, 04:38 PM

11-18-2004, 05:23 PM
My answer would be they are too old to cuddle. A good pat on the tumm tumm is just as special to them. :)

11-18-2004, 05:28 PM
Originally posted by guineapiglover4life
My answer would be they are too old to cuddle. A good pat on the tumm tumm is just as special to them. :)


11-18-2004, 05:48 PM
I cuddle with Daisy all the time. If I'm laying on the couch, the floor, my bed, or anywhere else, most of the time she comes over to me and she *has* to be touching a part of my body. She also adjusts her body to mine if I move just a little bit. :p

Molly's a bit more independant, and she'll only cuddle when she feels like it. But, if I'm home alone, she'll lay down with me or just stick by my side and keep a "close eye" out.

This is the most recent one I have of us together.. and yes, I have lost weight since this was taken. :o


11-18-2004, 05:55 PM
Heidi isn't allowed on the bed because its back in my room and then I worry that I will ruin my dog if I do that with the whole she will think shes equal thing, but I did when we stayed at the hotel in Winnipeg. We fell asleep together. I cuddle with her ALL the time on the floor or else she will sit on my lap in the rocking chair. :)

11-18-2004, 05:59 PM
I cuddle with them all the time:) Tango sleeps in my bed with me so she gets extra cuddling time.

11-18-2004, 06:03 PM
Very cute photo and nice heart warming stories. :)

11-19-2004, 06:14 AM
:D Kiki is the real cuddler and loves to get up on the bed with me as soon as her daddy gets up for work. She hogs the bed trying to get closer to me and has to be touching me. Only problem is she snores and has bad gas so much of the time.:rolleyes:

Monty loves to be on the bed and does sleep on it at night now. When we first got him he would maybe stay on the bed 10 minutes and jump down. He's come a long way as far as wanting some closeness with people. If he wants a belly rub then he will cuddle up to me. Gee I feel used.;) :D

I have tons of pictures of them sleeping but not cuddling with me because there is never anyone here at the time to take a picture.:(

I'll have to work on getting some if my hubby ever gets a day off. Here's as close as i have right now to cuddling.

(((Deb, Monty and Kiki Hugs)))

http://ibelieveinangels.mypicgallery.com/rottiangels/dcp-86582_large.jpg :D

11-19-2004, 06:36 AM
I cuddle the dogs & Kitty all the time. Some nights, our bed feels like a zoo: Malone is stretched across the bottom; Emerson is right up against my side, and Marigold is between Mark & I.

The only thing is, only the cat is allowed on the couch. The reason is that it is a brand new couch, and they used it as a diving board and we didn't want it ripped or muddy. So the only time they are allowed up there is to sleep with me when I am sick. :)

But when we watch a movie, I always sit on the floor so they can snuggle with me.

11-19-2004, 12:10 PM
Omar will only cuddle if he is getting a belly rub..otherwise he is playing with something:rolleyes: Chico however, will cuddle any time. He always finds some way to lay his head on me. Like right now I am laying on my bed typing here on my laptop and he is laying his head on my back. I love mornings because after I take Chico outside and feed him, we come up to my bed and just cuddle and fall asleep again..:D :D

11-19-2004, 06:06 PM
I love reading all these stories! :D

11-19-2004, 06:13 PM
Here's our snuggle pic! :D


11-19-2004, 06:27 PM
Most definatly! :D

Elvis is always trying to snuggle with me. I'll be sitting on the floor or anywhere, and he'll come over wanting to snuggle. He will bump his head into me, crawl in my lap just to say "cuddle with me!"

But when I'm watching t.v. or or restiing on the couch Elvis comes and lays between me and the couch, or sometimes he likes to sleep on top of me. hehe! At nigt he cuddles right by my head in a ball, and sleeps. :)

Since my Katie girl is getting older she doesn't like to cuddle as much. But she does love to cuddle! (Just not for a long time) If i'm laying on the floor or anything, Katie will come up, and snuggle right by my side. It's so cute because she crawls beside me. But other times she likes to just sit with me. :)

Me and Elvis snuggling. ( :o i look weird)