View Full Version : Cinny Pictures (MICKI look :) )

11-18-2004, 02:18 AM
Cinny watching Motor


Reece and Cinny playing tug


Wrestling pups (first and only time they've played like that!)




The dogs pooped out on the couch on my birthday :)


11-18-2004, 02:24 AM
Very cute photos Aly, as always. Thanks for sharing. :D

11-18-2004, 06:40 AM
Awww Cinny is looking GREAT :D. Have you had anyone interested in her yet Aly ?

LOL what a classic shot. :D

Thankyou so much for sharing with us.

guster girl
11-18-2004, 07:12 AM
Thanks for posting the pics! I hope to see Reece again soon! :)

4 Dog Mother
11-18-2004, 07:43 AM
Oh, my gosh, I didn't realize how much like Pippi Cinny looks. How much does Cinny weigh? She and Reece look like they are having a great time. By the way, Reece is looking like a lion these days!:D Sooo cute!

11-18-2004, 07:48 AM
What a cutie!!:D

11-18-2004, 08:25 AM
Loved the pictures of the three.
Cinny seems to be fitting right in with your
fur family. :)

11-18-2004, 08:27 AM
Yes, Rhiannon, someone is interested in Cinny. ;)

Aly, she's so purdy, and Reece looks so ferocious! :D I wish this stupid monitor wasn't so dark. I can't wait to go home for lunch where I can really see them good.

We have to work out a time for her to come and visit!! Michael keeps asking me, "Have you talked to Aly? When is Cinny coming?" :D He's already hooked! He's so easy! :p

11-18-2004, 08:39 AM
Yes, Rhiannon, someone is interested in Cinny.
Your joking that is awesome :D. *Happy dance*

Samantha Puppy
11-18-2004, 09:22 AM
Reece is so ferocious!! :)

Great pics, Aly.

11-18-2004, 11:31 AM
Awwwww They are so cute!

Thank you for shareing!:)

11-18-2004, 11:44 AM
Loved the playfight pics!!!!

11-18-2004, 11:47 AM
I love that wrestling picture! Reese looks so vicious. :D
Cinny is a cutie. :)

11-18-2004, 12:30 PM
What a hilarious action shot!


11-18-2004, 12:32 PM
:) Reecie my little lion REALLLLLLLY need to be groomed. My boyfriend and I are going to attempt it on Friday. I forsee an emergency trip to the groomers on Saturday, haha!

Originally posted by micki76

We have to work out a time for her to come and visit!! Michael keeps asking me, "Have you talked to Aly? When is Cinny coming?" :D He's already hooked! He's so easy! :p

Oh mcki! I am SO happy to hear that! I've been so excited about her visiting, but I didn't want to pressure you guys about it or anything. My email isn't working at all right now (neither is my cable box for my tv, but the cable modem is working.. weird) so I'll send you a pm later today. :D :D :D

11-18-2004, 01:35 PM
Originally posted by aly
Oh mcki! I am SO happy to hear that! I've been so excited about her visiting, but I didn't want to pressure you guys about it or anything.

And I've been worried about pushing you into something that you weren't comfortable with, lol.

I was starting to think either you or Josh were going to keep her. ;)

11-18-2004, 01:40 PM
What cute pics, Aly! NOW, I would seriously like to see a Skylar thread with PICS in Cat General!!!:eek: :D

11-18-2004, 02:14 PM
Originally posted by micki76
And I've been worried about pushing you into something that you weren't comfortable with, lol.

I was starting to think either you or Josh were going to keep her. ;)

Haha, thats so funny! I thought you had changed your mind and maybe didn't want a visit so I was scared to bring it up again!

Hehe, I think Josh isn't ready for a dog like her just yet. I've been slowly getting him used to different dogs with my fosters. He loves my dogs and his personality fits with them very well. But Cinny is pretty active and sometimes he gets really ________ ... I don't want to say annoyed, but ... annoyed with her! She's just still got a lot of puppy in her. I personally think she's VERY well behaved for a pup, especially a terrier pup! She did amputate all of her stuffies this week though :eek: The chicken lost his wings, beak, and feet. The cat lost her ears. The gorilla lost his innards. The Taco Bell Chihuahua lost his nose and hat :o They're not totally ruined though and she still plays with the little stumpy animals! She hasn't done anything to her ducky though. She LOVES the duck!

11-18-2004, 02:32 PM
I love the pictures Aly!
Cinny is adorable and Reece is ever so handsome.
Where's Miss Lolly? ;)

Micki might get Cinny?!! That would be SO awesome!!

Is she larger or smaller than Millie and Chester?

11-18-2004, 02:55 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr

Is she larger or smaller than Millie and Chester?

I *think* she is in between Chester and Millie's sizes. Chester seems a *tad* shorter and more petite than her. She was REALLLLLLLLLY skinny when she came to me, but I've got some meat on her bones finally (and she's now a little piggie when food is around).

I'm not sure how much she weighs. Maybe 9 lbs? Total guess. I do know she was 15 when she was pregnant.

11-18-2004, 03:00 PM
Chester's 11 lbs and Millie's a lot more than that. LOL :o She's about 17 or 18. My little Tubitha. :p

Millie used to eat the eyes off all her stuffies. Thankfully she outgrew that! Chester pees on all of her toys! :p :rolleyes:

11-18-2004, 03:12 PM
Originally posted by micki76

Millie used to eat the eyes off all her stuffies. Thankfully she outgrew that! Chester pees on all of her toys! :p :rolleyes:

Heheheheh :D Silly Chester!

I think that Cinny will grow out of it too. It seems to be a puppy thing with her.

I am SO curious to see what Chester thinks of Miss Cinny!

11-18-2004, 03:38 PM
Originally posted by aly
Heheheheh :D Silly Chester!

I think that Cinny will grow out of it too. It seems to be a puppy thing with her.

I am SO curious to see what Chester thinks of Miss Cinny!

Oh yeah, he's a real comedian. :p :rolleyes:

I'm sure he'll make a lot of noise and poo poo her like he's too good to associate with her. Then suddenly one day, they'll start playing. Though he never would play with Abby. Well, actually Millie always butted in whenever he even considered it.

How is Cinny with snippy girls? Millie usually tries to assert herself by lunging and making a lot of noise. :rolleyes: Once she realizes she can't pick a fight, she's fine. It's just that initial meeting where she's a witch. She never once growled at Aneko, and my SIL’s dog just ignores her. :D

11-18-2004, 04:10 PM
Originally posted by micki76
Oh yeah, he's a real comedian. :p :rolleyes:

I'm sure he'll make a lot of noise and poo poo her like he's too good to associate with her. Then suddenly one day, they'll start playing. Though he never would play with Abby. Well, actually Millie always butted in whenever he even considered it.

How is Cinny with snippy girls? Millie usually tries to assert herself by lunging and making a lot of noise. :rolleyes: Once she realizes she can't pick a fight, she's fine. It's just that initial meeting where she's a witch. She never once growled at Aneko, and my SIL’s dog just ignores her. :D

Cinny will flop onto her back into submission immediately. She doesn't put up a challenge at ALL. I think that is why Lolly probably likes her more than any other foster I've had. For Lolly to initiate play with her is a HUGE thing too, because Lolly is very picky about who she plays with.

When Lolly plays, she gets very snarly and vocal. Cinny wasn't sure if it was play or not, so she flopped to her back every time. She'd then slowly slink up to Lolly and lick her face. Cinny has amazing dog manners :)

When we're out walking, other dogs will bark and snarl and put up a huge fuss, but Cinny just trots along and looks at them like they're insane .. she doesn't even let out a peep! For awhile, I thought she was incapable of barking, but she has since become REALLY playful and will bark when she's playing sometimes now.

I don't think Chester or Millie will feel threatened at all by her once they realize she'll submit to them every time they feel fiesty :)