View Full Version : More warm & toasty!

11-17-2004, 11:19 PM
Ivy and Pete show southern kitties how to keep warm! We heat our house with a wood stove and the cats love it!
It does not matter if all the dog stuff is drying in front of the fire! In order to get warm and toasty, Miss Ivy, Princess of the known universe, must get as close to the stove as possible. Laying right on the pedastal will do.

Really, dog leashes and ganglines make a comfy bed.

Pete prefers the end table right beside the stove, still comfy and warm, not quite as much dog stuff in the way!

11-18-2004, 06:02 AM
Great pictures!

11-18-2004, 06:09 AM
Well, I just got a warm and toasty feeling just looking at the pictures! What cuties but I have to say that I really am in love with Pete!:D

11-18-2004, 06:21 AM
Filou can get so warm and toasty I wonder why he's not cooked:


He said: Mom why don't we have a wood stove like the Alaska kitties:D

11-18-2004, 07:09 AM
Those are great pictures!:D So warm and toasty in fact, that we have already thrown another log on the fire:D

We like wood stoves in Ohio, too:) We do try to use it to heat the house and usually manage until about mid January by using ceiling fans on reverse, but our house is a sprawling ranch and though we like to sleep cold under quilts, it is not good to wake up and crack ice off the inside of the bedroom windows:rolleyes: I do use a portable heater for the bathroom so I don't....uh....stick to the toilet seat:o

These toasty kitties are oh-so-sweet!!

11-18-2004, 08:48 AM
Those,are great photos,and now,more than ever,I am getting,and electric stove,for The Found Cat Hotel.

11-18-2004, 10:58 AM
Originally posted by sirrahbed

We like wood stoves in Ohio, too:) We do try to use it to heat the house and usually manage until about mid January by using ceiling fans on reverse, but our house is a sprawling ranch and though we like to sleep cold under quilts, it is not good to wake up and crack ice off the inside of the bedroom windows:rolleyes: I do use a portable heater for the bathroom so I don't....uh....stick to the toilet seat:o

Our house is a rancher too! We have a little fan that sits right on top of the stove. It works great for moving the heat around the house, along with the ceiling fans. We don't have much choice but to heat with wood. There's no way to get natural gas up here. We have a proprane furnace as back up but at 90 cents a litre for propane, it only gets used when it's -40!