View Full Version : Vent

11-17-2004, 07:41 PM
I'm soooo mad at my boyfriend right now. His mother called tonight he's at work and I was not home... I saw the number on the phone and mentioned it to him when he called on his break he's all Pi$$ed at me cuz I didn''t call back cuz she probably wanted me to babysit so she could go to Bingo.... I figured thats what the call was for but I didn't feel like babysitting... I babysat them last week I have Katrina on friday I had jenn last weekend and kim the weekend before. I'm constantly taking them places too cottages, shopping, corn mazes,movies,trick or treating, out to lunch just to come over here and watch movies and he's never around when I do all this either...he gets all ticked off and says stuff like well you always babysit Kayla (my cousin) yeah her mother pays me!!! This the first time I didn't call back I do it every other time whether I have plans, feel like it or not last weekend I wasn't all to pleased doing it cuz they all went out him and his parents and I had to stay back and watch their kids! It's like he thinks it's required for me to do all this. What a jerk!! sorry I just needed to vent

11-17-2004, 07:45 PM
You have the right to babysitt and you don't have to spend every waking moment with him! I think you are right and he is a jerk! Whenever my sis has boy problems she just goes out with a bunch of her girlfriends and do something fun like shopping. Maybe this will make you feel better like it does for her? I hope you make-up!

11-17-2004, 07:53 PM
Oh, I have Mother In Law issues, so I can totally relate. Hubby thinks his mom walks on water, so I have to really watch it sometimes. We've fought more about his family than anything else. His mom gets her feelings hurt at the drop of a hat. It's ridiculous for a woman her age. :rolleyes:

11-17-2004, 08:26 PM
You guys aren't even married and it sounds like
your being taken advantage of?

11-17-2004, 08:40 PM
No, were not married... But the times I do take the girls its my choice. She doesn't ask me to babysit all the time its just I feel I have the right to say no and not have him all mad cuz I did... I maybe could see his point if I never payed any attention to his sisters, but I do spend a lot of time with them and I'm not saying I don't enjoy it or hate it its just I wish he could see it like I dont have to do this I do it for him and his family... I dont think they're taking advantage of me I think Brain just expects me to bend over backwards to please his parents whether I like it or not..... Maybe I was just mad and I guess if she really wanted to go out I could have babysat her 3 kids.... I just want him to be thankful for the time I do spend with his sisters...