View Full Version : Feeding Issues (help)

Samantha Puppy
11-17-2004, 10:13 AM
Right now, I have my kittens on the following diet - 1/2 can to each of them for breakfast, crunchies available all day/night, and 1/2 can to each of them for dinner. I would eventually like to transition to only feeding them wet food for dinner.

I do this because I am told it's best for them while they're growing. I did the same thing for Samantha when she was a puppy. However, Samantha never got overly dependant on breakfast so it was easier to wean her off of it and just feed her a can of wet food at dinner.

However, with the kittens - especially Kirin - he seems very "attached" to breakfast. Every morning, he wakes me up between 6:30 and 7am to get up and feed them. If I hide my face from him under the covers, he finds a "hole" and sticks his paw under the covers to wake me up. It was cute at first but now it's annoying. I'm thinking of transitioning them off breakfast NOW so maybe I can be able to sleep past 7am again.

Any suggestions? Any help would be GREATLY appreciated...

A very tired mom

11-17-2004, 10:32 AM
There are so many theories:
I have heard that it is best for cats if they get small portions during the day as this is their normal behavior when they feed on rodents etc.

F+T get food whenever they ask for it. That is usually an early breakfast ( a spoon wet food), a late breakfast (a spoon wet food), an early dinner (same) and a late dinner (same) plus dry food during the night, plus some treats before I go to bed to be delivered in my bed:D

Both are not overweight (F: 7,5 lb, Tigris 13,5 lb- but he is a big boy with long legs) and happy.

But I am sure there are other methods as well. :)

I know that I cannot resist to a cat asking for breakfast:D

11-17-2004, 10:54 AM
We free feed. It's really best for us because even me and hubby aren't on a schedule. This way, they can eat whenever they want.

Oh, and even with the free feeding, we still have a hungry begger in the mornings . . . I think it's just a cat thing! They want breakfast just like you! ;)

11-17-2004, 10:58 AM
Early a.m. breakfast is our gangs routine.