View Full Version : I need opinions....

11-16-2004, 01:04 PM
I'm working on a web page for one of my classes. It consists of my resume, info. on me and my family/pets/etc, and a research paper. Well, I'm doing mine on dachshunds, lol, figures right? haha Well, what I need opinions on is what would you like on a page that you are looking at to learn about a breed of dog that you may want or want to learn about? See, I would like for the page to be informative and something I would like to keep up and add to and so on. I've got a little poll started but if there's anything I didn't think of please please please, feel free to post it :D Also, pick what you think is most important as at this time, I probably won't have time to do it too in depth. :) I'm having a hard time picking what to put on the poll so, please share your thoughts, lol!

Thanks you guys!

Oh and I'll be posting the link in my signature once the site is done and available to the public. :)

11-16-2004, 01:23 PM
To me things like genetics, maintenance, breed history, and size would be the most important. I probably already know about the appearance and colors and such just aren't that important. I mean a brown dog will work in my household just as well as a black dog, but a 100 # dog won't, and many breeds have different sizes within it. (Some people wouldn’t know that there are standards, miniatures, and toys of certain breeds, or the size differences in males & females.) A dog with it's origins in Africa doesn't affect me as much as a dog with a genetic tendency towards cancer or wobblers.

11-16-2004, 02:10 PM
I think all of those things are important if you are learning about a breed of dog!

I also think maybe something along the lines of their life expectancy, as alot of people wonder how long the dog usually lives :)

11-16-2004, 02:29 PM
Hi Dapple!

All the factual info is great, but I love to hear about people's personal experiences with the breed. Maybe add a Blog to your webpage for people to add their own comments about the breed's good points and bad points.


11-16-2004, 02:56 PM
Maintinance and health problems (not just genetic ones) common for the breed are the two things I would want to know about the most. An objective discription would be nice too...:)

11-16-2004, 05:23 PM
I think some general behavioral characteristics would be good. Of course, not all dogs of a breed would have the same behaviors, but just some general information like prey drive, activity level, etc.

11-16-2004, 05:46 PM
i voted for other because i think that you should have all of those topics on there.

11-16-2004, 06:03 PM
I thought the most
important for me would be: Appearance, Size, Genetics and maintance.
(temperment would be important too.)

11-16-2004, 06:10 PM
I voted genetic problems as the first thing. Then, I would want to know about size and temperament. Sounds like a hard paper. Good luck with it!

11-16-2004, 06:36 PM
Thanks so much for your imput. :D I think all of those things are important but I will never have the time to add everything right now, it's due in Dec. and I've already started it but I'm trying to get things finnished up. I hope to have tons of info. about dachshunds on there before too awful long but for now, I wanted to get the major things on there first. I'm not very good at writing so I hope I can do ok on this thing. lol