View Full Version : Saying Goodbye: A New Beginning

11-15-2004, 05:15 PM
I put this in cat general but I know a lot of you don't go there so I thought I'd put it here, too.

This past Thursday was a sad day for Donna(moosmom). She's been having to rehome some of her cats. I've adopted Doogie. I met her near Findlay Ohio while I was on vacation to pick up Doogie. I wanted to stay and talk for a bit but it was so windy, rainy and cold that we just made the switch very quickly. She already had him loaded in the kennel but I asked her if she would like a pic with him. I swear, I just almost started crying. Here she is giving her guy a final hug goodbye.
He is such a sweet kitty. Purrs a lot!
Here Duke is getting introduced to him. Donna didn't lie when she said Doogie was laid back. Nothing bothers him. Duke was curious about him and did a lot of sniffing. They're already becoming good buddies.
I think this is so cute
I just love this one! Isn't he a doll? I'm thinking of calling him Garfield, if he can get used to it. Duke sometimes thinks I'm calling him when I say Doogie. Don't know what to do. But, with all that cat, I think Garfield would be a great name
I just can't believe how well they are getting along! Yesterday, Doogie slept by my head purring and Duke was at my feet. Was a wonderful nap. I love being woken up by loud kitty purrs. Have missed that for so long. I'll be glad when he can get settled in here. I made a hasty sig. I didn't get here until about midnight and it's now 1:45am. I'm pooped. Just thought everyone would want a few pics before I went to bed.

11-15-2004, 05:18 PM
Congrats :D ~

Doogie is SO photogenic. Look at that head tilt! SO cute..

I love the picture of Doogie looking up at duke. Thanks for sharing, Val.

11-15-2004, 05:56 PM
I am impressed how good buddy's they are already.
Wonderful pictures!!

11-15-2004, 06:00 PM
Doogie looks like he's already made himself at home....

Thank you Duke, for sharing your abode with Doogie.


11-15-2004, 06:11 PM
Oh, how kind of you Val! I know Donna is very happy to know her boy has found such a wonderful home! The farewell pic of Donna and Doogie had me all teary. I can't believe how well the intros are going!!! I'm sure Duke and Doogie...(love the names together) are going to be the best of pals! What a handsome boy:)


11-15-2004, 06:17 PM
Oh how sweet! I'm sure it brings Donna great comfort to see that her boy is in good hands. How heartwarming to see him and Duke getting along like they've known each other forever. Doogie's so precious. Glad to see him feeling right at home. :)

11-15-2004, 08:28 PM
Such touching photos. It's easy to see that Doogie and Duke will be fast friends! :D

11-15-2004, 08:34 PM
I have tears in my eyes from reading this thread. How great that Doogie went to such a loving home. The two of them look like old friends. :D

11-16-2004, 04:29 AM
Awww... They look so happy together!!!!
What a Great thing you did,Val...I know that will give Donna a lot of comfort...Knowing that Precious Doogie is Safe & Loved....

Looks like he fits right in!!!!

11-16-2004, 05:50 AM
I never realized that Doogie was such a big kitty! Donna, he is an armful and a half!!

I am so glad that he is fitting right in. A happy ending to be sure :D:D

11-16-2004, 06:23 AM
That Doogie sure looks like a sweetheart. Can't beat an orangie. It is obvious this boy has been well loved and this will continue:D

11-16-2004, 06:50 AM
Oh Val lovely pics., just how at ease those two are is wonderful.
Looks like they've always known one another doesn't it?

{{{Hugs}}} to you for giving the gorgeous Doogie a new furever home and {{{Hugs}}} to Donna xxx


11-16-2004, 07:56 AM
A big thank you to you Val for giving Doogie a home and for giving Donna the peace of mind knowing that he's safe and well cared for. Here's hoping Doogie and Duke are going to be great friends.