View Full Version : HELP - My cat acting strange!

11-15-2004, 11:50 AM
Meka all of a sudden has diaherria (spelling), on and off since We or Thurs last week (she is about 2-1/2 years old). She attacked my hubby yesterday with all claws and teeth unexpectedly (he is pretty tore up on his hand and arm), attacked my hair as I was laying on the couch barely missing my face. Is bouncing off walls and getting into EVERYTHING she has been trained not too get into. She is even getting out the door when we open it so we have to close the garage door before we come in.

After much thought it seems to have all started Wed night or Thurs morning. I have changed her food but that was two weeks ago. I have given her different treats which I thought might be it but.... Then I thought about how scared she seemed Wednesday night when we moved all the furniture (except couch and TV) out of the living room because we are having tile put down but was moved to this weekend). COuld all this be stress over us moving all our furniture into other rooms???? HELP! We can't have her attacking us. The other is just bothersome and I finally got the squirt gun back out last night and she got it a bunch but did stop doing what she knew she shouldn't.. The diaherria worries me but she is still drinking water and peeing... By the way how many times is she suppose to pee in one day??? Thank you. HELP - Debbie

11-15-2004, 12:13 PM
Sounds like you really rocked her world all at once. Did you chance food all at once or gradually mix the old and New. That could cause the diarrea and bad behavoir couse of tummy upset. You may have changed things too fast that she feels like its not her home any more. I would take her to the vet for an exam just in case.

Maya & Inka's mommy
11-15-2004, 12:14 PM
Debbie, I might be wrong, but that sudden agression mostly means that the cat is ill. If I were you, I would get her to a vet as soon as possible!
Good luck! Let us know what the vet said, okay?:)

11-15-2004, 12:15 PM
Did the tiles get laid? What chemicals were used in laying the tiles? It sounds like it may be an allergic reaction to something, or perhaps it's just the stress of stuff having been moved. I would call the vet just to be safe. Kitties having diarrhea for more than a day is something that should be checked by a vet.

11-15-2004, 01:45 PM
The tiles didn't get put down yet - some border tiles haven't come in so it will be this weekend. I asked hubby about when she attacked him and he said she jumped out of the doorway onto his leg with claws in - playing. Then he reached down to pet her and she latched on hard with teeth and claws - couldn't get her off... I'm wondering if she may have been overly excited....

I've been switching her food between one she had before and a new one - mostly the new one. But she has not had diahreia constantly - it started Wed and then didn't start again till Friday - but not bad. Last night was worse but then again we were gone for the first time at night at a friends house and not home with her till 9pm and we were ignoring her too. She had been so rotten all weekend and we are way too stressed that it was ignore her or take her back to the shelter - it sounds so bad but we are at our witts end. I thought it would be so nice to have a cat in the house but she is turning out not to be nice at all..... One thing after another... What happen to having a nice sweet loving cat?????? We are stressed enough but she is just an addition to it.........

I'm going to switch her food back to the old one tonight - I just went and bought more. See if that helps. I'm thinking it might have been the real chicken broth I gave her. It seems about the same time as she was getting diahria. I'd put a tablespoon of real chicken broth (no onion or anything in it - just real broth) on her dry food. Maybe???? I can't afford to rack up vet bills everytime something happens - hubby would say no cat.... Debbie

11-15-2004, 01:52 PM
Cats can pick up on your stress. Sorry, I can't keep the cats straight anymore. How long have you had her? How old is she?

11-15-2004, 03:09 PM
I've only had her about 6 weeks. She is about 2 1/2 years old according to the vet and I got her at the local animal control... I feel sorry for her if she is picking up on our stress!!!!! haha :) I was hoping having her around would divert our thoughts from all our worry to having and enjoying her. But she is driving us nutts! Plus she is not really a lovable cat. She wants to by us - under our feet tripping us as much as possible but not a loving lap cat. She will sit on top of the couch or by our feet... :)Debbie

11-16-2004, 09:14 AM
WE are sorry,about your Cats Mood Swings,and we pray,that you can get her back,ro her sweet self.Maybe,something you did innocently reminded her,of something bad,that happened to her,in a previous home.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-16-2004, 11:09 AM
I think she is just stressed over the changes in the house. 6 weeks is not a long time to have a cat, and she is still getting used to everything and now everything in the house has changed - including her food. I think she will settle down once the house hold settles down. And you and hubby will get to know her "signs" of when she is over stimulated and to then just walk away and not play with her anymore. She will eventually learn that playing rough like that is unacceptable.

I don't have any advice really, except to be patient with her and like I say, once the house settles down, she should too. And she may never become a lap cat, but you'll find that just having her near for an occassional skritchie is really nice too. :)

11-16-2004, 12:21 PM
Thank you all

Debbie - I think it is stress too. Also chicken broth really seemed to be what made her have such runny stool. I noticed that when I got home her stool is much better but I still switched her back to her old food and will until she is totally better and then gradullaly get her on the better food. She scratches more on the old food like a food allergy and that was why I was trying to get her off of it. We are ignoring her more - not playing as much. She could play 24/7 if it is up to her. She will take little cat naps and is at it again. I've seen her play by herself but she really trying to get us to play with her. I like to play with her but it really seems to overexcite her and I'm thinking we need to do it in moderation. We'll see. Wish us all luck - I'd hate for hubby to make me give her up. Debbie

11-16-2004, 12:30 PM
I think it sounds like stress. Pouncer's been acting the same way since we had the last foster. I am taking a break from fostering because he's acting so "un-Pouncer-like" and he's starting to return to normal.

11-16-2004, 06:34 PM
Please watch your husband. He could get an infection from the cat and if it is not treated he could end up in the hosp with IV going. Be sure he cleaned the area very well and watch for red lines going up or down for injured area. If you see any of this go to doctor or ER AsAp. The same thing happen to my exhusband and if he had waited any longer he would of been in the hosp. The only thing that we could think of was that the cat we got came from a home that had all carpet and in the house we lived in had some hard wood floors. The poor little cat didnot adjust. He had come from a home with many cats. So being introduce to other cats was no big deal. Hope and pray both cat and hubby does ok.

11-16-2004, 11:44 PM
Husband, were he infected as suggested above, would have been in enough pain and loss of muscle use to have been to a doctor by today. This happened to another pt member several months ago! She would no way would have tolerated the discomfort beyond day two! (or was it day one?) Catcrazylady? Was it not you with the red stripe up your arm last spring? Anyway, don't worry, infections are obvious. It's not like you're not going to know.

11-17-2004, 07:19 AM
Originally posted by leslie
Husband, were he infected as suggested above, would have been in enough pain and loss of muscle use to have been to a doctor by today. This happened to another pt member several months ago! She would no way would have tolerated the discomfort beyond day two! (or was it day one?) Catcrazylady? Was it not you with the red stripe up your arm last spring? Anyway, don't worry, infections are obvious. It's not like you're not going to know.

leslie, Carol is an RN (as I am) and deals with this stuff every day. The infection may not show up for DAYS. I hate to be rude but Carol was trying to be helpful and her advice was very good. When CCL was bitten, she did not develop the streak until the third day. She thought the pain was much better - I was keeping in touch with her via phone.

You may well be correct and infection is ruled out, but it never hurts to be cautious. Also, if the infection takes on the form of an absess, there is no tell-tail red streak. But then, there would be much pain and likely fever.