View Full Version : What Human Meds, Herbs Or Supplements Do You Use?

11-15-2004, 06:17 AM
I'm curious as to how many of you use human meds and/or herbs/supplements you give you're furbabies. Thought this might be helpfull and usefull for everyone. For the love of dogs.....
have a great day.

Rottimommy, Monty and Kiki:)

PJ's Mom
11-15-2004, 08:18 AM
The only one I use is Visine for Peej's eye. he gets 1-4 drops per day depending on how bad it looks.

11-15-2004, 01:27 PM
Buffered aspirin when they seem a little stiff or have an ouch!

Meloxicam is actually a human athritis medication, but Goldie takes it every day.

Zinc for Muskwa. He suffers from zinc responsive dermatitis, a pretty common ailment among huskies.

Glucosomine & MSM for the older, stiff dogs.

Polysporin eye drops for minor eye irritations.

11-15-2004, 01:40 PM
The only human med I have used is eye drops, when Ash had a slight infection, probably like conjunctivitis, which was recommended as safe to use by the Pet store,it is and it worked, it is called Brolene.

I would never use a human med without checking it out first, as some are toxic to animals.

11-15-2004, 01:55 PM
I would never use a human med without checking it out first, as some are toxic to animals.

I should have put ( that have been approved by your vet. My brain went on a vacation and left me home. Sorry i sure wouldn't use anything that wasn't vet approved.:)


11-15-2004, 02:00 PM
I realised you probably meant that, but thought it best just to clarify that point, as some people might read this thread and decide to go ahead and use stuff that was inappropriate, just pays to be cautious, would hate to see any pets hurt by using the wrong stuff.

I imagine everyone who has responded has done just that, checked it out with a vet or someone who knows about these things before using them. cheers.

11-15-2004, 02:47 PM
Great point, yes please check w/ your vet first, as you have to make sure people meds won't interfere with the specific dog (due to age, breed or any other meds the dog may be taking).

I have used these at one point in time or another, for my critters, fosters, transports etc...
I added a few that can be used on ferrets & cats

Sterile eye drops (for minor eye irritations)
peroxide (clean wounds or induce vomiting)
buffered asprin (soreness)
glucosamine, chondroitin &/or MSM (stiffness/joints)
benadryl (allergies or colds mainly for my ferrets though, but have used on dogs)
Pepto-Bismol upset tummies
diaper rash creams (irritated skin, especially urine burns from old or sick animals... also mainly used on my ferrets)
pedialyte or gatorade (dehydration)
neosporin (cuts, wounds just make sure your pet does not lick it off)
selson blue shampoo (dandruff, ring worm, some other skin irritations)
athletes feet meds (ringworm... for me the spray works best)
dromamine (car sickness) can be used for dogs
vaseline (hairball treatments for cats & ferrets)

oh I am sure I have used other items but I just can't remember at this time

11-15-2004, 06:59 PM
Our dogs have taken both Benedryll and Claritin for allergies
Pepto for an upset tummy
Immodium for the runs
Pedialyte for dehydration
and Neosporin for cuts and scrapes

11-15-2004, 09:37 PM
Pedialyte (parvo), neosporin (cuts), and benadryl (allergies) are the only ones that I have used on pets.

Canis Amicus
11-16-2004, 02:29 AM
I use to give Rex:
Aspirin, when his leg aches;
Immodium, for diahrhea;
Johanniskraut, to help his aggressions issues;
Iodine, for cuts;
Lanolin and Vaseline, on his paws;
Bakers yeast, agains doggie odor and fleas;
Apple Cider Vinegar, in his water bowl and some in the water to rinse him, same as above;
Garlic (raw), against worms and fleas.

In Sommer he shedded a lot and his coat was really uggly, I gave him Becozyn Forte (Vitamin B Complex), now he has a wonderful, shinny coat.