View Full Version : Saying Goodbye: A New Beginning

11-15-2004, 12:46 AM
This past Thursday was a sad day for Donna(moosmom). She's been having to rehome some of her cats. I've adopted Doogie. I met her near Findlay Ohio while I was on vacation to pick up Doogie. I wanted to stay and talk for a bit but it was so windy, rainy and cold that we just made the switch very quickly. She already had him loaded in the kennel but I asked her if she would like a pic with him. I swear, I just almost started crying. Here she is giving her guy a final hug goodbye.
He is such a sweet kitty. Purrs a lot!
Here Duke is getting introduced to him. Donna didn't lie when she said Doogie was laid back. Nothing bothers him. Duke was curious about him and did a lot of sniffing. They're already becoming good buddies.
I think this is so cute
I just love this one! Isn't he a doll? I'm thinking of calling him Garfield, if he can get used to it. Duke sometimes thinks I'm calling him when I say Doogie. Don't know what to do. But, with all that cat, I think Garfield would be a great name
I just can't believe how well they are getting along! Yesterday, Doogie slept by my head purring and Duke was at my feet. Was a wonderful nap. I love being woken up by loud kitty purrs. Have missed that for so long. I'll be glad when he can get settled in here. I made a hasty sig. I didn't get here until about midnight and it's now 1:45am. I'm pooped. Just thought everyone would want a few pics before I went to bed.

11-15-2004, 12:58 AM
Absolutely ADORABLE pictures!!! How cute Doogie and Duke are together! (hugs) Donna .... I know it was hard saying goodbye, but what a great choice in a new home you made!!!;)

Maya & Inka's mommy
11-15-2004, 04:44 AM
This brought me to tears... ! That last hug needs no words, it speaks for itself. You have a great heart Donna!!!

The bonding with Duke is heartwarming! Wow, those two are made for being together!! I agree, the name Doogie sounds to much like "doggie". I think that Duke is confused, as I am sure you call him "my doggie" often ;) . The name "Garfield" sounds perfect to me!! Hurray for Duke & Garfield, 2 new "furever buddies" :) :)

11-15-2004, 05:45 AM
This is exactly what I was hoping to see, Val!!! :) Thank you. Can't believe that Doogie and Duke are already doing so well together!!!! :D

11-15-2004, 05:50 AM
Oh my gracious I have tears in my eyes! What a wonderful kitty Doogie is to except the changes so easily. Donna this has to make you feel absolutely wonderful! I know it was hard to say goodbye but you could not have sent Doogie to a better home.

All the pictures where fantastic but this has to be my favorite

Are you sure he hasn't lived with you forever?
I'm so glad that Donna and all of us PT'ers who love Doogie will be able to keep up with him and see lots of pictures.
{{{HUGS}}} to you, Doogie, and that adorable Duke!:D :D :D

11-15-2004, 06:11 AM
I also had tears any my eyes when I saw you Donna hugging Doogie.

However they turned into tears of joy when I saw Doogie with Duke:) The Chinese would say they must have been close friends in a former life ;)

11-15-2004, 06:45 AM
Aww. Best of friends already! How sweet.

They look like they've always been together.

11-15-2004, 06:53 AM
What a couple of beauties. I am glad that they are getting along so well. Garfield would suit him to a T.

11-15-2004, 07:06 AM
WOW, they already look like best buds!!!

So glad that you could take Doogie for Donna. I'm sure that she's happy that Doogie is going to such an excellent home! And it looks like Doogie is quite happy also! ;)

11-15-2004, 07:08 AM

Thank you so much for the best gift you could've given me!!! I am sobbing right now because, although I miss Doogie very much (my house seems so empty), I know in my heart he is where he belongs. I knew this would work out.

I've copied the picture me and Doogie and have made a background of it.

This picture is priceless!!


Thank you Val. You are now an official meowmie!!!! ;)

11-15-2004, 07:49 AM

Its so nice to see a cat adjust well to his new home. You are so wonderful to take him in.

11-15-2004, 07:57 AM
Those are some wonderful pictures. Donna, I am so glad that you are able to find purrfect home for your beloved kitties. I know it must seem lonesome but you can't do any better than you are doing!!! ((((Donna))))
Val- those are sweet pictures and you are so caring to get them posted so quickly. Duke is a great brother to Doogie/Garfield already:D

11-15-2004, 07:58 AM
AWWWWWWW! Tears and smiles all in the same thread. I LOVE IT Once again we prove we really are one huge happy family. The looks on Duke's and Doogie/Garfield's dear faces say it all.

11-15-2004, 08:15 AM
What a wonderful story,and we are glad,to see Duke,and Doogie,hitting,it off so well,and bless you,the Orange Found Cat Organization,says that you can never go wrong,with An Orange Cat.

11-15-2004, 08:34 AM
Wow, that picture of Donna and Doogie is a heartbreaker! But then I know Donna is happy that Doogie got such a good home.

Then we come to the picture of Doogie looking up at Duke like she loves him already, makes the heart feel good!

Val, you are a meowmie! And doesn't it feel wonderful?


11-15-2004, 08:49 AM
Donna, I know your heart must be empty feeling right now, but then filled with joy seeing these pictures! I can't get over how fast Doogie & Duke hit it off! :eek: I'm not sure I'd radically change Doogie's name..I like the combination of D&D. Also dogs (at least mine) always respond with excitement to any word! Ingrained into their heads that ANY word = treat...or possible treats, walk, etc. ;) Give those sweet boys some kisses for me, and tell Duke he's wonderful for being o good with Doogie. ;)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-15-2004, 10:06 AM
Awww....what wonderful pictures. The first one is heartbreaking, but the rest are so heart warming! I love the way Doogie is looking at Duke in the third one. It's like he's saying "Hey big brother, nice to meet you." :D And then the fourth one, with his cocked head - well - that is just tooo precious!

Welcome to your furrever home Doogie. Looks like you've found a wonderful home. :)

Val, I'm so glad that you adopted Doogie. This way Donna can at least get uppy dates on him and continue to see how he thrives. :D

11-15-2004, 10:35 AM
Awwwww, they are so sweet together!

11-15-2004, 10:36 AM
Good gosh, what a range of emotions this thread puts you through.

My heart breaks for Donna at one moment and then leaps for joy to see how sweet Duke and Doogie look together.

What a happy ending to this story.

Edwina's Secretary
11-15-2004, 10:48 AM
Good on both Doogie and Duke! Those truely are heart-string-tugging photos!

11-15-2004, 10:52 AM
I agree, that is quite a range of emotions in one thread. The picture of Donna and Doogie is so sweet.

I must say, what a good boy Duke is to accept Doogie so quickly. Love the pictures. Val, I can understand the name confusion. I have that problem here with Diz - the dog and Jazz the cat. Sometimes I get both with one name.

Welcome to your new home Doogie!!

11-15-2004, 11:06 AM
Donna, I can't imagine how difficult it must be to rehome your cats. My heart feels for you. Doogie looks like he'll fit in wonderfully, Val. Duke and him make a great pair. Thanks for the adorable pics.

11-15-2004, 11:51 AM
Please, don't feel sorry for me. I'm so happy that everything worked out and that Doogie/Garfield and Duke are becoming best buds so fast!!!

I was blubbering in my coffee this morning because I hadn't expected to see the picture of me and Doogie at first click. It was a bit of a shock, even though I remembered Val taking the picture.

Val is such a wonderful person for taking Doogie/Garfield and giving him a loving home. It puts my mind and heart at ease.

11-15-2004, 01:41 PM
A heart-warming series...

11-15-2004, 05:56 PM
What a wondeful homecoming for the very handseom Doogie. Glad to see that duke has welcome his new brother with wags and curiosity.

Thank you for giving that sweet guy a wonderful home.

PS: Welcome to the cat side as an official cat mom!

11-15-2004, 05:59 PM
While Duke was eating dinner tonight, Doogie washed one of his front legs. I've got one of those feeders that is on a pedestal so it's easier for Duke to eat. Doogie was getting water from it tonight. Didn't have my camera near. It was so cute to see him all stretched out, drinking from that huge bowl.

11-15-2004, 07:43 PM
I was wondering how this all turned out, and what a great thread with wonderful pictures. I am so glad to hear that Duke and Doogie are working it out, and are becoming friends. What a wonderful PT tale!!! :D

11-15-2004, 09:25 PM
Range of emotions is right.

What great pictures and I am so glad to hear how well Duke has accepted Doogie/Garfield.

Oh DDM, you are going to have to carry that camera around your neck for the next time Doogie licks Duke's leg. That had to be a hoot to see.

11-15-2004, 09:30 PM
Doogie and Duke...............what a beautiful pair! Doogie is just so handsome and Duke looks like a very nice loving boy. Doogie looks so at home already, I can't believe it! That's just wonderful. :D

11-15-2004, 10:57 PM
Well I didn't want to look but it seems all has worked out ok! And alright Donna, I will try not to feel bad for you! (it's hard though!) I wanna see pics now of Doogie stretched out getting water from Duke's bowl! These pics are super! I wish I had a way to print them. Again, these are the kind of pictures one would want protected from others to take and use for their own purposes! (see t and b's thread on this topic!)

11-15-2004, 11:43 PM
What a wonderful thing to do .......... sorry I only caught up now ....

moosmom - at least you will always see pics of the darlin .... {{{hugs}}}

11-15-2004, 11:52 PM
congratulations Val, Duke, and Doogie/Garfield
They make a gorgeous pair!
Now you have 'they boys'. :)

11-16-2004, 08:42 AM
I can't wait to see more Doogie and Duke pictures. :)