View Full Version : eyeopener at Manchester Airport....

11-14-2004, 07:51 PM
I recently was watching an expose documentary on Manchester Airport and was horrified at what I learn't, maybe our fellow English PTer's may also like to comment.

A reporter went undercover as a security guard, and this was after 9/11 as well.

The planes are left on the Tarmac with the steps still in place leading up to the plane, and the seals that are mean't to be in place on the plane doors are not, the reporter went onto the plane in the early hours of the morning and no-one saw her.

They are supposed to check so many bags, like 7 but only 2 were checked , but signed off as 7.

It is really easy for anyone to be close up to the plane, although there is fencing, it is not high and would be no problem at all for anyone to be close up to the pilot, it is meant to have two policeman patrolling the area 24/7 but no-one in sight.

A security guard managed to get through the metal detectors with a knife, it was not picked up, and although the detector was on the blink and was being fixed, passengers were still allowed through.

You have to wonder just how many other major airports are just like this one? it is very scarey indeed, does not make one feel at all safe.

What do you think about this, and what do you know about other airports?

11-15-2004, 05:47 AM
Not long after 9/11, we departed from Copenhagen and just before going to the airport, I had put my cosmetic bag in the backpack we always take on board. I'd forgotten about a hair scissors I had in it, it was spotted immediately! :eek: I had to take it out and check it in separately. It arrived in Spain safely in huge box. :D

Maya & Inka's mommy
11-15-2004, 06:17 AM
Many years ago,when we still lived in the USA, my husband left for a business trip. He had forgotten to check his briefcase, as he only went to a meeting. They found a large pair of paper-scissors!!:eek: He had to turn it in immediately, of course. He was told to pick it up when he returned from his trip. He did that, but the scissors were unfindable.... :confused: . He never got the darn thing back :(