View Full Version : Warning!! Do Not Use Hartz One Spot Flea Control On Your Cat(s)!!

11-13-2004, 06:49 PM
At this moment I am so scared for my babies. Three days ago, my husband and I brought in a kitten...to make 3 cats in our home. This little guy is actually a neighbors kitten, but she was not taking care of him. He was starving and cold. She keeps getting cats and then they disappear. Who leaves a small kitten outside in the cold and doesn't feed it anyway!? This is why we had to bring him in and take care of him. I am not letting her know that we have him b/c she is not getting him back. I kind of feel guilty but I have others tell us that we're doing the right thing...he would not survive otherwise.
So, onto why I am writing this evening...my husband and I went out to purchase some flea control b/c I found some fleas on the little guy (he's probably anywhere from 3-4 months). We purchased Hartz One Spot Flea Conrol and figured it would work the same as Advantage. I've used Advantage before and had no problems with Thor & Nova when they were kittens.
Well, this stuff is absolutely horrible for cats & kittens. I was praying to God to help us after we put it on our kitties. Not long after, Belle became very erratic, crying uncontrollably, scratching like crazy...it scared me sooo much. We bathed her immediately to get the product off of her as fast as we could. Then not long after our little guy..whom we named, Scout, starting acting in the same manner....climbing up the window sills, dragging himself along anything he could find, running around crazy and crying....we did the same thing and washed him as best we could.
Thor, our Big guy, he seems to be OK, but I washed it off of him as well. Now Belle seems to be doing OK...she is resting and the 2 boys are sleeping next to each other. Thor is looking after his new little brother. I am still praying that they will not have an relapses ....it was so scary and I never want to experience anything like this again.
This product does not have any Warnings what so ever on it's box, no lists of side effects..nothing and I am so enraged and upset right now...it's hard to type. I will keep you all posted on their progress and get some new pics of our little guy on here ASAP.
Please do not use this product for flea control on your Cats!!! I've also read that it is harmful to Dogs as well!


11-13-2004, 07:34 PM
OMG!!! What a scary thing to have happen! Maybe it was making the fleas go crazy which in turn made the kitties get all itchy. At least that is all I hope it is! I'm glad you got it off of them and they are doing better now.
I only use advantage but I have tried the other over the counter stuff before. I don't use it anymore mainly because it didn't work. Thankfully my cats didn't react like yours did.

I'm so glad you rescued that poor baby! You are so right about getting a little kitten and then just leaving it outside!! Thats mean and it must have been terrified.
Can't wait for pictures!

11-13-2004, 07:39 PM
oh how scary!! I am glad you were able to wash it off and that the kitties seem ok. I would have been freaking out:eek: Is there a toll free phone number on the packaging that you could call to complain??
Glad everything seems fine now

11-13-2004, 07:43 PM
I've heard many bad things about this product. I'm sorry your cats had to go through this. I'll be praying that they feel ok and are back to normal in the morning.

There is a petition to get it taken of the market.

A few of their other products have been recalled due to making pets ill.

11-13-2004, 07:46 PM
I've used their flea collars with RB Butterscotch for couple years before using Frontline. Recently at our last vet visit when we took Eleanor in for her first checkup, we discussed the flea protection and unless I saw them it wasn't necessary since everyone is indoors only.

I had heard bad stuff about liquid not flea collars.

11-13-2004, 07:47 PM
What a horrible experience. I too did that ONCE a long time ago and never will again. There's a reason its sold in a supermarket vs. a prescription form the vet for the Frontline and Advantage, etc. Luckily, Allen didn't have a reaction to it, but I shiver to think it could have happened!

11-13-2004, 07:51 PM
Originally posted by Uabassoon
I've heard many bad things about this product. I'm sorry your cats had to go through this. I'll be praying that they feel ok and are back to normal in the morning.

There is a petition to get it taken of the market.

A few of their other products have been recalled due to making pets ill.

I signed the petition and thank you for posting the link Laura. I had no idea that it was that bad. How very irresponsible of Hartz to leave that product on the market! I will never buy another Hartz product as they obviously don't care for the health or safety of animals.

11-13-2004, 07:55 PM
OMG, that is sooo scary! I can't believe that it effected your kitties like that . . . well, I guess I can believe it . . . I've never heard anything good about de-wormers or flea medications that you can buy at the store.

Keep us updated!

11-13-2004, 08:13 PM
Originally posted by Uabassoon
I've heard many bad things about this product. I'm sorry your cats had to go through this. I'll be praying that they feel ok and are back to normal in the morning.

There is a petition to get it taken of the market.

A few of their other products have been recalled due to making pets ill.

My husband actually found this page but then lost it. Thank you for posting it and caring! We signed it. Our boys, Thor, Scout & our little girl, Belle seem to be doing much better. I Thank God...I don't know how I would've lived with myself if something bad had happened. I was so scared and in tears.
Thank you all for your sympathy, kind words and support!

11-13-2004, 09:22 PM
I know that my sister-in-law, who is a vet, warned us away from those products. They are packaged like Frontline or Advantage, so people tend to make an assumption that the product inside is similar. Unfortunately, it's not.

11-13-2004, 10:05 PM
Originally posted by prechrswife
I know that my sister-in-law, who is a vet, warned us away from those products. They are packaged like Frontline or Advantage, so people tend to make an assumption that the product inside is similar. Unfortunately, it's not.

There is also fake pkging of Frontline/Advantage being sold on the internet as Frontline/Advantage. Please buy from reputable places.

11-14-2004, 12:56 PM
I know,that they had the same problem,with Blockade,and it even killed some Cats,I thought,they tested thier products.

11-14-2004, 01:31 PM
OMG, that sounds scary indeed, what a horrible experience for the cats (and for you)!! :( I hope they're well meanwhile!

This product is not available here, but once Luna has acted very strange after an Advantage treatment. She was totally horrified and did not dare to move at all, really scary. I'm using Frontline since.


11-14-2004, 02:47 PM
Thank you every one for your support..once again. Today, all 3 kitties seem to be doing better. Thor seems to be a bit bothered by it still...he is trying to lick , but can't reach his head that far. I rinsed him again today b/c his hair is so thick. They have all been resting for the afternoon. Scout & Belle were running around the house, chasing each other as usual-this morning :)
Thank Goodness they are all safe now.

11-14-2004, 05:55 PM
That's an awful thing to happen to such a young kitten!! But I have NEVER used anything that I don't get at my vet's office.

At the shelter, they usually give them flea baths. It's alot safer and more effective.

I hope you're kitty is better soon!

11-15-2004, 07:30 AM
Thank you for the note. I was beginning to wonder if I should start using flea stuff on Mina and what would be best. She doesn't go outside, but my friend brings over her cat who use to be a barn cat, and I just want to be careful.