View Full Version : Flying with Dogs?

11-13-2004, 11:26 AM
Does anyone have an experience flying with dogs?
I know Souraya does with Drake, but I haven't seen muhc of her lately. :(

Anyways -- would you do it again?
Do you trust it?

I dunno. I REALLY want Kiara to go to Utah with me coming up.. and last night my dad said he was actually thinking about it.
He wouldn't mention it unless he was serious about it, so I do think she'll probably come along.

I'm just really paranoid. :o

11-13-2004, 12:04 PM
We've flown our dogs ALOT.We move around quite a bit so both my RB girls were used to it.We havent flown with Kodie yet.Kiara would probably have to go down below,b/c she's mostly to big to go in the main Cabin.We have had good experience with flying our dogs.The people actually come on the plane to tell us that our pets are on the plane:)
And you have to pay for how big there cage is.Like our RB girls had a Medium and Large cage,and we had to pay.i dont remember how much though.Do you have a traveling cage??And remember to give them water,but you cant give them any food.

hopefully that helped some:)

11-13-2004, 12:26 PM
I found this website I thought it was helpful.

Flying with dogs (http://la.essortment.com/dogstravelairl_rjea.htm)

Buddy Blaze Lover
11-13-2004, 06:09 PM
I've flown dogs before, and it's not too bad...pm if you want to know more!;)

11-13-2004, 11:23 PM
I wouldn't do it for a short trip. I know several people have done it successfully but I tend to be a pessimist, and come up with alllllllll sorts of bad things that could happen.
Just my 2 cents -

Aspen and Misty
11-14-2004, 12:09 AM
I agree with shais_mom.

I would only put my dog's through that kind of stress if I absolutly had to do it. Also, all sorts of things can go wrong, and I would worry.


11-14-2004, 02:29 AM
I don't know how flying your dog on a short trip would be like. But I flew my dog from the US to Germany and it was absolutely HORRIBLE! I know this doesn't really pertain to you but maybe it will alert others in my situation what they can expect could possibly happen.
Buddy was six when we came here. I was very concerned about what it would be like for him even before we ever came. Especially since we flew from KY to GA and then from GA to Germany. Everything even started off messed up. We got to the first airport with our brand new kennel that I called and asked the airport if it was ok to use for International flights. They said yes. Well when we got there to check him in, they said his kennel couldn't be used on International flights and that we needed another one. The one we purchased said it was approved for International flights as well as when we called and asked to be certain. We had no time nor way to get to a pet store for a new one. Well then one of the old guys who was there to check him in said they had a carrier in the back that had been there forever but it could be used and we could make a trade with my new one. I had no other choice but to say ok. So he says he would put Buddy in the new one while I was inside filling out all the paperwork. I did that and then went back out in the hanger to find the kennel he was put in empty and apart. Buddy was on the loose out on the runway!!! I nearly had a heart attack thinking he'd get killed out there by an airplane or I wouldn't be able to catch him again. Finally we got him back safely. The man hadn't put all the screws in the kennel he put buddy in so it came apart while he was in there alone. THEN we got on the plane to GA and then a 9 hour flight to Germany. Once we got to Germany Buddy had been in his kennel for approx. 12 hours straight. It then took 5 more hours for us to get to the other WING of the airport where they keep all of the animals. We had to take a car to get there. And wait around for them to clear his paperwork etc. So now he has been in his kennel for a total of 17 hours!! Continued in next post..

11-14-2004, 02:50 AM
After finally getting him I was near panic knowing he must be so miserable having been thru all of that stress AND having been in his kennel for 17 hours straight. My husband checked in with the USO office to see why our sponsor wasn't there to greet us and take us to the Military base where we were suppose to be going. Well he just didn't show up. So we were then forced to stay in Frankfurt for the night until the bus the next morning left for Schweinfurt which was a 3-5 hour drive in a BUS. The Army didn't have a place to keep your animals in the barracks they had set up for incoming families. They said Buddy had to stay IN his kennel the whole night AND in a SHACK outside with no lock or supervision. I flipped out but it did no good. There were no bending of the rules. So now the 17 hours of him in his kennel you can add 12 more hours to for the night we slept there. 29 hours in his kennel so far.... The next morning after I sat in the shack on the floor with him most of the night... we went to board the bus only to find we had to put him UNDER the bus with the LUGGAGE!! I was sooooooo mad. The bus wasn't even nearly full and they still wouldn't let us put his kennel in there with us. After a little over 3 hours of hearing him barking till he lost his voice, we finally made it to the base. Now it has been 32 hours. My husband had to do some inprossessing as I stood our in the 100F+ weather with Buddy STILL in his kennel. 2 hours later I am informed we will be staying the night in a military base Inn. Finally I feel better knowing I can take buddy out of his damn carrier. 34 hours now he has been in it. Get to the Inn find out they don't allow pets in your room!! I was shocked! This was a military base they should EXPECT incoming families to have family pets! Instead there is a basement storage room that we must put buddy in his kennel in while we are there. Talk about being pissed!! I was hot!! But my husband spoke to everyone he could and they wouldn't budge on the matter. SO the next morning we think we will get temporary lodging or something but no... we get one more night at the Inn. By the time we finally were put in temporary quarters Buddy had been in his kennel for 71 hours!!!!!!!! I have never been so disappointed with the military in all my life. They need to make appropriate arrangements for family pets in all aspects of moving etc. It took Buddy a couple weeks to get back to his old self and eat right again. I have never felt so bad in my life for what he had to endure! I would have stayed in the US for 2 yrs while my husband was here had I known then what I know now. I don't know if this was a one time bad thing or if it happens everytime ...but my God it was horrible for us all! Good luck to anyone deciding to bring there pets overseas. I hope it isn't anything like it was for us! Sorry this was so long but I thought it was a good opportunity to let others in my shoes know what COULD happen. Thanks guys!

11-14-2004, 07:17 AM
Originally posted by sammy101
We've flown our dogs ALOT.We move around quite a bit so both my RB girls were used to it.We havent flown with Kodie yet.Kiara would probably have to go down below,b/c she's mostly to big to go in the main Cabin.

WHAT airline do you fly on that allows dogs in the main cabin ????????? Exempting seeing eye dogs of course???!!!

11-14-2004, 07:22 AM
Thanks for your input guys.

Now, i ask, have those who don't agree with flight, ever flown one of your dogs? (besides those who said you have?)

Lorraine - I believe almost all airlines allow dogs to be in the main cabin as long as they're able to fit in a crate small enough to go under the seat. They also have a limit as to how many dogs can go in the cabin during the flight.

11-14-2004, 07:26 AM
Jasper flew here from his breeder's the day I got him, it was only a short flight, but everything went fine and he was playful and happy as soon as I took him out of the crate!

I understand how worried you would be, I was very worried too, but everything went good.

11-14-2004, 11:35 AM
i flew smokey in the luggage part of the plane from LA to NYC.

when i booked the flight the airline (spirit air) failed to mention i must provide water for him and that he must be able to stand and turn around in the kennel to fly.
a) i didnt have a water dish but thankfully they provided one (didnt matter much as the water spilled right out and the dish fell into the crate at some point)
b) i had given smokey a benadryl (as per the vet) to sedate him a little and he was not about to get up and turn around in the kennel mid-nap

everything ended up working out fine but i suggest asking A LOT of questions and maybe even calling back to talk to different people to get all the info when you are making reservations.

One good thing though, is that spirit air will fly pets in the cargo dept year round because it is temperature controlled.

11-14-2004, 02:17 PM
manda 99...

Ive heard that its not good to sedate dogs when theyre traveling.So i wouldnt recommend sedating Kiara.and Yes the crate must be big enough for them to turn around.I probably wouldnt fly them on a short flight,unless i had too.And plus,if it was a short flight and i wanted to bring Kodie,i would probably just drive,i would enjoy better with my baby:)
Doesnt airplanes have a special place below where the temperature is controlled,and they have oxygen like the main cabin?i dont think they put them will the other luggage.

Lorraine- I fly on Air Canada most the time,also American and Continental.I believe that the cage had to be one of those small soft carriers.

Kay if you have more questions,your welcome to PM me:)

11-14-2004, 02:23 PM
Souraya e-mailed me a well informed message after I PM'ed her a link to this thread.

She said that she sedates Drake and she has flown MANY times with him. I'm going to talk to my vets about it when we visit to get her health certificate.

11-14-2004, 03:09 PM

I'm sure you would LOVE LOVE LOVE to bring her. I'm sure Amy would love to see her too, but think about being there a whole week.

I'm not saying she doesn't get along with other dogs, because she does, and I'm not saying all of the dogs at Amy's house don't get along with other dogs, but what would happen if they didn't get along per chance? Then you would have to lock one of them up seperately the whole week? It wouldn't be like us, how I can just take Honey home, or Val can take Duke home after the day or weekend..ya know? :)

I mean you saw how she acted towards Honey, not vicious or mean mean in anyways, just very vocal and so on.

I just want you to be able to have loads of fun and relax, and even though its not a "chore" to take care of any animals, I just want you to be able to enjoy Utah and sightseeing and all that stuff. It might be a nice breakaway from home, ya know?

Just weigh your options and choose what you think is best.

If you choose to fly Kiara there, I wouldn't worry about the whole flying part of it. She'll be fine.

Well I get out of work at 6 and will be over for dinner. Seeya and the puppies then!

11-14-2004, 03:20 PM
Thanks for the input Lauren.

I think they'll be fine. Honey is the only dog she's acted that way towards. :p She's always fine at the dog park and other places.

I do think however, if we have a problem, we'll have fun regardless. :)

11-14-2004, 04:02 PM
Oh I know, she was just helping Nala out..hehehe...cuz nala and honey always play around.

Well I sure would hope that you would still have fun! :)

11-14-2004, 05:05 PM
I hate to rain on the parade also but have you talked to Amys folks aout this. She still does live att home.
We have a training group of newfys for rescue who fly in all types of things helicoppters. Jets, crop dusters and cessnas. They even teach some to parachute. All just depends on the carrier and the dog.

11-14-2004, 05:10 PM
Yes, of course. Amy talked to her parents about it before we even thought of bringing Kiara.