View Full Version : Shelter Visit

11-13-2004, 09:15 AM
Yesterday my sisters, my mom, and I all went to Orphans of the Storm animal shelter which is near our house. They had the sweetest, most beautiful cats there, I don't see how anyone could have given them up!

They have a few rooms there connected to each other jut filled with cats (a 100 at the least) the first room had a HUGE play gym, litter boxes, water, dry food, and so many pillows (almost all where full). There was also a screened in porch with chairs lined up to the cats could see out of the screen. There were also food, water, pillows, and blankets out there. In the third room there was a huge mound of pillows, blankets, and sleeping cats. ;)

There were so many cats there, my mom would have walked out with atleast one if it weren't for her allergies. There was one cat there, Little Guy, who was a year old. He must have wieghed two pounds, he was so scrawny and tiny! I found him cowering under a chair outside because all these 'big cats' outside would try to claw him whenever he moved. He was so cold and scared he was shaking. :( I carried him around for a while and brought him inside. By the time we left he was sleeping in a tunnel on one of the cat gyms in the sunlight. :)

My mom, sisters, and I all plan to go back there sometime to play with the cats again. Who knows, maybe Little Guy will have found a home? There were so many people there looking to adopt! I wish all the cats could find good homes, but atleast the shelter takes very good care of them until they do!

I plan on making some pillows for the dogs and cats there since pillows and blankets are on the list of things you can donate. I already started on one last night. ;)

11-13-2004, 09:21 AM
That's an awesome thing for you to do . . . go and play with the cats, donate supplies . . . too bad you can't adopt!

11-13-2004, 12:03 PM
It's very nice of you to make pillows and blankets for them.

11-15-2004, 08:54 AM
That is kind,of you,and that helps socialize,the Stray Cats,and helps them adjust,to new people,Bless You,for helping.