View Full Version : What small things make your day?

11-12-2004, 06:31 PM
What small things seem to make your day?

Here are a few that make my day:

Finding out that my favorite Chinese restaurant delivers to my new neighborhood.

My favorite Mexican restaurant put in a drive thru.

Finding a front row parking spot on a busy day.

Hitting every green light when going across town.

When my son tells me I am beautiful. It not only makes me feel good physically, but it also tells me that I am doing a good job raising at raising a loving child.

Getting an unexpected check in the mail.

11-12-2004, 07:22 PM
The ones about the food would make my day! I'm too young for the other ones :rolleyes:

11-12-2004, 08:44 PM
Sleeping til I wake up on my own...
Eating breakfast with my hubby (doesn't happen everyday)
Going out on a date-night Friday nights
Having Emerson follow me around the house to every room when I clean. :)

Great thread, Tonya! :)

11-12-2004, 09:05 PM
As sucky as this sounds here goes..:rolleyes:

In the past couple of days I've realized that I really DO have some Pet Talk friends who care about me and today it really made my day. :)

11-12-2004, 09:21 PM
~Ahh... I LOVE to wake up with Pouncer making happy feet on my tummy.
~Unexpected calls from hubby during the day
~Finding a parking spot in a parking lot where I can pull through... something fun about that!

11-12-2004, 09:40 PM
Snow! The first real snow of the season today, and it's sticking and everything!


11-12-2004, 09:42 PM
well i dont know if this is small or not:rolleyes: but my pets always make my day,i dont know what i would do without them:)

guster girl
11-12-2004, 10:01 PM
hearing a song i love on the radio

getting personal emails from friends

hearing from my mother

seeing finn smile and hop around when i first get home (he arches his back and hops around on his tip toes)

seeing a flock of birds

beautiful sunsets/sunrises

cool skies (day or night)

blue skies

the family guy

a good workout

helping people out

hearing laughter


taking a good photograph

fun socks

a good movie

piciugo's (italian ice, yummy) - not sure if i spelled the name correctly

and, yeah, a lot of things make my day! :) this is a great thread!

Desert Arabian
11-12-2004, 10:05 PM
Making the ones I love and care for smile and laugh, seeing them smile and laugh makes me feel so good.

Watching my rabbits take ear baths

Watching my rats take face baths

Watching my cats take face baths

Seeing wildlife, any kind anywhere...

Hearing Sammy purring with the look of love gleaming in his eyes

Hearing a good song on the radio

Today- finding out that Scott Peterson is charged guilty, now I can't wait until they give him the death sentence. :)

The list goes on.

11-13-2004, 12:36 AM
- Someone telling a good joke or making me laugh. :)
- Just, other people being nice to me or saying/doing something nice.
- Waking up to Megan sleeping right next to me..
- Getting a letter in the mail.
- Taking a really good picture of something.
- Having a good conversation with a friend.

11-13-2004, 01:28 AM
I like when my husband says I love you when he sees me in the morning, I like when I can take a nice long shower with no interuptions, when my cats beg ME for attention, when I can sleep late-and find that cold spot that feels OH SO NICE, and when I get complimented-for no reason:D

11-13-2004, 02:25 AM
Originally posted by slick
As sucky as this sounds here goes..:rolleyes:

In the past couple of days I've realized that I really DO have some Pet Talk friends who care about me and today it really made my day. :)

I was going to say when friend sends an unexpected, but much needed email of concern, like you always seem to do for me. :)

I care about you tremendously, and I hope you know I'm not the only one. :)

11-13-2004, 04:00 AM
good weather
getting letter or package by mail
when Buddy comes to me and start purring
and so on :D

11-13-2004, 05:45 AM
Getting an sms before work or at lunch from my bf
Getting kitty kisses from Juni in the morning
Having Pichu in my lap in the morning while I dry my hair
A nice breakfast with a coffee with whpping cream and chocolate on top
The nice walk through the central park on the way to the office
And the flowers at the flower market just in front of my house

11-13-2004, 07:18 AM
Seeing my baby smile!
Nursing her and she stops to look up at me adoringly!
Curling up in bed with my hubby at night!
Hugs from my hubby!

11-13-2004, 08:20 AM
What Small Things Seem To Make Your Day?

- hearing a child laugh
- being told I'm doing a good job at work
- Matthew & I having a good conversation
- Sunny day
- Watching nature
- Wicket & Waffles getting along
- Playing with the dogs outdoors
- ordering something new on a menu & liking it!
- my niece calling to ask me to do something with her!
- being with family & friends
- having a nice drive home (no road rage)
- Helping a friend with a problem / issue
- PEOPLE / EVERYONE getting along!

11-13-2004, 08:25 AM
When all of my dogs come to greet me at the door, especially if/when I come in with someone else, they completely ignore whoever it is, and walk straight past them to come to me.

Seeing Simba play with the girls. He's getting old in his age and it's nice to see him romp around with the pups!

When Simba comes in from outside and whines to me as if he wants to go out when he's fully capable of going out on his own. He just wants me to go outside with him.... he doesn't bother anyone else to do so.

Being able to watch the sunset with Simba.

Watching the girls play together.

Watching the girls run at the park.

Watching Nala be a goof ball.

Teaching the muttlies new tricks, and having them catch on very fast.

To make a long story short... my dogs make my day.. everyday. ;)

11-13-2004, 10:05 AM
I have a few more.

Hearing my son Jaden's belly laugh.

Hearing a stupid old favorite song from junior high like Sir Mix-a-lot's Baby's got Back or Paperboy's Ditty.

Seeing my an unexpected match at home, like my cats cleaning eachother, or one of my cats playing with the dogs.

11-13-2004, 12:56 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
I was going to say when a friend sends an unexpected, but much needed email of concern, like you always seem to do for me. :)

I care about you tremendously, and I hope you know I'm not the only one. :)
**sniff** **sniff**
Big {{{HUGS}}} to you.
And this has just made my day.

11-13-2004, 01:24 PM
When my daughter Melissa tells me I am the best mummy in the whole wide world, and she tells me this often and how beautiful I am, even now as I am typing this I have a big smile on my face.

The unconditonal love my Lexie and Ash give me daily and the wonderful companionship they give me, there is nothing like being able to pat them and cuddle them especially on my bad pain days.

Just waking up some days, feeling good, looking outside seeing a beautiful day, and realising how great it is to be alive., and to have what I have been blessed with a family who love and care for me.

Having found PT and meeting some awesome, caring kind people.

When someone gives you a compliment, you were least expecting, e'g. I have done the odd research focus group, its really good, you get paid 30 dollars, get coffee and biscuits, and spend an hour and half giving your opinions, i am doing one with my hubby on GE experimenting on Dec 1st, and finding out through the girl i spoke to, that the boss lady remembered me and said what a lovely person I am, that really boosted my self esteem heaps..:) :D

When you do a good deed, simple as it may be and get such a good response and a smile for it, like letting an older lady with a walking stick go ahead at the check out , she was so thankful, a simple gesture, but it sure made my day, to see how much it meant to her.

Thats all I can think of for now.:)

11-14-2004, 10:02 AM
Originally posted by carole
When you do a good deed, simple as it may be and get such a good response and a smile for it, like letting an older lady with a walking stick go ahead at the check out , she was so thankful, a simple gesture, but it sure made my day, to see how much it meant to her.

Thats all I can think of for now.:)

That's a good one. It seems like it makes my day as much as the person's when I do a good deed.

11-14-2004, 12:28 PM
When things go right! :)