View Full Version : Should I be insulted?

11-12-2004, 03:09 PM
I took the 4 kittens to the vet today. I had given them a bath this morning, then a quick wash cloth wiped-down after they ate at 12:00. Since they have diarreah, they were quite messy. I left for the vet around 1:00, and they had messed in the carrier. I had the vet comment on their state of cleanliness, he said he would not test them today for FIV becuase of their "state of shabbiness" then he backtracked and said something quick about stressing them out more than they already are.

Then I took them to the checkout counter and the nurse there commented on how dirty they were. She nicely offered to have someone there bathe them, but it didn't seem logical to me that they should bathe them to stick them back in a dirty carrier - and then take them outside in the wet and cold weather. They already have a bit of a cold, so I didn't want to risk them getting more sick.

I found myself appologising to them saying lame things like "if only my boys could step in and groom them like their mother would" UGH. I have no spine! I was insulted, and am wondering if I should have been.

The kittens are fine - except the little tabby girl has a low temp, and some nasty bacteria and worms. She is on medicine for that plus Clavamox. The other three are great, just a bit of diarreah and they have medicine for that and Clavamox since they have been sneezing. The 3 blackies weigh .8 lbs, and the tabby girl weighs .6 lb.

K & L
11-12-2004, 03:26 PM
Yes you should be! They should know you by now and how you are with your cats/kittens. Our vets would wash them up and clean the carrier and never say a word! Maybe it's time to hunt for a new vet!

11-12-2004, 03:30 PM
This was the first time I ever stepped foot inside that vet. I went there under the rescue's bill with their kittens. I guess they have met a lot of foster parents in their day who do not know how to care for the kittens? Even still, its better for them to be polite and offer to inform and educate someone instead of condeming them outright. :mad:

I also was not impresed with their pricing. I asked out of curiosity how much to microchip (thinking of Harry and Abby) and they were TWICE what my regular vet quoted.

K & L
11-12-2004, 03:33 PM
Well you still should be insulted. It's quite obvious they had diaherra and you sure can't control that! Being in the rescue business has taught me, you can meet those that think they know everything and have to prove it, and those that do know a lot and help to teach you!

11-12-2004, 03:36 PM
I agree! I think that was a little rude of them to insinuate that they were in messy shape because of poor care..when it was obvious they have had diarrhea..but then I usually say what I think and if it had been me they would have known I was not happy and would have probably tripped all over themselves to make it right as not to lose a customer!

I have changed groomers after having the same one with mercedes for 6 years......the reason was because when she went to RB they never even called ONE time to see what was going on..why was mercedes not coming in for her usual every 6 week grooming... You would think if a dog has been in your shop EVERY 6 weeks for 6 years, she would be missed and you would get a call or a card! So when I got Gracie I said to heck with them...I will find someone else...I am like that old mother hen..don't mess with me chicks...(dogs, in this case) And now Gracie has an individual who grooms from her home...my point being....if its time for a change with vets...do it..and IMO its time...they were RUDE!

11-12-2004, 03:38 PM
Ok I sent all that before I knew it was the first time for you in that vets office..lol...and I was a little riled up! (can you tell?)

11-12-2004, 03:39 PM

Don't you dare feel bad or apologize for anything!!!! You've done a wonderful job with these babies. The employees in that vet's office as well as the vet sound a little high and mighty. I'd find another vet who'd be more understanding.

Hang in there, girl! You deserve a medal.

11-12-2004, 03:43 PM
Most vet office are more understanding than that! Every time I bring my 9-year old in, she has soiled herself, but nobody says anything. They hand me paper towels or take her in and wash her backside.

11-12-2004, 03:48 PM
Originally posted by GraciesMommy
Ok I sent all that before I knew it was the first time for you in that vets office..lol...and I was a little riled up! (can you tell?)

LOL... you're not as riled up as hubby! He would not have been nice at all... in fact he told me that I should have asked the vet if he was a "@*$%# moron" I guess I was intimidated at a new vet that I didn't know, with kittens that aren't mine. It was my first trip to the vet with rescue kittens. Next time, I'll request another office to take them to, even if I have to drive further.

11-12-2004, 03:54 PM
I would be very insulted at their insinuations. I would strongly suggest you let the rescue organisation know what occured. Maybe it is in their best interest to know that their carers are also being looked after as well at the vets.

I dislike that kind of high and mightiness - you are giving a voice to those who don't have one. That, to me, gives you automatic respect in my books!

Thats my 2 nips worth :)

Prairie Purrs
11-12-2004, 04:45 PM
I agree that you should tell the rescue organization about it. It's hard enough for organizations to find foster homes, without running the risk of losing them because of the vet's snotty attitude!

They should have cleaned out the carrier, wet-wiped the kittens, and offered sympathy and encouragement.

11-12-2004, 04:49 PM
Try not to take it personally. They might not have been refering to you at all.

True story - several months ago I took Jan into the vet. I had put a towel in her carrier for her to sit on.

As I opened the door to the vets office, I was hit with the smell of pee - and I thought to myself - this place is really starting to go downhill. It wasn't until I was back in an exam room that I realized that Jan had peed in her carrier just as we went in the building.

Then 10 minutes later my husband came in and his first reaction when he entered the building .."smells like pee - this place is really starting to go downhill":eek: ;)

11-12-2004, 05:32 PM
Unfortunatly, with rescue groups, I've only heard of using one vet office- though come to think of it maybe not, definetly worth asking! some vet offices have more than one vet- wonder if you could just avoid appts. with that particular AH!! Don't be insulted too bad, they were very rude but it's not you, it's THEM! Well, you know that but just saying I agree with everyone here, what you are doing is so special and the vets just don't appreciate that! I too have had my share of unruley vets.... I had to learn to ignore them out of sheer no other choice! (then gossip about the vet with other rescue people!- helps lift the strain a lot!)
Hang in there!

11-12-2004, 06:11 PM
It was a totally uncalled for way of dealing with you, and the kittens! I've had my share of very bedraggled kitties being hauled into vets (look at Birdie) and never once have I heard a rude comment like that. I agree with what others say...they should have cleaned the carrier, sponged the kittens a bit, and shut up! Keep up the good work Kim! ;)

11-12-2004, 06:12 PM
I would have been offended but don't let it bother you to much. They were probably just looking out for the kittens, but they were going about it the wrong way.

11-12-2004, 08:26 PM
Kim.... I have learned that the moment you say you "rescued" these kittens ... this cat, etc.... some vets will automatically form a less than high opinion of you. Unfortunately, there are a lot of rescue wannabe's out there, who don't know what they are doing. However, since you were fostering for an established rescue organization, this was entirely unprofessional. I would certainly look for another place to take them in the future!

Hang in there!

11-13-2004, 01:19 AM
I would of thanked them for offering to help clean them but reminded them of their cold and being sick.And thanked them anyway for the help offered.I don't think she was being mean.Maybe it just seemed that way.Or you know because you were there to see the expression on her face if it was kindness or cockiness.

11-13-2004, 07:01 AM
How freaking RUDE!!! Yes I would have been insulted! Baby kittens aren't the easiest things to care for and require lots of work. You are doing a wonderful job and you should have been thanked for caring enough to help these poor babies! Did they think you should have put a cork in them before you brought them in??
In my opinion that was totally uncalled for and very rude!!!

You keep up the good work!!

11-13-2004, 08:45 AM
My Vet,and the assistants were nothing,but helpful,when JJJ3,messed all over himself,and the carrier,and had both cleaned,in no time,no nasty commemts,no sarcasm.They shopuld apologize,to you,they should understand that your Kittens,are not well,and cant help themselves! That,is very poor Customer Service.