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11-11-2004, 06:21 PM
I'm worried about my Toby boy again :(

Ok, I'm probably just being paranoid what with him recently going through surgery and all, but Toby's acting really strangely. I've been out at a party tonight and got back about an hour ago. When I went to lock up my bike I could see Toby lying by the front door. I thought that was strange to begin with, he's normally lying on the sofa this time of night, the only time he lies by the door is when one of us is in the bathroom (he likes to wait outside for us).

When I went to unlock the door, the pups were both jumping up at me (being a lot more hyper than usual), and Toby started running in circles and whining, really whining, screaming almost. :( Because of how excited the pups were, I just assumed my dad had gone to bed earlier than usual and the dogs were desperate for the toilet or something, so I let them out.

When they came back in, I petted them for a while gave them a rawhide each, turned on the TV for them, and came in here to use the computer. Squid and Ollie sat on the couch in front of the TV like normal, and Toby followed me to the computer. He kept whining and running from me to the back door, so I let him outside again, and this time I went out with him.

He's acting so strange, he wouldn't go anywhere near the grass for some reason, even when I walked onto it and called him, he wouldn't go anywhere near it (:confused: no idea what that's about but it's not like him) and he didn't pee or anything, didn't even try to pee, just stood outside looking at me. Then as soon as I took him back inside he asked to go out again. I went and sat on the couch with him and petted him for a while until he settled down. He feels really tense around his back end, he was flinching and whining everytime I went near his hips, and he just seems generally upset.

I'm really worried. I know it might not seem like much but I know how my dog acts, and it's not like this. Could it be a UTI? I know for a fact he was using the toilet fine this morning, because when I walked him earlier he pee'd fine and I had to scoop 2 or 3 times :o I remember a few months back he was yelping everytime he stood up, the vet couldnt find anything wrong with him, and it went away after a while, so it was attributed to either a pulled mucsle, or mild arthritis consistent with getting older (he will be 9 in February) I guess it could be that again, but he didn't act like this last time, now he really sounds like he's in pain. :(

The question is what do I do about it? Is this something I need to call the vet about right now? (Would have to be the emergency vet, it's midnight here and I'd have to walk him there as Mom's at work and we only have one car) or should I just be keeping an eye on him, and calling the vet tomorrow? Also, when I was petting him earlier, I noticed he has a small lump on his left side, just behind his ribcage. I hope it's nothing, poor guy doesn't deserve any more problems :(

Sorry for such a long pointless post, I just needed to vent really. I feel so helpless, it kills me to hear him cry like this, especially after all he's been through the last few months. And it's all just going to go downhill from here I guess, my boy is getting older, his 9th birthday's coming up, I guess it's a reminder that he won't be around forever. Sorry for writing so much, thanks to anyone who took the time to read it all.

I've managed to settle him down somewhat, he's now on the couch sleeping, so that's good. *sigh* And just as I wrote that he tried to turn around, and yelped yet again. My poor baby. :(

11-11-2004, 06:46 PM
Oh Amy. :(
I hope Toby is okay.
I think if I were you, i'd call the vet and just let him/her know, and see if it's something you should worry aobut. Your vet will know what to doi! :)

I'll be thinking of you and your boy.

11-11-2004, 07:11 PM
I hope you can find out what is troubling poor Toby soon!
Sending prayers that it is nothing serious! ;)

11-11-2004, 07:56 PM
Thanks :( He's still yelping, every time he moves, poor baby. I will definitely ring the vet tomorrow.

I don't think it is, but it couldn't be those stupid DOG TREATS (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=63603) could it? :mad: I don't see how, my sister said she only gave them one or two, and if anything was going to happen it would have happened already, right? :(

Why does this crap always happen to Toby? He doesn't deserve any of it. :( :( :(

11-11-2004, 08:08 PM
Oh no Toby, not again! I hope it's nothing serious, he will be in my thoughts and prayers! Keep us updated.

11-11-2004, 08:40 PM
Yeah, please contact the vet if he's yelping so much! :( Poor guy... I hope he'll get better soon!!

11-12-2004, 07:10 AM
He has a vet appointment for this evening. Fingers crossed it's nothing serious.

Toby, not again!

I know :( Everything always happens to Toby. He seems a little better today though, so hopefully it's nothing that can't be cured :)

11-12-2004, 10:34 AM
I didn't see this last night, but I hope Toby is feeling better and the vet can figure out what was wrong.

Feel better soon Toby!!

11-12-2004, 10:42 AM
Will be checking back for an udate for Toby.
Hope he is is allright.

11-12-2004, 06:17 PM
Well, we're back from the vets.

Toby is showing signs of mild arthritis. The vet said Toby was stiff around his hips/back legs and was in pain when he stretched his leg out all the way. We're starting him on meds for arthritis, which he'll have to take for the rest of his life. :(

Toby also has an upset stomach, which the vet thinks was most likely caused by those dog treats. As you can imagine I am absolutely fuming. My sister lied to me, there's no way she only gave him one of two treats, more like eight or ten. I don't know how she could do something so stupid, but believe me, when I see her we will be 'having words' (she's at a friends house right now, luckily for her) :mad: :mad: :mad: So he's on a 3 day course of Dialsanyl to settle his stomach.

The vet said the lump behind Toby's ribs was nothing to worry about, but to be honest, that's the least of my worries now. He was just starting to recover from that scare we had with him a few weeks back, he was almost back to normal, and now he's gonna be on meds for the rest of his life, and in pain which will most likely only get worse. :(

Thanks for the prayers ...

11-12-2004, 08:40 PM
Hopefully with the medication for the arthiritis Toby will get along fine for many years to come. Glad it was nothing more serious!

11-12-2004, 11:15 PM
I hope Toby is feeling better now.

What medication is he on for the arthritis pain? My Goldie girl has athritis in her hips. She started Meloxicam about three months ago. The change has been remarkable. She's a different dog. She's happy, she doesn't fight, she actually wrestles like a husky should! It's been amazing. I posted a thread earlier today with pics of her playing with Muskwa.

11-13-2004, 10:31 AM
Duke has to take Rimadyl for hip displaysia. I'm at least glad you found out what's causing the problems. It hurts so much to see our special dogs getting older. The lump may just be a fatty one that older dogs get. Duke's got one behind his ribcage, too. Give Toby some big hugs from me. Hope he feels much better soon.

11-13-2004, 10:56 AM
Oh Toby, sweetheart. I hope the arthritis medication will help to ease your discomfort. My Cody has arthritis in one hip due to dysplasia and I know how hard it is to see them uncomfortable:( The good news is the lump appears to be benign:) I'm so happy for that!!! Please give precious Tobby a big hug for me. Maybe some new pictures of the cutie?:) Love, Sandra

11-13-2004, 12:20 PM
Poor Toby. :( Hope the meds are beginning to work for him.

11-14-2004, 09:45 AM
Poor Toby, feel better soon sweety. I hope the meds kick in for his Arthritis and he starts to move more easily. I am not sure if this is available over your way but it is supposed to be great, it has helped one of Clovers older friends get ALOT of movement back into her hind legs after an accident, it is called Sashas Blend Sasha Blend (http://www.sashasblend.com.au).

Good thoughts coming Tobys way.


Holly's mom
11-14-2004, 10:34 AM
Poor Toby!:( But the good news is that at least it is treatable. My RB Freckles was on Rimadyl her last few years, and that stuff is a miracle drug. She would be in such pain from her arthritis, she could not get up without crying, after we started her on Rimadyl, it was like a new dog!! She could go up and down steps without crying, and she actually had a little prance in her step again.

Hope that your Toby is feeling better real soon and also that his stomach settles down too. (((Hugs)))) to both of you!!:)