View Full Version : Do your cats eat crazy things????

11-11-2004, 05:08 PM
MooShoo is absolutely NUTS about cheese flavored popcorn!!! When I'm eating it, he won't leave me alone!! I try to give him the pieces without kernels in them. He also loves yogurt, oatmeal and mashed potatoes.

Go figure.

11-11-2004, 05:20 PM
My two go nuts for my breakfast cereal which is usually some low-carb nuts & bolts high fiber stuff with soy milk ....

11-11-2004, 06:08 PM
Does glass count? What about plastic? Fur/Fuzz?

Sami and Basie are going to be the death of me, stresswise. They both enjoy eating things that will cut and/or clog their insides and it freaks me out. Little bratties!

As far as food, yes. They like anything I'm putting in my mouth, even if they don't prefer the taste. ;)

11-11-2004, 07:10 PM
Sasha LOVES LOVES LOVES lettuce. IF we are eating a salad, she is all up in our faces! You would think we were eating tuna steaks. She adores lettuce over any kind of meat. Crazy girl!:rolleyes: :p

11-12-2004, 06:23 AM
Filou eats mainly crazy things. Like mango and avocado. And Thai chicken. And olives.

Tigris only has one strange addiction: tomato or veggie juice:D

11-12-2004, 07:33 AM
Mina likes to go after anything my fiance is eating. She leaves me alone unless I'm drinking soy milk. Yesterday she got her come and uppins. She grabbed a pizza roll from my fiance's plate on the table and dropped it the moment she got the taste of his hot sauce in her mouth. (I wouldn't want that stuff either) Anyways she made a b-line for her water dish after that and then I gave her some soy milk to help cool her poor mouth.:D

11-12-2004, 08:35 AM
Moo also likes soy nuts. :rolleyes:

11-12-2004, 08:38 AM
The Found Cats love Potato Chips,cheese variety,please,Cheese,Scrambled Eggs,Steak fat,Deli Turkey,PorkChops,an odd bit,of fried Poatao,and Whipped Cream.And Buttermilk,goes over big here,too.

Maya & Inka's mommy
11-12-2004, 08:44 AM
Maya eats " cat-normal food ";) . But Inka is a weirdo :rolleyes:
Yesterday, I was eating "Kroepoek". That is that kind of chips you get at a Chinese restaurant. Guess who came and begged for a piece?? Yup, Inka! And she ate it all up!!
Last summer she always wanted to lick my ice-cream, and on this picture, you can see her eat some of my cake-filled-with-yellow cream :eek:


11-13-2004, 12:18 AM
Between Mango and Peaches: escargot, chicken masala, cocktail shrimp, corn, bacon, papaya, white wine and flavored martinis (Peaches only) and just about anything we eat. The Abys think our food is theirs and our Tabby just likes her dry food with no interest in people food. Odd, huh?

11-13-2004, 12:30 AM
The only weird thing Kylie eats is Dill pickle juice. If I am eating Dill pickles she will lick the juice off the plate.
Kloe - maybe just being a kitten (?) wonder when she gets bigger if she will change but anything that is on my plate Kloe has to have her face in. It is quite annoying! :) I usually just move her as to not start a bad habit!

11-13-2004, 01:06 AM
My Puff and Stash and Squeekers will eat just about anything. Hannah wont eat but a teenie tiny bit of chicken every once in a while and add cheese to her list. The craziest things my cats eat is: Sweet peas out of the can, Doritos, carrots (dont ask me, they just steal them from the rabbit), bread, cheetos, and dont forget pizza. I told you, just about anything:D

11-13-2004, 02:39 AM
I can't turn my back on a bagel or the cream cheese will mysteriously disappear. Eepie loves it! And once, I caught her licking the mayo out of the jar!

11-13-2004, 03:05 AM
Lulu loves olives!
She goes nuts when she smells them, starts to meow and rub with my legs. I now give them to her as a treat.

The most awful thing she eats................fresh flies. She cathes them and eats them instantly. Jak:confused:

11-13-2004, 06:21 AM
Originally posted by karyn674

The most awful thing she eats................fresh flies. She cathes them and eats them instantly. Jak:confused:

Oh, I know about that! I was working a crossword puzzle as I do right before I go to sleep and a fly landed on my book. In that moment between when I saw it and before I could move to smack it, Grey Girl jumped up and sucked it right down like it was a Tootsie Roll!

11-13-2004, 06:32 AM
All these responses are so funny!! Amazing what they will eat!!
Mine aren't to weird. Sammy loves peas and Leroy likes spicy food like hot chicken wings.