View Full Version : Brodie's 3rd Night . . . Alone :(

11-11-2004, 09:13 AM
I really hope you all don't get mad at me for this . . . let me explain:

Last night, I fell asleep on the couch before bed . . . I've been soooooo tired since we got Brodie because I haven't been sleeping for worrying about him.

I went upstairs to go to bed & he was WILD!!! He's been pretty calm since Monday, but now that he's getting vitamines 2x's a day and good food, he's starting to feel REAL good! The tiny little thing has A LOT of energy already! He bounced around for a good hour . . . all around my head, pawing at my face . . . seriously, for an hour. I was so tired I was starting to feel sick. All I could do was cry . . . I'm in love with this little guy & want him to sleep with us . . . but I was just so tired . . .

Soooo, we got up and set his stuff up in the bathroom next to our room. It's small so he can't stay in there all the time, but I really think I'm going to have to put him in there at night until I get him and Josie together.

He only cried a few times after we shut the door. (I was shocked, figured he'd cry all night) But he had all his stuff with him, so maybe he was OK with it. Plus, if the door stays closed, it stays really really warm in there. Small space with it's own heat vent.

Hubby brought him to me this morning . . . I felt so much better after getting a good night's sleep. He was purring and loving on me . . . he is a sweetheart . . . so forgiving ;)

I'm afraid you all will be disappointed in me for this . . . I felt guilty myself . . . but I can't continue to be a zombie through the day.

I'll post some new pics later today. :)

11-11-2004, 09:22 AM
Christa - why would anyone be mad at you??? Not me!!! Brodie will settle down plus once he has Josie to pal around with, he will be much happier. (unless you want to quick run out and get another kitten;)
Our babies slept in a crate for several weeks, until we knew they were well enough to let out around the other cats.

Things WILL get better and calmer:D It has only been THREE days and Brodie is very young. Try not to worry Meowmie. :rolleyes: I know, I know - I am one to talk!!!

11-11-2004, 09:32 AM
No reason to be mad at you! If you are not feeling yourself, then you only hurt yourself and the cats in the long run. Once he and Josie get together, he'll have someone to play with and the nights will be much better.

My two little ones also slept in a cage for weeks until they had free-roam of the house at night. You're fine and he will be fine at night too.

11-11-2004, 10:09 AM

You both have made me feel better.

I felt so bad last night, making him go in the bathroom. But then when I heard him being quiet & not crying, I felt that maybe it was best for both of us.

I CAN'T WAIT to get him & Josie to pal around. Let her be worried with him, LOL ;)

Thanks again for the encouragment . . . I need it!

11-11-2004, 11:50 AM
Don't feel guilty about it. Rocky and Rumor slept in a crate every night for the first three weeks they were here. We tried letting them stay out the second weekend and they played all over the bed and licked both our faces till we were red. Then they picked a hole in the bottom of the foundation and got inside to play so back to the crate for another week until we got he bed fixed so no one could get into the foundation.

Now they both sleep in the bed with us and on me. Rocky sleeps on my chest and Rumor sleeps across my neck like a collar or against my head on the pillow and she nurses on my ear and licks my face to death. I wake up not being able to breathe for all her fur going into my nose. On top of that I still have Ripley at my feet sometimes and Scout in my right arm if she isn't too jealous of the kittens. I haven't had a good night sleep for the past two weeks. I feel your pain.

When Riplely reached the 'teenage' stage he was so wild we had to shut him in the laundry room at night. That went on for three years until he finally calmed down enough to let him stay out all night. No way I'm going to get mad at you.

11-11-2004, 12:55 PM
No need to feel guilty. My big boy Mishi slept in the bathroom for 2-3 weeks before he and Mitzi could be left to wander alone together at night. I know it seems like cruelty, but the cats actually feel safer in a smaller enclosed (new) environment - it's much less intimidating. You done good and hopefully got a much needed good night's rest.

11-11-2004, 01:17 PM
Don't feel quilty. Right now what we do with Gracie and Gabe is we play with them for a couple hours before bedtime and then once they fall asleep Mark and I take them down to the living room where they have their beds and we have them sleep downstairs for now. This way they are close to their food and their litter boxes.

I know people would say that that is very unfair but I also have 5 other kitties that are set in their ways and until they get used to G&G being around that is what works best for us.

This weekend I am going to have a trial run of G&G staying upstairs with us in one of their beds.

11-11-2004, 02:49 PM
I know how you feel I haven't had a good sleep with Pix in like 4 months!

11-11-2004, 03:43 PM
Originally posted by jazzcat
When Riplely reached the 'teenage' stage he was so wild we had to shut him in the laundry room at night. That went on for three years until he finally calmed down enough to let him stay out all night. No way I'm going to get mad at you.

I'm definitely glad to hear this! We've had to lock up Josie since she was a Teen too. She's a year old now, but still when we try to leave her out at night, she's constantly trampling across the bed, walking on us, sniffing our faces, racing up and down the hallway (she sounds like a bull) . . . so she has her own room. And I'm hoping that once we get the two together, Brodie will stay with her! ;)

So three years locked away? Hmm . . . I was wondering when Josie would be calm enough to leave out at night. Seems like she does alright the first night, but after that, she gets WILD! Too much freedom drives her nuts, LOL

11-11-2004, 03:50 PM
Christa, I doubt you will have to do it for three years. Ripley is the except to every rule. He was so wild my vet wanted to give him female hormones to try to calm him down but I wouldn't do it. One vet told me he has Feline Rage but I don't know much about it. All I know is he would attack me for no reason and pretty much stalked me all the time for the first 2 or 3 years of his life. That is why I waited 10 years before I finally decided that all cats weren't psychotic maniacs and we got a second cat.:(

11-11-2004, 04:08 PM
Christa! Don't be ridiculous!!! Of course you need your sleep, and your little tyke will be just fine in the bathroom!!! I agree, that once he has the green light to be around Josie ... they will keep eachother company!


11-12-2004, 09:20 AM
Brodie,will calm down,its just that he is so Happy,in his new Furr Ever Home.The first Good Home,taht he has ever had.

11-12-2004, 09:35 AM
Christa, trust me, I totally understand!!!! You did the right thing, for your sanity's sake!! :) Hopefully this will teach him to calm down at night, at least a little. ;) Let us know what happens next!!! :D :D

11-12-2004, 10:55 AM
Hey don't feel one bit bad...you are being a good mom to the new baby~
so far Gracie has had 3 chance to sleep with us...once she peed on the bed...once she wouldn't stay ON the bed...up down up down..til midnight I gave up and put her in the crate...and once she wouldn't settle down ...just all over us and the bed and at midnight back to the crate...so we are thinking she just isn't ready yet. (she is 5 months) she never cries in her crate..I want to get a play pen and see how that goes..I have already advertised for one at work. *want a cheapie, if she does good I will buy a good one
But I still try Gracie out waiting for her to get to the point where she sleeps with us all night or in a bed of her own...she is still too hyper right now..