View Full Version : Brodie's 2nd Night . . . just as long!

11-10-2004, 04:06 PM
Some of you asked about Brodie's second night . . . it wasn't much different. He went to sleep up against me from 12-2 . . . woke up, wanted to play, used the litter box, stepped in it AGAIN, had to clean him up . . . woke up again at around 5 . . . took him longer to go back to sleep this time.

I'm tired . . . still hard to sleep . . . still afraid that I'll crush him. I'm assuming that I'll get more comfortable over time???

Both nights though, he has stepped in his poop.

Plus, we gave him a bath last night, so he was all nice and clean and smelling good when we went to bed . . . not after the poopy foot!

Now he's a stinky little kitten again! :eek:

11-10-2004, 04:13 PM
:D <snicker> <snort> now you know where the term "little stinker" comes from :p

11-10-2004, 05:00 PM
Some baby wipes near the box will be handy.
Don't worry, he will get beyond the messy boy stage.
Possibly about at 8 weeks.

I had that pair over the summer. I'd have to wipe both ends, all the time!

Then they outgrew it.

Food at bedtime helps make them tired.

I always feed the little ones 3 a day and the adults only 2 a day.
(boy, that makes for some dirty looks at night from the big boys)

This all will pass.

;) :rolleyes: :p

11-10-2004, 06:24 PM
I posted in your other thread too but I promise he will outgrow all this baby stuff and you are going to miss it when he does.;) :D
I think once he and Josie become friends he might follow her and sleep with her. Enjoy that sweet little boy because I'm telling you it won't be long until you have a little wacko on your hands and you are going to be begging him for some sweet snuggle time.:D :D :D

I'm just so excited for you!!!

11-10-2004, 06:34 PM
You'll get used to having Brodie in bed - promise! He will outgrow the clumisiness of stepping in his own poo, and will sleep through the night soon. I remember the first few nights of Harry and Abby sleeping with us - it wasn't much different (sans poop of course) but now only a few weeks alter, they sleep through the night, and then through the majority of the day :rolleyes: :D

11-10-2004, 07:04 PM
Thanks guys. It's not that I don't enjoy it . . . it's just hard for me to get used to. Josie NEVER wants to sleep with us. Maybe under the bed, but she's NOT a cuddler!

He is doing much better today.

We're giving him vitamine supplements 2x's a day and I can already tell a big difference. I'm sure that the good food is also helping.

11-10-2004, 07:11 PM
Pixie did that when we first got her steped in it and was naughty through the night. She used to wake me up all the time she still wakes me up just not as much so I guess it helps with age and also when we introduced her to Fifa. She now knows to go wake him up hehehe... The only thing we have to get past is the suckling :rolleyes: Which I don't think will ever pass. I remeber washing her paw like once a day for like four days LOL... Now shes not a smelly lil bum LOL. Brodie is really cute and congrats on the new addition. :)

11-10-2004, 08:17 PM
He's just the cutest thing ever!

11-11-2004, 08:51 AM
He might get,that stinky foot,trying too hard,to bury,his droppings,maybe a Bigger Litter Box?