View Full Version : Heartworm and Flea Meds

11-10-2004, 12:19 AM

I am getting my droped out guide dog back on friday. Iam reall really excited! but since I will acctually own her and have to get flea drops, heartworm meds, and vaccinations. I was wondering what the best ones are. Like is Revolution best or is Interceptor better? Same with the flea drops. Which vaccinations are neccicary and which arn't.

11-10-2004, 08:39 AM
youre best bet is to talk to your vet about this... there are sooo many brands and such on the market,,, its hard to make a good guess!

11-10-2004, 08:45 AM
My fav is Revolution. It's heartworm, fleas, ticks... etc.. all in one!
It's great!

Like Lorraine said, talk to your vet about shots needed.

11-10-2004, 09:58 AM
I personally don't like to medicate unless needed so personally I do not use revolution. But if you live in a location where ticks & mange are extremely popular I would suggest using that.

Otherwise my favorite & what I use is interceptor & Advantage.

I would stay away from the 6 month heartworm vaccine, a LOT of dog have bad reactions, even deaths. (proheart is the name)

And Advantix should NOT be used on or near any animal EXCEPT dogs, so if you have cats in your household I would not use it.

11-10-2004, 10:57 AM
Because I didn't want to take any chances with giving the Shelties ivermectin, we used Sentinel during the summer. I can't say how effective if was since heartworm isn't a huge problem here but it did control the fleas (with Sentinel, fleas are unable to reproduce but are not killed). We recently switched to advantage. It seems to be doing a good job cause I haven't spotted a flea in a while. The only thing I don't like about it is that the dogs stink for the entire month.

After puppy shots, I don't like giving shots unless I really need to (laws or requirements for agility classes)

11-10-2004, 12:07 PM