View Full Version : Monty Can't Put Weight On His Right Leg

11-09-2004, 09:51 PM
I'm so upset right now. Monty just woke up and is hopping around, he can't put any weight on his right rear leg. The problem has been getting worse after running or walking but this time it just happened and he hasn't had any playtime or walks today so I'm not sure if he blew his knee out or not. I just gave him a pain pill and guess I'll have to see if he is any better tomorrow. The last thing i want to see him go through is knee surgery, he's barely over the surgery to remove that node in that leg. He wants me to rub his leg but then he growls like it hurts. He just doesn't need this right now, or ever. We are in the family room which is in the basement and don't know how we will get him up the stairs tonight. I mean he has to go up just to get outside to go potty.:(
This poor guy has had such a rough life. I just want him to feel well for a while without anything else to be hurt by. I could just ball my eyes out knowing it hurts so much. He's panting really hard too so i know it's bad. Please say a prayer for him that it goes away.

11-09-2004, 09:56 PM
oh im sorry:( that sounds so painful.Are you planning on taking him to the vet if he's not better tomorrow?I hope he feels better soon,and wont go through this pain again,so he can have the rest of his life without pain.

Get better Monty!


11-09-2004, 10:14 PM
It's so hard to see our babies in pain isn't it?:(

I will keep dear Monty in my prayers tonight.

Is it possible that his leg is just stiff a little? Or that it "fell asleep" while he was lying down?

I hope it's nothing serious.

11-09-2004, 10:54 PM
Deb, i'm very sorry for you and Monty.
I hope your handsome boy becomes pain-free, and happy with his sister and mommy!

11-09-2004, 11:15 PM
Oh no :( Im sorry to hear that Monty is hurting...

I hope his leg starts to feel better soon!

Please keep us posted.

11-09-2004, 11:30 PM
Well it just took me since I posted..to get Monty up the steps and outside for a piddle. I had to lift his back end up to get him on the bed where theres heat. He is growling at both dave and me. I think it's off to the vets with him for exrays of his hip and leg, hopefully thursday. Wednesday is surgery only. So I have a hoppy pup who will not stand on his leg at all. The pain med doesn't seem to have helped at all...darn it anyways.:(
This just has me so upset and sad, I would rather it be me. Well it might be after lifting him. He's pushing 140 pounds :eek:

I'm praying now for so many furbabies I hope God doesn't get tired of me.

You know I think I have spent more time worrying about my furkids than my real kids.....they at least could tell me what hurt.

Well you all take care and have a good night.
Hugs Deb, Monty and Kiki

Thank everyone For the kindness for my Boy:)

11-10-2004, 12:33 AM
{{{{{Hugs}}}}} I'm sorry the pain meds didn't work :(

I hope Monty starts to feel better and stops hurting.

Don't you hate how they can't let us know what's wrong? :(

I'll be thinking of you and Monty!

Again please keep us posted :)

11-10-2004, 05:09 AM
Sorry to hear about Monty, hope it's not serious. speaking as a 'veteran' you can help him up the steps by putting a towel/sheet under him right in front of his back legs and just help lift him. Lacey only weighs 70lbs but I have to pick her up too to get her to the vet, she can't jump in the truck. I sure couldn't lift 140lbs. :eek: My Lacey just had two ligament surgeries on her leg, that's where the info came from. Monty will be in my thoughts and prayers also and don't worry God can handle alot of prayers!

11-10-2004, 08:37 AM
I am soooo sorry I hadnt seen this thread!!!:( Poor Monty!!! I hope you get some good news from the vet and its something you can help him with easily... We all hate to see our babies in pain,,,, HUGS!!!!!

11-10-2004, 10:30 AM
Sadly monty is no better today. He's hobbling around and is grumpy and growling still. He slept on our bed all night so I was hoping after having some heat from the electric blanket he would be walking normal today.:(

I'm going to feed him, give him an aspirin and try massaging his leg and get him into the vets asap. Looks like surgery is close by.:(
Just what Monty needs and just what we need right now. The stress is so bad when one of the babies isn't home and he will be away for at least 10 days if his knee needs to be rebuilt. Poor Monty and poor me, I'll go nuts without him home.:(

Please keep him in your prayers, the more people praying the better and there is so much love on PT for the animals I know it will help him.

Hugs.....Deb, Monty and Kiki

Thanks to you all for the kind words!!!!:)

11-10-2004, 11:33 AM
oh, Monty! :( :( I'm so sorry baby! Sahara can understand what it is like when you can't put your rear right leg down! Please feel better soon big boy. We're all pulling for you!!!!

11-10-2004, 04:22 PM
Oh No!! Poor Monty!! Oh I'm so sorry to hear this. What a distressing situation, I know it hurts so much to see your boy in pain. I sure hope you get some encouraging news from the vet's.. Let us know. You and Monty will be in my thoughts and prayers.

11-10-2004, 04:26 PM
I'm sorry to hear that Monty is no better today and that it seems like surgery is close by :(

I'll keep him in my thoughts and prayers!

Here are some {{{hugs}}} for Monty and you!

11-10-2004, 04:30 PM
Oh, poor Monty:(:(:( I'll be keeping him in my prayers sweetheart. I hope that surgery is not necessary, but whatever it takes to get you back to 100%!!! Please keep us updated. {HUGS}}} and slurpy licks!!! Sandra, Cody and Star:)

11-10-2004, 06:24 PM
Originally posted by chocolatepuppy
Sorry to hear about Monty, hope it's not serious. speaking as a 'veteran' you can help him up the steps by putting a towel/sheet under him right in front of his back legs and just help lift him. Lacey only weighs 70lbs but I have to pick her up too to get her to the vet, she can't jump in the truck. I sure couldn't lift 140lbs. :eek: My Lacey just had two ligament surgeries on her leg, that's where the info came from. Monty will be in my thoughts and prayers also and don't worry God can handle alot of prayers!

chocolatepuppy said it very well. God can handle alot of prayers
and Iwillll be sending mine also. I hope the Vet can fix him up soon.The pain must be so hard on him. Feel better soon Monty.

p.s. I also used the towel method for Buddy & it really helped.

11-10-2004, 06:28 PM
I feel so badly he is feeling so bad,, and poor you too,, its hard on us moms isnt it? I feel the same way about Lucy now,,, anxious,, I can relate wit hyou,, Hang in there,, keep us posted.....

Hugs for Monty!!!!!

11-10-2004, 07:23 PM
I have tried using a towel a few times when he was like this the last time but it seemed to really hurt him and he growled at me. I have to position my arms under his abdomen just right and hoist his back end up. He will growl a bit but not anything like when I try the towel.:(

Thanks so much for posting about the towel, I did use it on my human patients to transfer them and it worked great for them.
I appreciate any suggestions and all the support....you are such a loving group of people here. Everyone seems to just work together so well.:D

Many Hugs
Deb, Monty & Kiki