View Full Version : Anyone know anything about...

11-09-2004, 07:52 PM
Cats and their Third eyelid? I have always heard that if it is showing, that it is a sign of illness. And the last few days Hannahs have been showing, more and more. And her eye is not hurt, and I have not noticed it ever showing before. Is there anyone who can expian what could be wrong, or if it is a bad thing?
I used to have a kitty named Mamie, and hers constantly showed. But I have never noticed Hannah doing it before, and with Stash being sick (he is doing better, but out of meds) I am a bit worried. I have not had much time to post, but I am gonna try and do better. :D Any advice? Is it normal? Should I worry?

11-09-2004, 08:02 PM
If this is not a normal thing for Hannah, it might be worth it to have your vet check to make sure everything is ok. Is it just the one eye? Have you noticed that eye as being watery looking? It's possible she could have an infection, especially if it's showing more every day. Is she acting any differently?
Let us know how she's doing!

11-09-2004, 08:06 PM
She is acting a lil restless, but nothing too unordinary. Both of her eyes are showing the third eyelid, but she doesnt have a fever, so I am not sure what to do... Her eyes are a little watery, but her eyes always look watery. I am so confused , and after Stashs vet bill, I cant afford to take her, if it is nothing serious. I guess the only way to knolw how serious is to see a vet though, huh. *SIGH* Thank you for the hugs, much needed:D Thank you for the advice...

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-09-2004, 09:13 PM
I'm not sure either, but I've also heard that it's a sign of illness. Sometimes when Peanut is really tired, hers come out a little, but I think that's normal. Like Karen says, if it's not normal, you might want to have it checked out.

11-10-2004, 12:30 AM
when my cats are falling asleep, the 3rd eyelid comes out and sometimes stays out a while if I wake them up before they want to be awakened. but with the already illness in your home... If you can't afford an office visit, ask them if you can pay in instalments? Or call a local rescue org and tell them you are poor and tell them your cat is a rescued stray (just say that) and needs vet care- they can get you an office visit for 10 bucks or zero and meds at cut rate if you say the right things.

11-10-2004, 08:56 AM
I have heard,that it is normal,the third eyelid,is just a way,of keeping out dust.