View Full Version : Rituals and Safety

11-09-2004, 06:36 PM
Gotta question for you guys:

What is a ritual that makes you feel safe?

This can be anything from airport security measures to washing with anti-bacterial/-microbial soap to checking the locks on your doors before you go to bed at night.

(I'm looking for a creative idea to tie into a research paper on structuring (computer) user behavior.)

Thanks in advance!

11-09-2004, 06:40 PM
Making sure the guinea pigs nails are trimmed and teeth checked, etc. Also, to make sure betta fish is off (heats up the tank alot). hope that is what you were looking for. :)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-09-2004, 06:52 PM
My first reaction was buckling the seat belt when I get in the car. Then I read further and saw the (computer) user thing and not sure if you're looking for computer related security, but one routine that makes me fell safer with the computer is updating my virus software.

11-09-2004, 07:00 PM
these both make me feel safe...

Before I leave a building to go to my car, I always find my car keys first so that my keys are ready to go in my hand and I'm not fumbling for them.

I once had a scary dream that involved an open garage door and a dark house and a stranger and being unable to yell for help (you know how dreams can be), so every night, when I check to make sure that the garage door is closed, I first turn on the light to the laundry room that is right next to the garage.

11-09-2004, 07:26 PM

Locking all doors to my house at night.

Keeping the doggies nearby if I'm home alone & a phone nearby yeah I'm pathetic

I know this is dumb, but if I'm going to the car at night putting a key between my knuckles in case anyone tries to mug me. A self defence lasy told us that ( I can punch them hehe) Don't mess with me LOL

at our college we have late classes and in each hallway there is a huge red button we can hit it and a security person will automatically answer and know what hall were in. They also have huge alarms outside the building that make a loud siren noise.

thats all I can think of right now.

Miss Meow
11-09-2004, 07:30 PM
I am pedantic about turning electricity off at the switch before plugging or unplugging applicances :p

I never watch CSI before bed as that show convinces me that there are baddies in the house!

Always park my car near lights if I know I won't collect it before dark.

If I home alone at night, I always traipse around the house with all the lights on to make sure everything is locked and I haven't locked anyone in :D

11-09-2004, 07:40 PM
Originally posted by Miss Meow
I am pedantic about turning electricity off at the switch before plugging or unplugging applicances :p

I never watch CSI before bed as that show convinces me that there are baddies in the house!

Always park my car near lights if I know I won't collect it before dark.

If I home alone at night, I always traipse around the house with all the lights on to make sure everything is locked and I haven't locked anyone in :D

This sounds like me! I'm a little crazy when it comes to my front door being locked. I probably check it no less than 2 - 3 times before I go to bed to make sure it is...indeed...locked! :eek: LOL
I always make sure things like coffeepots and other electricals are turned off and unplugged before I go to bed.
I lock my car doors and buckle myself in before starting the engine.
I carry anti-bacterial hand gel in my purse and use it all the time!
If I'm home alone, all the lights are on in my house until it's time for bed, and then...I lock my bedroom door and my dog stays with me. LOL :o
When I was in college, I carried a thing of pepper spray with me when I knew I was going to be in lab late and walking home in the dark alone.

In terms of computer rituals, I have Spyware and virus software on my computer and firewalls up for protection. I also defrag at least once a month, if not more...especially when my computer starts running slow.
I also clear out my cookies and temporary internet files once a week.

that's all I can think of right now...

11-09-2004, 09:38 PM
Before entering any dark room I MUST turn the lights on. If the light switch is to far from the door I'll use a flashlight.

I will not answer my phone unless I reconize the # on the Caller ID.

I will not look directly into a mirror for longer than about 15 seconds.

I say the alphabet while washing my hands.

11-09-2004, 09:46 PM
I always have to check that I have my car keys, twice, before I lock my car. Once inside the car when I put them in my purse and then again, once I'm out of the car...I have to look in the purse again, just to make sure.

I have to pull on the doors once I lock them, just to make sure they are really locked tight.

if I'm going to the car at night putting a key between my knuckles in case anyone tries to mug me.
I do that too. I was told once that if you look perpared, head straight to your car and don't waste time getting in, your less likely to have problems. Keys in your hand, unlock, get in and lock the doors. No hanging out around your car looking for your keys in you purse.

This might seem a little odd, but I won't park near a Van. A few years ago, I did this one night going to blockbuster and 3 guys jumped out of the side and tried to pull me in the van. So to this day I won't park near a van.......People can't see what's going on with a van blocking the view.

As to my computer, when ever we have a bad storm, I always try to unplug. Even with a surge protector I got hit hard once and it didn't save me. :(

11-09-2004, 09:50 PM
Hoarding the dogs in my room. I always feel safe with them around me.

Locking the doors, even the garage door and the screened porch doors.

Locking the doors in the car, while in the car. I dunno why, but I always feel weird if the door is unlocked while driving.

When alone at night, I turn all of the lights on and again hoard the dogs with me.

11-09-2004, 09:53 PM
changing bay's and freckles' water, covering bay's cage, closing the shades before bed, bringing one of the dogs in my room for company to sleep with :)

11-09-2004, 10:12 PM
Only one comes to mind for me at the moment - whenever I take my foot off the clutch of my car when I'm driving, I ALWAYS check (sometimes up to 3 times), that my car is in neutral and not in gear so I don't jerk forwards, backwards or stall. I'm very pedantic about it! It arose from when I drive and I'm tired, I lose concentration and forget I'm in gear.

I don't worry too much about house security although we always lock up at night and when we go out. I'm in a really safe, quiet area. I have been burgled before though, and that's always in the back of my mind.

11-09-2004, 10:20 PM
I always buckle my seatbelt when I'm in a vehicle.

I always have my keys out when I am going to my car. At work, we have to park across the street, and sometimes when I leave at 11 or 12 at night, I'm a little creeped out, so I usually try to talk to someone on my cell phone while I'm walking over, or use the buddy system.

I'm a bit of a freak about coming home to an empty house alone. If my husband is going out and I'm at work, I make him leave a bunch of lights on and the television, so it doesn't feel so "empty" when I walk in.

11-09-2004, 10:51 PM
Oh.. another one.

Having doors closed. Like, my closet door, my bedroom door. I always feel so weird with them open.

11-09-2004, 10:57 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
Oh.. another one.

Having doors closed. Like, my closet door, my bedroom door. I always feel so weird with them open.

lol! I'm exactly the opposite... I DEFINITELY close my bedroom door, but I always leave my closet and bathroom door open :p

11-09-2004, 11:52 PM
I ALWAYS double lock my car doors. If I use the key to lock the doors, I twist it twice. If I use the power door lock, I push the button twice. If I do it by hand, I always run my hand over the lock again to ensure it's fully pushed over.

I also make sure my front door is locked at all times, even when I'm home. I don't like knowing someone could get in :P

That's all I can think of at the moment.. :D

11-10-2004, 07:06 AM
Originally posted by Kfamr
Oh.. another one.

Having doors closed. Like, my closet door, my bedroom door. I always feel so weird with them open.

My husband does the SAME thing:)

11-10-2004, 07:29 AM
I only drive about 4 minutes to work and I check to see if the car doors are locked about 4 times..weird..

11-10-2004, 10:12 AM
Originally posted by catfancier
Only one comes to mind for me at the moment - whenever I take my foot off the clutch of my car when I'm driving, I ALWAYS check (sometimes up to 3 times), that my car is in neutral and not in gear so I don't jerk forwards, backwards or stall. I'm very pedantic about it! It arose from when I drive and I'm tired, I lose concentration and forget I'm in gear.

I do that too. I usually end up playing with the shifter just to make sure. It becomes a pain when you're driving an automatic though. I must look like such a spaz trying to shift an automatic hehe!

This makes me feel safer, I don't know why. I always get
bugged out if I don't kiss my hubby goodbye and tell him I love him before I go to work. Sometimes, he is sleeping in and I don't get the chance and I feel really wierd until I see him at lunch. I also have to pet Remus and tell him he is a good boy before I leave...as he is swatting at me as I go out the door!

Another car one I have is that I do a quick look on all my gauges before I drive off. I practically have an airplane cockpit in my car so there are a lot of guages to check! I am really mindful of the oil pressure because once the idiots at the lube and tune messed the oil filter up and I nearly blew my engine! Had I had an oil pressure guage (I had to put one in myself) I would have known about the problem LONG before it got dangerous.

Edwina's Secretary
11-10-2004, 12:12 PM
Unplug the iron (doesn't come up often as I rarely plug it in.) Turning it off isn't good enough.

I once worked with a woman who died while ironing. :( :eek: :(

11-10-2004, 12:18 PM
I am not careful enough about checking to see that doors are locked. :(

I am probably most safety conscious in the car. I always wear my seatbelt, and put it on before starting the car, and I make sure every single passenger is buckled as well. I am also fanatical about making sure that the driveway is clear of cats, squirrels, etc before I back out. And on the road, I trust no one!! Changing lanes and making turns makes me nervous after an accident last year when a guy changed lanes at the last minute and never saw me. It doesn't matter that his insurance covered the cost. I was without a vehicle for weeks and my car has now been "wrecked", whether it was my fault or his. :(

My other big thing is the children's safety, knowing where they are, who they are with, etc. They think I'm overly protective. I think I'm being a good parent. :)

11-10-2004, 01:09 PM
Car paranoia:
Car keys in between my knuckles
Look to see if anyone's under my car (sometimes)
Look in the backseat to make sure no one's hiding back there
Lock the doors as soon as I'm in the car
Lock the doors every time I get out, even if I'm just pumping gas
Don't park by a van
Always park underneath a light
Pepper spray and a whistle on my keychain, and one of those windshield-sunlight-blocking signs that says "Call Police" just in case
Wear my purse strap across my chest (not hanging off one shoulder)

Home paranoia:
If I'm really scared, I leave the TV on all night
All doors and windows are always locked
Blinds drawn tightly shut at night
Always check through the peephole before I open the door, even if I think I know who it is
If the buzzer sounds (I live in an apartment and you have to be buzzed in the building if you don't have a key) and I'm not expecting someone I make my boyfriend answer it (I don't want anyone to think I'm a girl home alone)
When I'm leaving the apartment, I lock the door, then turn the knob to make sure it's really locked

Ummm...could I be any more OCD? :rolleyes:

11-10-2004, 01:29 PM
WolfLady - LOL That sounds like me too.


The first thing I do when I get into my car is put my seatbelt on.

I make sure that I have the car keys before I lock the car door and close it.. I'm always afraid of accidently locking the key in the car. >.<

I don't feel safe sleeping with my room my doors open, so they're always closed... I lock them when I'm home alone.
Megan sleeps on my bed with me every night.

I always make sure that the back and front doors are locked.

I make sure my window is closed and locked, and I put the blinds down.

I make sure the back door porch light is on during the night.

Listening to music helps me fall asleep because then I'm not trying to listen for any strange noises..

I always look behind my back when I'm walking somewhere (especially if I'm by myself), to make sure that no one is following me. I carry my cell phone with me everywhere I go, and I make sure it's charged before I leave the house.


Computer stuff:
I have Ad-Aware, and Spybot Search and Destroy, and I have McAfee Security and VirusScan. I also have a pop-up blocker. I no longer use Internet Explorer as it really messes my computer up.. I use Netscape 7.2.

Geez.. we live in such a paranoid world.. :p

11-10-2004, 01:53 PM
Originally posted by catfancier
Only one comes to mind for me at the moment - whenever I take my foot off the clutch of my car when I'm driving, I ALWAYS check (sometimes up to 3 times), that my car is in neutral and not in gear so I don't jerk forwards, backwards or stall. I'm very pedantic about it! It arose from when I drive and I'm tired, I lose concentration and forget I'm in gear.

I do that too.

11-10-2004, 01:59 PM
I have a few things...I developed these habits after a traumatic experience. Every door in the house can be unlocked, but I always lock my sliding glass door. I don't care if other windows or doors are open but I won't feel safe unless my sliding glass door is locked. When I take showers, I have to have several lights on. The hallway light, the nearest bedroom light, and the bathroom light. I cannot take a shower with the door closed, it has to be open. (If I have company, I'll close it, but I'm anxious the whole time and take really fast showers in that case.) All the TV's and radios have to be turned off while I'm showering if I'm home alone. Otherwise, I worry that someone may come in the house while I am showering and I will not hear them. Gosh, I'm making myself sound like a freak. I didn't realize how wierd I am about stuff until I started typing.

My only other safety thing is that my car doors are always locked when I'm driving and I always have my seatbelt on.

PJ's Mom
11-10-2004, 02:04 PM
The only thing i do is to make sure my cell phone is on me at all times. Whether I'm in the house or going out, it's always in my pocket. You never know when you'll have to make that all-important phone call. :D

11-10-2004, 03:48 PM
Originally posted by Tonya
All the TV's and radios have to be turned off while I'm showering if I'm home alone. Otherwise, I worry that someone may come in the house while I am showering and I will not hear them.

I have my own shower rituals too. I should have never watched Hitchcock movies when I was younger.
I have wind chimes on all my doors so I can always hear someone come in. Plus I have to leave the bathroom door open, so I can peek out of the shower and see if anyone is coming.

11-10-2004, 07:05 PM
I've been thinking & thinking, but I can't come up with any
rituals that I'm aware of. I do turn of the lights at night in a
certain sequence, but think that's move a convenience, than
ritual.:confused: I do lock all my doors & belt up before driving
off. Hope this helps.:)

11-10-2004, 09:08 PM
There are a lot of things I 'have to do' before going to bed, in order to feel 'safe'.

I can't go to sleep without checking ALL the doors several times to MAKE SURE they're all closed and locked. I have to go around the whole house checking the windows and making sure they too, are closed and locked. I have to go to the kitchen and make sure the stove burners and oven are off, the toaster is unplugged, the backyard sliding door locked, the garage door locked, etc. Then, I have to fill a glass of water and take it upstairs with me. :p After that, I wash up, change, and get ready for bed. When I come to my room, I close my door, close the closet doors, close the blinds. Then I have to check out PT and sit at the computer for awhile. THEN I can go to bed peacefully. :p If I miss out on any of those things, I can't fall asleep.

Several days ago, I was sooo tired and fell asleep before I was 'ready' for bed. When I woke up, it was 2am, and I realized I didn't check anything. I went downstairs in the cold to make sure all was well. Then I headed back to bed. :rolleyes: I know, I know...I'm a weirdo.

Car things........if I'm driving, I have to buckle up before starting the car. If I'm a passenger, I usually don't worry about it. I buckle up once we get out of the residential area and onto the 'faster roads'. That's when I feel insecure 'unbuckled', and I have to wear my seat belt. :p

Computer issues.......I usually don't give my name, exact location, etc. to anyone on the internet. I probably do over-worry, but you'll all have to put up with it. That's just me. ;) He he he

11-10-2004, 09:45 PM
I guess I just don't worry enough to have "safety" rituals! Paul tells me I don't know the meaning of the word "worry."

Closest I come is my glasses are always last off/first on, and are right by my bed. But that's more practicality than safety, as I'm darned near blind without them.

11-10-2004, 09:53 PM
I thought of more... I also lock doors of car once I get in... and I didn't know about the van one thanks guys!! I check the backseat also... Sometimes when i go to the bathroom at night I check the shower to make sure no ones hiding in there :rolleyes: I'm wierd I know... I won't walk anywhere at night and take a flashlight with me to the car if it's dark to check around...

11-10-2004, 09:53 PM
I dunno, I trust my parents to keep me safe.

11-10-2004, 09:55 PM
Originally posted by Jods
at night I check the shower to make sure no ones hiding in there :rolleyes:
O-M-G!! I forgot about that one! May I join the insane club? :p every time I go into the bathroom I stick my head around my shower door to make sure that no ones hiding in there ( ever since that phsyco movie :eek: ) Yep, you heard me, every time! :p :rolleyes:

11-10-2004, 10:23 PM
I go around to every door, to check and make sure they are locked. I turn on the lights and look out the blinds once they are locked. When I go to turn off the living room light, I have to have the one on in the kitchen, hallway and bathroom before I turn it off. I make a pit stop into the bathroom, then I turn off the kitchen lights. Then I turn off the bathroom lights, then I open the bedroom door, flip on the light in there just to make sure that only my husband is in there, and that no one has broken in throught he window. I turn around and turn off the hall light, then I run into the bedroom jump on the bed then cover up my whole body including my face until I feel Cubby walking around on the bed.

Going to my car at night, I keep flashing my lights. Every one at work has older cars so I keep flashing my lights so everyone can see, and so I don't get freaked out. If I have to be to work in the wee hours of the morning we have to park across the street until a manager shows up to let us in, I keep my head lights on bright, I don't care if anyone passes me while they are on bright. I want to see if someone or anything is coming near me. When someone from work pulls into the parking lot where I sit at, I slide down in my seat until I figure out who they are.

My husband has to unplug everything all the time. If we are going to leave the house for more than an hour he starts unplugging. Unless we are going to work, his work is a block away and mine is 4 blocks away.

Oh and I also have the same shower fears as Tonya, nothing can be making any kind of noise while I am taking a shower. Even if Cubby cries, I poke my head out and look around. All lights have to be on as well.

11-12-2004, 07:47 AM

You guys sure have given me a lot to think about!!
Thanks! :D

11-12-2004, 11:12 AM
Originally posted by Jods
I check the backseat also... Sometimes when i go to the bathroom at night I check the shower to make sure no ones hiding in there :rolleyes: I'm wierd I know...

I do that too, but not at my own house. If I'm at a party or something at someone else's house, I always check to make sure some wierdo isn't in the shower.

11-12-2004, 11:13 AM
Originally posted by zippy-kat

You guys sure have given me a lot to think about!!
Thanks! :D

About how wierd we all really are? :p

11-12-2004, 01:27 PM
Originally posted by Tonya
About how wierd we all really are? :p

Ha ha..
*sings* I'll never telllll... :D

(COMPLETELY kidding, of course - you guys have been a tremendous help!)