View Full Version : My "Fun" Adventure...

11-09-2004, 03:35 PM
I was a my friends house and we wanted to go outside. So as we open the door her VERY energetic Pug mix named Scrappy charged outside before we could catch it. As soon as it went outside it went strait for the road! We ran inside to get her mom and before we knew it Scrappy was out of sight already. We ran down the road we saw him going towards. We spotted him in someone’s yard using the bathroom on one of their trees :o . We yelled for him but he would not come. As we started to chase after him he ran down to the next house. We yelled and yelled but the fast little dog would not come! We went after him but he wandered into the woods! We stepped into the woods and yelled but he did not come. Some how he ran past us and went across the street and met a Collie named Lassie! The owners of the home were outside washing their car so we went into their yard to tell them what’s going on :p Before we knew it Scrappy was chasing Lassie (Which is 3 times bigger than Scrappy;)) around the car. They must of ran around it 50 times before Lassie got tired and Sat down for a rest. Scrappy started to get board so he decided to go underneath the fence to the next house to play with their dog Spike which was a Pit bull! :eek: This dog was 5 times bigger than Scrappy!:) It was nice though and ran it back into Lassie's yard again :rolleyes: ! Then Scrappy decided to go back and forth to both houses! We were all out of breath and tiered! Lassie's owner got some treats and tried getting Scrappy to come, but it did not work. So Scrappy got Lassie to run around the car some more! Scrappy chased Lassie. Then Lassie chased Scrappy. Then Scrappy chased Lassie!;) It went on for about 5 minutes but it felt like 5 hours! The Scrappy wanted to go and do it with Spike! :p After Scrappy made both dogs tiered he decided to make us tiered! It ran around our feet and tricked us in many ways! We all looked crazy all chasing the little dog around! We were tripping and slipping and falling all over. When some how Scrappy finally came to Lassies owner with some treats! :D

I guess the little dog just wanted to go out and meet some friends! :D

11-09-2004, 05:17 PM
the secret to getting your doggie to come back is to NOT chase!!! Chasing just makes the dog think youre playing a game.... sometimes by ignoring the dog can make him back to you.... This all works once you are in the same area as your dog of course....

11-09-2004, 05:57 PM
Well it sounds like everyone should be good and tired tonight. What a funny story and thank God nobody was hurt. I wish I had been there to see it. LOL;) :D


11-09-2004, 08:29 PM
Sounds like quite a day for little Scrappy :eek: Lorraine had some good advice, but a couple other things that sometimes work to get the dog to come back are to try to bribe with treats, or to turn and run yourself. A lot of times a dog will want to chase you if you run, it's a fun game. I'm glad no one got hurt and Scrappy is safely home again :)

11-09-2004, 09:10 PM
Thanks for the posts everyone.:)

That is some good advice LorraineO and K9soul:D

RottiMommy49~ Where did you get that Picture? It is so cute!

11-10-2004, 12:09 AM
Oh boy, can I relate. Except, I was equipped with ideas and ways to recall the dog without knowing the command Come. Both of my dogs are door-bolters, so I had quite a few experiences.

With my Pekingese, I usually just drop on the floor and make funny noises and hold out a piece of steaming meat. He usually comes straight back.
With my Greyhound, I'd call her name, run back a bit, fall on the floor and start rolling around and acting like a complete idiot. Then I'd pretend I found something really nice, and make a big fuss. She would gallop her way over to me and I'd just grab the collar and be done with it. My neighbors think I'm crazy....I say I'm eccentric.:D

11-10-2004, 03:29 PM
We didn't try that:rolleyes: ...:p