View Full Version : Sahara...UPDATE :( :(

11-08-2004, 10:45 PM
It is with heavy fingers and heart that I update everyone. My girl is very, very sick. We went to the vet today at 2:30...left at 5:30. The new vet was wonderful! So thorough and explained everything! I was so happy to have found her, and she is practically in my back yard!! :D That is the good news. Sahara, on the other hand, did not come home with such good news. Her mange is back with a vengance. It is covering her baby feeties and all four of them are beginning to get like the one really bad one. The mange is everywhere on her body, although she has all her fur and looks pretty good. There are two possibilities. The first being that the mange is being caused by allergies and, although expensive, is treatable under the right conditions. The other option is that since she has had this pretty bad since she was a baby, it could have compromised her immune system, leaving her unable to fight off the mange, or any other disease. If that is the case, the chances of her survival and a happy life is slim to none. There is nothing we can know until about two weeks...until we see how the meds are reacting. To sum everything up:

The mange is back....very badly...the most affected part of her being her feet; her feet also have a secondary bacterial infection that is deep-seated from the mange; she has an ear infection and yeast infection in both ears.

She is on Ivermectin liquid, antibiotic for her bacterial infection in her feet, some sort of feet soaking medicine to help with the infection, ear cleaning solution, and antibiotics for her ears.

I'm so mad at our other vet for not being thorough!! I feel like such a bad mommy!!! I didn't take care of my girl and it is partially their fault for not informing us and taking all steps necessary to make sure she would be ok. Now, it could be too late!!!! It is not fair!! She is only 6 months old!!!! Please, please pray hard for my girl these next coming weeks. Only time will tell.................

guster girl
11-08-2004, 11:01 PM
I'm sorry that I don't know the whole story, she's always had mange? how sad. i'm sorry she's not feeling well. :(

11-08-2004, 11:05 PM
So sorry to hear. Glad you have a good vet now. Please don't worry about who to blame for Sahara's current situation, it certainly isn't your fault and at least now you are on the right track. Best wishes for some good news soon, my thoughts are with you and Sahara.

11-08-2004, 11:15 PM
Glsad you found a good vet and can feel comfortable to have her get you baby well. prayers from here to you.

11-08-2004, 11:43 PM
poor Sahara!:( i'm a huge Sahara fan and hate seeing her like this. i hope it can be treated! you are not a bad mommy by any means! you are a WONDERFUL mommy for adding her to your family in the condtion she was in.:)

please keep us updated and i'll keep you both in my prayers(((hugs)))

11-09-2004, 08:53 AM
Oh, poor girl. :( Get well soon Sahara!!!

11-09-2004, 11:20 AM
first off,,, dont blame yourself,, youre not a vet,, how could you know ???? You trusted someone who is supposed to know!!! but now you have a good vet and youre on the right track,,,,, Puppy prayers are being said here at my house for your baby!!! Kisses and hugs to the sweetie from his cyber friends......
hang in there and keep us posted!!

11-09-2004, 12:06 PM
Oh Sahara:(:(:( This is not the news we were hoping for:( But the good news is you've found a very caring and thorough vet and I'm putting my faith in her that she can pull out a miracle. I wasn't aware that mange could be so totally debilitating. But Sahara is young and hopefully, her immune system still strong and she'll be able to fight this. It sounds like you're starting off on a very rigorous medical protocol (finally!) and I'll be hoping and praying for some good news in a couple of weeks. Please give Sahara a BIG hug and kiss for me. She must be feeling so uncomfortable! {{{HUGS}}} Sandra

11-09-2004, 12:28 PM
Thank you so much everyone! It is sooo great to have a support system to lean on when your baby is sick. We spent about an hour last night and an hour this morning with her medications. I am praying that her "little" body can fight this off!

11-09-2004, 01:30 PM
Oh dear :(. Sahara will definitely be in my thoughts and prayers. I am glad to hear that you found such a wonderful vet though, that in itself is a great first step. Keep fighting Sahara, your mommy needs you!

11-09-2004, 07:46 PM
I am so sorry that Sahara is going through this.:( Poor baby.
Try not to feel so guilty about it, you are doing everything you
can do to help her get past this problem. You can certainly
count on prayers from our house. Please update when you can &
know that many folks will also be pulling for your little girl.

11-09-2004, 09:02 PM
Oh, I am so sorry to hear about Sahara.

My best thoughts and wishes are with her.
Get well soon, baby! :(

11-09-2004, 09:03 PM
oh im so sorry Sahara,that you have to go throught something like this:( I hope you have a speedy recovery,and feel better soon!
Get well soon!


11-09-2004, 09:29 PM
Oh poor baby ... I pray that Sahara is able to fight off this nasty infection.:(

11-10-2004, 10:10 AM
I am so sorry to hear tha. I wish you's the best of luck.

Is it sarcoptic or demodex mange?

11-10-2004, 10:34 AM
I'm so sorry Sahara is not feeling well. I pray and hope the medicines work. *hugs*

11-10-2004, 10:51 AM
My heart goes out to you and Sahara. My thoughts and prayers will be with you both.

There is a product on the market that I am going to be starting my dogs on today. It is called Immunocal and has been used by several people I know through my friend LeeAnn. Dogs with cancer have lived as long as 3 years on this stuff. It's the human form and is a powder you mix with yogurt or ice cream and feed it to the dogs. We are also going on it. I will add the letter i got from LeeAnn with the letter she got from her friend who uses this and has for quite some time with all good results. It has the internet addy that you can copy and paste into your search browser and read about it. Also changing from dog food to human raw food has made a world of difference in our babies. Monty used to throw up everyday and have the runs and that was after trying 3 different good dog foods. Now he no longer throws up or has the runs, their fur is soft, they are much more content, and just seem so much healthier than before. ( Except for Monty's leg which needs surgery ). You can read about the raw diet online. More and more people are putting their animals on it everyday and all are having great results. It's called the B.A.R.F diet.( Bones and raw foods.)
I don't mean to come accross as pushing anything, I don't gain from this info in any way. I'm just letting you know of some options that just might stop this problem your baby has.
Letter from LeeAnn
Hey Woman.

This is the email from my friend Stacey about this immune booster immunocal she wants me to get for Cappy. The dogs she is talking about are also Rotts.

Lee Ann

You have to get him on a product that is available on the internet called "Immunocal". It is amazing and even Cedric had a huge increase in his bloodwork for the positive after being on it only one week. Please look into it. My girlfriend, Jennifer has Olivia's half sister and she developed a rare, aggressive tumour on her snout (inoperable of course). She is coming up on two years survivial and the vet is amazed....she's on immuocal. It is particularly good for pumping up the immune system. Cedric had lymphoma and it helped him. Even if cappy just has a bad infection perhaps this immunocal will clear or help to clear it too.

It gets delivered right to your house, and get the human kind, put it in ice cream every day......please please do this for your baby. I don't want to see him lose this fight either.....http://www.immunotecplus.com

My girlfriend in michigan had a dog with bone cancer, and he lasted almost 3 years on this stuff, he was studied by the Univ of Michigan small animal clinic (like Guelph) because he had been such a long survivor they couldn't believe it.

PLEASE PLEASE try this as soon as you can (don't wait and lose time)......I need him to be around for a long long time.



Sending lots of healing hugs to your baby...Deb, Monty and Kiki
Get better Sahara.:)

Holly's mom
11-10-2004, 11:09 AM
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear this news.:( Don't be so hard on yourself, you had no way of knowing the first vet was not a good, one, the good news is now you have one you like and trust. Keeping fingers and paws crossed that the new meds work and Sahara is soon on the road to recovery.

11-10-2004, 11:25 AM
Originally posted by lv4dogs
I am so sorry to hear tha. I wish you's the best of luck.

Is it sarcoptic or demodex mange?

It's chronic demodex mange. Her mommy was bitten by a snake while nursing the pups and gave all of the babies this horrible disease by lowering their immune system. Instead of selling the pups as originally intended (they come from an awesome line of danes), she had to give them away. They couldn't afford to medicate all of the babies (I think there were about 8-9 in the litter) so hopefully the other people that were able to adopt/rescue Sahara's litter-mates are having good luck.