View Full Version : Is this how it feels when you get older?

11-08-2004, 04:48 PM
I feel like ever since i turned 12, time has been going SOOO fast. I don't even remember when i was 12, or 11, or 10. I barely remember last year, i was only 13!

It's kind of depressing really, i don't remember alot of stuff anymore. Is this how it feels when you get older? Because if it is, i would rather stay my age, and never get any older. I once read in this book that some brains are different. One persons brain stores alot of information and crams room for more, while another persons soaks up new information, like a sponge, and releases the old information to make room for the new info.

Anyway, i feel like time is flying way too fast. I find myself wondering what i did last july or last may. But i really can't remember. I remember things like memories, but little random things that i would like to remember, i cant. I cry over it constantly. It's getting to the point where i want to be like 10 again, 1- so i can remember what it was like, and 2- so time would slow down.

I don't want to get any older. I want to stay 14 forever.

:( :(

11-08-2004, 04:54 PM
Your lucky you feel that way I think 14 is a rough age for a lot of people. My 12 year old daughter remembers all kinds of things from long ago but my 13 year old doesn't, I guess it just depends. I remember when my first daughter was born I wanted her to stay a baby forever......

You must have a great family to feel this way just enjoy this very special time in your life.

11-08-2004, 05:01 PM
You'll be surprised to find how many of those things you "don't remember" from now, from your childhood, will come back to you as grow older! The elderly have poor short term memory but long term memory...they can remember back 75 years to when they were 5 like it was yesterday! Try not to worry...;)

11-08-2004, 05:16 PM
:( Awww... Growing up, I could not wait to become an adult. I wanted my freedom, and I was sick of the way my family treated me and I couldn't wait to get out and do whatever I want. Now I'm 18, with a car, and a license... I have more freedom than I've ever had and it feels GREAT! :D

You still have four more years so enjoy them while you can. The hardest thing about being an adult is dealing with adult things... like jobs, bills, etc.. So far, the only bill I'm paying is Megan's surgery, and believe me, it's not easy balancing school with a part-time job, and trying to pay off something really expensive!

Personally, I have a terrible memory as well! I can't even remember what I did last week! LOL Like you, I can remember memories, but I can't remember smaller other things. When my friends and family are like, "Remember when we did this or you said this or that happened?" I'm always like, "No... That happened??" LOL

Samantha Puppy
11-08-2004, 05:21 PM
Yes, the older you get the faster time goes. I can't believe it's already been almost 6 months since my wedding! I can't believe my TEN YEAR REUNION is coming up in less than two years.

On the last day of 8th grade, my parents said "Enjoy the next four years, Jaime... they're the best ones of your life and they will fly by." I just :rolleyes: because the 3 years I'd just finished in middle school were the SLOOOOOOOWEST and most miserable of my life. High school was another year LONGER than what I'd just finished! I knew it'd take forever...

... and before I knew it, I was walking across the stage to get my diploma.

It flies. I know it can be a tough time, but please enjoy it because when you're my age, you'll be looking back and wishing you took more advantage of everything - low responsibility, no homeownership, no bills, etc...

11-10-2004, 08:31 AM
Time goes by at break neck speed the older you get.

I'm now 43, don't feel like it. Feel like I haven't even started my life yet.

I remember, long ago, thinking: only 6 more years of school.

That was 30 years ago. How did it happen?

I have big blank portions of my life and pictures were not that common back then. You wouldn't take pictures everyday.
So, there are several years where I don't even have a picture of myself or my cat.

I'd recommend starting or keeping a journal. I wish I did.

Something easy, not a long drawn out emotional drama book, just a look at what life was like for you..... 'cuse you're gonna forget....:rolleyes: :eek: ;)

12-11-2004, 10:56 AM
Some have a better capacity for remembering things than other people. Lebelieve it has a lot to do with genetics. You say you want to be 14 forever - start a journal today, just write down everything you like about being 14. Fill it, then at your next brithday, put it away and start a new one. That way you will have things written down to "jog" your memory.

12-11-2004, 01:27 PM
I was always a lot like you Amber, never wanting to get older and wanting to remember everything, even the small details. Just try not to spend too much time dwelling on it, or life will pass you by even quicker! Once I stopped concentrating on how much it sucked to get older and enjoying one day at a time, I got much happier!

You've got a lot to look forward to. Driver's license, college, first job, etc etc etc! Take it one day at a time and enjoy it all!