View Full Version : Quinkie

12-05-2001, 06:33 AM
Dear Quinkie. Your beautiful tale of rescue is one of the most touching Pet of the Day tributes ever! As I child, I always loved watching Disney movies in which the little meeces lived in little houses with all the human ammenities! Your mom's description of life at your house fit's that image perfectly! :) Log cabins, porches, mouse-back rides!! :D Oh, what a joyful picture! And Quinkie, that picture of you top left, is precious beyond words! And what a responsible mom you have, making sure that all of you were well and healthy! Congratulations precious, adorable, sweet little Quinkie, our beautiful, very special, most loved Pet of the Day! And Quinkie, say hi to Bitsy and Zig! Did I mention how I ADORE those pink little feet?? :D Kisses, kisses, kisses!!!!

[ December 05, 2001: Message edited by: tatsxxx11 ]

12-05-2001, 09:23 AM
Quinkie, you are neat and sweet!!! I loved your story, especially the part about your human dad finding you by accident! :eek: Sounds like you and your two siblings live in the lap of luxury in your spacious home. How fun it would be to see a picture of the three of you sitting on the porch, watching the world go by!!
Congratulations on your fine life and for being a very special Pet of the Day!!! :)

12-05-2001, 09:28 AM
Quinkie, what a cutie you are. I love the story of the rescue and your family is so very loving and caring. Congradulations on being our sweetest, cutest, littliest, friendliest Very Best Pet of the Day.

12-05-2001, 11:36 PM
Hi all! This is Quinkie's Mommy. I forgot to include her home page. If you want to see her little Log Cabin, her darlin' sisters, and even a picture of a mouse-back ride, CLICK HERE (http://deermouse.sitemouse.com) for Quinkie's home page!

Originally posted by tatsxxx11:
<STRONG>Dear Quinkie. Your beautiful tale of rescue is one of the most touching Pet of the Day tributes ever! As I child, I always loved watching Disney movies in which the little meeces lived in little houses with all the human ammenities! Your mom's description of life at your house fit's that image perfectly! :) Log cabins, porches, mouse-back rides!! :D Oh, what a joyful picture! And Quinkie, that picture of you top left, is precious beyond words! And what a responsible mom you have, making sure that all of you were well and healthy! Congratulations precious, adorable, sweet little Quinkie, our beautiful, very special, most loved Pet of the Day! And Quinkie, say hi to Bitsy and Zig! Did I mention how I ADORE those pink little feet?? :D Kisses, kisses, kisses!!!!

[ December 05, 2001: Message edited by: tatsxxx11 ]</STRONG>

12-06-2001, 05:10 AM
Thank you so much, Mom of Quinkie!! Can't wait to check out the site after work when I can enjoy it! I want to savor every pic! :) Again, your baby is just PRECIOUS!!!! Love to Quinkie and Co.! Sandra

12-06-2001, 07:31 AM
Quinkie's Mom,
I loved your website!! All the pictures are great, and you have inspired me to get my camera focused on our little hamsters, Olivia and Phoebe, who rarely get their pictures taken. :(
I'm so glad you checked in to see us here. We thoroughly enjoyed Quinkie as the Pet of the Day! What a terrific story!!! :D

12-06-2001, 08:48 AM
Sandra, I just checked out your Webshots page and the pics are fabulous! Cody is gorgeous. The pic where Star's nose was covered in snow cracked me up. She was the sweetest looking puppy I ever saw (even her hiney was cute). And Oliver...well, LOL! Squeekers is so cute. I like the timber house. My friend has a couple guinea pigs. They sleep in plastic domes. She calls them "pigloos" - snort. Hugs to your own furballs, Jodi (Quinkie's Mommy)

Originally posted by tatsxxx11:
<STRONG>Thank you so much, Mom of Quinkie!! Can't wait to check out the site after work when I can enjoy it! I want to savor every pic! :) Again, your baby is just PRECIOUS!!!! Love to Quinkie and Co.! Sandra</STRONG>

12-06-2001, 04:16 PM
Hi Jodi! Oh, thank you so much for your kind words! I told all the furry ones about you and your lovely family! Quinkie's website is just wonderful! What a happy, happy home! And like Logan, you've inspired me to take more pics of little Squeekers! I hope to see you guys on Pet Talk! We all loved meeting your beautiful family! Please stick around!! Love, Sandra and the Kids