View Full Version : My poor big guy :(

11-08-2004, 09:44 AM
When Jasper got up this morning, he was just walking around and then he just started crying and moving his paw around...

I went over to look at it to see if anything was wrong with it and didn't see anything so I just rubbed it and eventually he was fine.

Since then(almost 2 hours ago), it has happened several times, like he is getting cramps in his paw :(

Does anyone know what could have caused this, or if I should be concerned?


11-08-2004, 10:32 AM

It hasn't happened for about 45 minutes, so hopefully it won't happen anymore!

PJ's Mom
11-08-2004, 10:37 AM
Bailey does that when she's somehow hurt her little "thumb." The last time, it was so bad she had to go to the doctor for pain medicine. :(

I hope Jasper is better soon. :)

11-08-2004, 11:56 AM
It could be exactly what you think, Robyn... Cramps. Or he may have twisted it. It happens to my pups (or rather, my boys) fairly often. Arthur hurt his hip but with rest, it was fine. And Charlie seems to twist something at least 1 a week. But he's learned how to play the sympathy card. hehe ;)

If you see Jasper limping again, I'd suggest maybe giving him a chewie and keeping him off his feet for a while if you can. :)

11-08-2004, 02:15 PM
It happened again just then :(

Its his back left leg, it's like when he bends his "knee" it stays that way, and he cries so much if I try to straighten it out, so I keep rubbing it and it eventually straightens out.

My mom also told me that it happened to him last night too :(

11-08-2004, 03:20 PM
Originally posted by DogLover9501
It happened again just then :(

Its his back left leg, it's like when he bends his "knee" it stays that way, and he cries so much if I try to straighten it out, so I keep rubbing it and it eventually straightens out.

My mom also told me that it happened to him last night too :(

My previous dog used to suffer with this. Personally, I would have him checked out by a vet. With my dog, it turned out that he was slipping his knee cap simply because the groove where the ball socket fit had worn away.

I also used to rub the knee until the ball 'popped' back into place. It needed an operation to correct it, but it worked wonders:D

11-08-2004, 03:42 PM
I have been through the same scenerio with Nikita ( our first rott ) and now with Monty. Rott's blow out their knees and when it hurts Monty won't stand on that leg or he limps. He's facing surgery down the road to repair this. I don't know if your baby is prone to this problem or not. Just certain breeds seem to get this problem. Well at least more than other breeds. It happened to Nikita while walking her and we were just 2 houses from home when it blew. However the vet says that it's happening over time and then the simplest thing can finish it off. I hope this isn't what's going on with your baby. :( You can likely find out on the net what problems are common with your dog breed. Gee I hope he feels better soon.

Healing hugs, Deb, monty and Kiki:)

11-09-2004, 03:42 PM
Thanks everyone :)

Deb-Yeah I have heard of alot of rotties with knee problems, Im sorry yours is going through it :(

I think Boxers are prone to hip dysplasia(along with MANY other things :(), but I have never heard about them being more likely to develope knee problems, be it could be something like that.

I called the vet today and she told me that his pills wouldn't have anything to do with it and that if it keeps happening to bring him in.

It hasn't happened all day today though :D

Thanks again everyone :)

11-09-2004, 09:03 PM
Ack Robyn the last thing you need is something else to worry over. I am hoping and praying that it was just a temporary problem and it won't come up again. Hugs to poor Jasper, and to you!

11-09-2004, 09:16 PM
Good news that today was a good day. Prayers still with you and your baby that it's nothing and is gone for good.:D
Healing hugs..... Deb, Monty and Kiki:)


11-09-2004, 09:33 PM
I hope sweet Jasper's foot is feeling better soon! Maybe it's just "growing pains"? ;)

11-10-2004, 05:26 AM
Yes,All thoughts and Prayers for Jasper...
Deli used to slip her knne out alot...it was because she was a tad overweight...since slimming down,has not happened....
though Jasper hardly looks overweight!!!

Have your vet check him out!!