View Full Version : MommaCat's kitties and newest addition

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-07-2004, 06:06 PM
MommaCat had posted in Cat Behavior about adding a new member to her fur family. See the thread here (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=63190).

She emailed me pics, so without further ado, here are MommaCat's furkids.

"Here is My Princess Shadow....
She is truly a princess!!!!"

"CLAYTON.....Momma's handsome prince!"

And the newest addition.
"Drum rollllllllll
Here is the new baby.... Taj... As the SPCA calls him.. I Am thinking of TUCKER or Houdini! Little devil keeps escaping!"

Thanks for sending the pics, Deb! They are all adorable and Tucker/Houdini looks quite at home already. :D

Laura's Babies
11-07-2004, 06:46 PM
My sister use to have a cat named Clayton so when you mentioned that name you got my attention!! HI Clayton !!!!

You have beautiful cats and I think that one that keeps escaping is so funny! I think Houdini is the perfect name for him.. Better keep a collar on him in case he escapes to the outside world!!

Princess's color is awesome. So vivid!! My daughter has a cat like that and I think that is just awesome. Such BLACK, WHITE and ORANGE... very, very vivid!

11-07-2004, 08:36 PM
What beautiful kitties!! They are just precious. :)

11-07-2004, 08:45 PM
Hi Laura,
TAJ's new name is TUCKER.....he is a sweetheart.....

I am hoping that he and Clayton work things out. My princess is happy withher little heater and to be left in peace and quiet.. I do her bidding! :-)

My CLayton... CLayton is his Momma's Handsome Prince.....he is Momma's little man... I adore this boy. He is rotten.. as they all should be. Seems like all of my fur children have been thru the fires of hell.

I am so blest that I have been given the chance to love them.

Momma cat.. Deb