View Full Version : Thinking "Outside the Box!" *chuckle*

11-07-2004, 04:35 PM
Ok, let me set the picture...
This past summer we had a sprinkler system installed in our front yard and new sod put down.

My dad decided it was time to fertilize the yard. He grabs a bag of fertilizer and pours it into an empty tidy-cat bucket. (He carries the bucket around and tosses handfuls out on the lawn.)

We live on a corner lot with four way stop signs.

Some guy pulls his motorcycle up to the curb and says, "Excuse me, sir. Can I ask you a question?" Dad, thinking this guy's going to ask for directions, nods. The guy proceeds, "What exactly does kitty litter do for you yard?"

Dad told him (and how he kept a straight face, I'll never know...),
"When we water, the clay helps lock in the moisture." :rolleyes: :D

"Huh. Well, your yard sure looks good. Thanks!" And he rolls away...

Somewhere in this town, some poor soul's buying cat litter and it's not for the litterbox! lol

11-07-2004, 04:38 PM
OMG, that is so funny! :D :D What a sense of humor!


11-07-2004, 04:40 PM
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha !!! That's too funny!

What a great joker your dad is to be able to keep a straight face like that!

hee hee! :D

11-07-2004, 04:46 PM

Edwina's Secretary
11-07-2004, 05:05 PM
What would be even more funny is if the guy tries it and it works!!!

Laura's Babies
11-07-2004, 07:04 PM
OMG! THat is WAY to funny!!!!!

Cinder & Smoke
11-07-2004, 11:22 PM
Originally posted by zippy-kat

Dad told him (and how he kept a straight face,
I'll never know...)

Somewhere in this town,
some poor soul's buying cat litter
and it's not for the litterbox! lol

Oh how I WISH I could think that fast!

Your Dad has a rare gift!

I hope he enjoys "using" it! :D

GOOD ONE, Dad!! ;)

11-07-2004, 11:26 PM
LOL too funny!! :D

11-07-2004, 11:40 PM
that is Hilarious!
my dad would do the same thing!!!

11-08-2004, 06:13 AM
Good one!! lolhttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v367/pamelagraves/leaves.gif

11-08-2004, 06:18 AM
Way to funny!!!:D :D :D

11-08-2004, 08:53 AM
That belongs,in the Late Al Jaffees Mad page ,Snappy Answers To Stupid Questions!