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Samantha Puppy
11-07-2004, 12:41 PM
Know why I can't hear Kirin? Because he isn't wheezing. Why isn't he wheezing? Because I took Fox-Gal's advice and gave him terramycin and he's sounding *so* much better! I am absolutely THRILLED!!! There is no little crusted snot beneath his little nose from where it ran and dried anymore. He still makes a little sound while breathing but nowhere near what it used to be! Another few days of this stuff and I think we'll have finally kicked that nasty cold! You have never seen a meowmy so happy. :)

Since he and Sushi like to drink Samantha's water as opposed to their own, I had to shut them in the spare room/bathroom last night. They weren't thrilled and I heard them mewing and scratching to get out a couple times last night but I think it was worth it. I could definitely tell that the water had been drunk during the night. :D

I'm thrilled. Thank you SO MUCH Fox-Gal for mentioning terramycin. :)

11-07-2004, 12:45 PM
That is wonderful news,that you found a medicine,to help Kirin,and we are so pleased,that he is sounding,so much better!

11-07-2004, 01:00 PM
That's GREAT news! :D So happy to hear that little Kirin is getting well.

11-07-2004, 01:56 PM
Great news!
I hope this is the cure that you've been waiting for. :)

Samantha Puppy
11-07-2004, 10:26 PM
Thanks everyone. I'm absolutely thrilled. :D I thought he was feeling fine before, because he was still eating and drinking and playing but he has been a little DEVIL today - so I know he definitely wasn't feeling 100% before but now is. :)

He's got Samantha chasing him all over the house. Earlier today, he stalked her tail and attacked, instigating a chase. He and Sushi have been beating the hell out of each other all day. I can't tell you how relieved I am to see my boy acting so different. *sigh* :)

Now I just hope he starts to settle down... it's 11:30pm and my bedtime!

11-07-2004, 10:34 PM
Heee heee! Reminds me of - myself! I am an asthmatic, and once at summer camp I had an asthma attack as we were settling down to bed. Well, my counselor had to run a mile or so to the nurse's cabin because we weren't allowed to keep our own medication with us - silly rule. Took my medicine, and went to sleep. Suddenly (once the medication kicked in) the other campers couldn't hear me wheeze, and thought I had died! They got all worried, shone flashlights in my face, called my name to no response (I was exhausted and SOUND asleep) and finally one girl thought to hold a mirror in front of my mouth so they could tell I was breathing and alive. I slept soundly through the whole thing, and they all told me about it the next day, to their own great chagrin!

So glad Kirin's feeling better, even if that means he's being a punk kitten! ;) Just tell Samantha to hide her tail!

11-08-2004, 06:32 AM
GREAT news!!! He's acting like Rosco!! Good luck and enjoy the hilarious wonders of a happy and well kitten!:D :D :D

11-08-2004, 06:53 AM
Oh, what GREAT news!

Samantha Puppy
11-08-2004, 08:54 AM
LOL, Karen. :) There've been times that I had to study Kirin really hard to make sure his tummy was moving up and down.

I woke up with two kittens snuggled up against me this morning... first time they've done that. Kirin's wheezing is still gone and this meowmy is thrilled!! :D