View Full Version : Asprin Dosage???

11-07-2004, 11:53 AM
How much buffered asprin should I give Sahara for the pain with her paws?? We have Bayer low dosage/safety coated kind here...only 81 mg per tablet. I called our animal hospital to get a recommended dosage and they said they "don't give any other their animals asprin so they wouldn't know"...?!?! This poor girl is pitiful so I want to get some sort of pain relief into her. Any info would help greatly! :D

btw...she is about 100 pounds right now...

11-07-2004, 12:00 PM
I got this from Vetinfo4dogs.com (http://www.vetinfo4dogs.com/daspirin.html). It says coated aspirin is not recommended. I have Bufferin on had in case mine ever need a bit of aspirin.

Aspirin Dosage

Q: Thanks for the info . The dog is stiff but does not appear to be in pain, esp when the doorbell rings. What dose of aspirin is best and is enteric coated of any value in dogs? I have him on 325mg/day right now . Steve

A: Steve- I use 10mg/lb. of body weight twice a day for aspirin. Enteric coated aspirin is not recommended in dogs because about half the time the coating isn't digested and the aspirin is excreted whole in the stool.

Hope that helps!

11-07-2004, 12:01 PM
hhmm...never mind :D I found a great site for information...

She is going to get 5 this time of the baby aspirin...we'll see how it works! fingers and paws crossed

11-07-2004, 12:04 PM
I'm sorry Sahara is still feeling bad give her some love from me...

11-07-2004, 12:35 PM
Thanks Jods! She needs all the love she can get...I hate to see those "sad eyes"...but she is resting comfortably now with a sock on her foot and some aspirin in her tummy.

Micki - thanks for the info :D I think we're going to get some Bufferin for us to have on hand too. I'm afraid this is going to be an ongoing problem from the mange she had. We're talking about needed to get her dipped about once a month for a while to see if that helps her skin.

Thanks so much :D It feels so great to have a wonderful family on hand to help with questions about my girls